December 5, 2005

Bird's Eye View of Avalon Peninsula (Caw! Caw!)

Arion has put together an amazing map of the entire Avalon peninsula, as well as some of the houses that are located past the neck of the peninsula. You can view the larger version of the map by following the link below:

Click here to see the larger version of the Avalon Map

Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 2:58 PM

December 3, 2005

2005: Year in Review

Its been awhile since I've updated this page, so I'll be publishing a Year in Review section over the course of this evening compiling the events which happened in Avalon this year, as well as those related monumental events which occured elsewhere:

The Year in Review: 2005

There you have it folks, the year in Review. If you have any additional information to add, please let me know over on the Avalon Forum and I'll put it in.

Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 4:59 PM

October 20, 2004

Taylor Places 4th in BSR Archery Tournament!

The following news was recently posted to the Stratics Baja Board by Theoran of the Society of Archers (portrait separate):
Nearing the end of its third season, the "Best Shot in the Realm" Archery Tournament returned in full force this weekend! The Society of Archers (S|A) Baja Chapter, hosts of the event, announced that there will be a new BSR Tournament every three weeks until the final seats in the season-ending "BSR Tournament of Champions" are filled. This unique event will pit the previous 12 monthly winners head-to-head to determine the land's finest shot, and to compete for a prize never before seen in such an event! With only four seats remaining, and with one up for grabs this past weekend, dozens of the land's finest marksmen gathered at the Skara Brae Fairegrounds on Sunday to test their mettle against the realm's best.

As one familiar face after another arrived at the Fairegrounds, it became clear that the coveted spot in the season-ending finale would be hard earned this day. Many previous competitors, several encrusted in BSR Lore, were at the event, mixing in with a few new faces and a large crowd gathered to observe. You could just tell that something more than the 100,000gp purse motivated these Archers. The excitement could be felt in the air as the event kicked off!

The first round, yet again, proved to be nothing more than a warm-up, as the Archers gauged the wind and made their adjustments for future rounds. With everyone passing the initial round, the bar score was raised, and the games began! One by one the Archers fell out, as the score continued to rise, and the competition intensified. The level of talent at this month's event was jaw dropping, as after several full rounds nearly a dozen Archers still stood.

Taking into account the sheer talent gathered, the Archers were asked to display nothing short of perfection: three arrows all placed in the dead center of the target. What used to be a deciding and insurmountable round in tournaments past, amazingly proved to be nothing more than another tune-up for this gang... as six Archers stuck all their shots in the bullseye, to a roaring crowd's approval! Realizing that this particular group of Archers might fire bullseyes well into the night if given the chance, the remaining competitors were paired head-to-head, one Archer to continue, one who's day would be done.

Ruffus Cahn and Atheina started out the new style of round, and both posted excellent scores. But this was to be Ruffus's day, and he managed to squeak out a close round, splitting his final arrow clean in half, causing a roar that could be heard back at the Skara docks. Hearing their name called, Taylor and Lezander D'flaye, two experienced competitors in the BSR event, calmly took their marks. With a bow of mutual respect the two Archers let fly... Thhwack! Both arrows stuck neatly out of the bullseye. With a nod of approval, the Archers let fly again. And yet again, they matched jaw-dropping bullseyes. After five shots each, these two remarkable Archers were dead even. The noise was deafening as it was announced that they would continue shooting until we had a winner. Taylor quieted the crowd and then let fly another arrow, and yet again it struck gold, burying itself inside the now-crowded bullseye. Many in the crowd thought that shot would be it, but not Lezander.

Lezander D'flaye stared down his butte and choose his shot. The arrow tore through the air, and buried itself in the bullseye, splitting the shaft of a previous shot clean in two. A brief moment of disbelief passed over the crowd, before it roared back up, realizing Lezander had done the unthinkable, Lezander had won the pairing! With near flawless shooting still not being enough this day, Taylor could do nothing but tip his hat to Lezander... and the event continued!

The final group paired two Archers of S|A against eachother, Caelan and Daphne. Both were experienced competitors in the event, and both had been here before. Yet again the crowd was thrilled, as these excellent Archers matched eachother shot for shot. Once again the final arrow would decide the winner of the pairing, as Daphne's shot just missed the mark, giving Caelan a seat in the finals. The Fairegrounds buzzed with excitement, the crowd was exhausted from the cheering, and we had not yet found our winner!

Shooting for score in the final round, Ruffus, Lezander and Caelan went right back at it. Astronomical rounds were posted by all three contestants, and everyone in attendance could feel that this crowd gathered was something truly special. But this was to be Ruffus Cahn's day, as he time and time again delivered in the clutch, and delivered when it was needed.

Ruffus Cahn was awarded the title of "Best Shot in the Realm", and given the hard-earned 100,000gp purse. As mentioned before, Ruffus now also holds a seat in the year-ending "BSR Tournament of Champions", and will be represented in the finale, which will truly determine Baja's finest shot. The S|A Baja Chapter would like to congratulate Ruffus on his remarkable victory! His shooting on Sunday was truly second to none.

Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 1:44 AM

October 1, 2004

Everything Indeed!

A very familiar face from Avalon’s past has just been interviewed at EA’s recent ‘UO Community Day’. The full report was found yesterday on the Stratics Community News Board. Some of you might recognize her as Crysania, the 4th Captain of Avalon’s old Elite Guard Unit, the Guards of Avalon [GoA]:

Community Day Exclusive Interview: Niobe

At the Community Day, Lady Malynn got to meet a very nice person who is one of the newer members of the UO development team. Her name is Jennifer Lane (Niobe). Niobe has been working exclusively on the Samurai Empire expansion.

Lady Malynn: What is your role in the expansion team?

Niobe: I am a Designer. I’ve been working on the Samurai Empire since the UO development team moved to California in April. So, I’ve been on this project about 6 months.

I’ve done a lot of work with the new creatures in Samurai Empire. I worked on such things as creature tables and the new house objects. I had a lot of input into the new content for Samurai Empire.

I got to work closely with Oaks. That was a great opportunity. I really admire him.

Lady Malynn: What has been particularly challenging for you on this project?

Niobe: I worked on Earth and Beyond before joining the UO development team. But, I’ve played Ultima Online since it came out. I’m a long-time UO player. Working on UO involves a different set of tools and different people. But, it’s been a good experience. It’s nice to get back to a fantasy type game. It’s great seeing it all come together and work.

Lady Malynn: Did you learn anything when developing an Asian-themed expansion that surprised you? Anything you that caused you to think… “Wow! That’s neat!”

Niobe: Oh yes! I did a lot of research into the Japanese lore. We didn’t want to offend anyone in the Asian culture when we made Samurai Empire.

Japanese lore and the feudal Japanese stories behind the culture are fascinating. We chose many of the Samurai Empire creatures based on that lore. The depth of the stories behind some of the creatures is amazing.

Did you know that there are many different types of dragons? Even the number of toes on a dragon has meaning. Did you know some dragons have wings and some do not? Only the most powerful and ancient of the dragons in Japanese lore have wings. Most Japanese dragons do not fly; our Samurai Empire dragons do not fly.

Lady Malynn: If you were going to create a new Samurai Empire character, would it be a ninja or samurai? Why?

Niobe: I think people will pick the ninja initially because it’s cool. But, I think I would try the Samurai first. After people try Samurai Empire for a while, I think they will appreciate the abilities of the samurai.

Lady Malynn: What is your favorite new feature in Samurai Empire and why?

Niobe: I can only pick one? *laughs*

I like that chefs are getting something to do. And I like the new items. I am really excited about all the new craftables in Samurai Empire.

Niobe previously worked on the Community Team for EA's Earth & Beyond and then became a E&B developer until her job on the SE expansion team.

Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 2:13 AM

July 19, 2004

Avalon News Page Functioning

The Avalon news page is under reconstruction, but is once again functioning. Additional tweaks will continue to be applied, and functionality will continue to improve.

Posted by Keith at 4:21 PM

October 9, 2002

Grand Reunion Ball

Earlier last month on Sept 8th, Lady Angelica played hostess to the Avalon Grand Reunion Ball at the Town Hall. Many familiar faces streamed through the well decorated edifice and congregated on the roof, where multiple 'named' books lined the floor evoking countless memories from years past.

Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 12:01 PM

Local Library Bean Counter Strikes 50K

The Avalon Rune Library recently celebrated its 50,000th visitor this last Thursday eve, when Lord Gazoo of the Cowboys of Baja (CBY) stepped through the double-doors of the establishment to be met with fireworks, smoke, and cheers from his guildmates. Gazoo, the 'Psychotic Cowboy', was awarded with a 100,000gp bank check for his timely appearance.

We would like to thank all the other 49,999+ mages who have graced the library for the past 4+ years, making it one of the most well used buildings in Felucca as well as one of the oldest viable rune institutions across the shards.

Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 12:00 PM

August 19, 2002

"" Domain Name Update

The "" domain name is switching to a cheaper registrar. Nothing should really happen that anyone would notice, but in case someone see's a little "hiccup," that's probably the reason. ;]

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

February 23, 2002

Felucca Treasure Dig

Corp Por!Meeting in secret chambers earlier last week, Jaedra the Dean of Archaelogy for THB studied the ancient Avalon treasure maps and made notes as to the final approaches planned for Thursday the 21st of February.

Twelve hunters (Wint, Lord Rover, Kara Muro, Willard III, Elladan, Taylor, Gord, Orla, Xana, Hazard, and Diltard) came together at Jaedra's call at 8pm PDT and headed out to various jungle environs on the facet of Felucca, following the path that she had mapped out earlier.

The 'Level 5' maps turned out to be quite the challenge, providing the group with many deaths (some multiple) as well as a multiude of riches. Battling their way through demons, elder gazers, lich lords, and blood/posion elementals, the crew managed to take back
quite the haul to the coffers back home in Avalon.

Rumor has it that twice as many treasure maps are still on hand for the mirror facet of Trammel. A date has not yet been set for excavation as the maps are still under study.

Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 12:00 PM

February 6, 2002

Banners Hoisted

Recently several banners have been hoisted in Avalon at the Bank of Avalon, the Ministry of Defense, the Ocean View Observatory, and the Avalon Public Library. These join those already in place at the Avalon Rune Library and the Avalon Town Hall. Special thanks to Shard, Jixxa, and Turmoil for making these new town markers possible.

Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 12:00 PM

January 27, 2002

Savage Strike Continues Despite Exodus

On Thursday night a handful of Avalon citizens and friends gathered in Feluccian Papua, originally intending on driving the Savages from the swamps. The original intention had to be altered however.

Apparently one or two nights previous, the Savages might have caught wind of the attack or had other devious plans, as they suddently disappeared from Papuan soil.

Despite the fact the savages had gone to Ilshenar, our small group of warriors and mages decided to gate into the City of the Dead and see if any were left therein. Our efforts were rewarded with a savage battle that raged for about an hour and a half, until our supplies ran dry.

An incomplete list of the participants follows: laylin (sp?), soy sauce, Sir Mike of Adun, Rover, Discordia, Ginger, Misanthrope, Jordan, Vulcifar.

Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 12:00 PM

August 16, 2001

PvP Tournament in Avalon this Sunday!

Hail & well met! The City of Avalon will be holding a PvP Tournament Sunday, August 19th, pitting Sosaria's greatest warriors in a fight to the death in Feluccia’s far reaches. All fighters of each class will enter the ring and only one will leave alive. There will be 6 classes with a check for 200k going to each class winner.

The classes of fighting will be as follows:

1. Swords/Fencing
2. Mace
3. Axe
4. Magery
5. Archery
6. Taming

The rules are as follows:

All fighters must flag when entering the fighting ring. There is a maximum of 10 bandages and five of each pot (don't want it to last all day). Tamers will be limited to rideable mounts, due to room constraints. DP'd weapons, magic weapons, magic armor & looting are allowed. No contestant will be rezzed until the winner of his or her respective class is determined.

This event will be at held at the Avalon Events Tower (123 29N 26 51E) on Sunday, August 19th at 3pm EST, 12 PDT. So come one come all & find out who the greatest warriors in the lands are!!!!! To find our city, please consult the maps found at the following location:

Katie of Avalon

Posted by Claude at 12:00 PM

July 23, 2001

New Avalon Gear

Cafe Press recently made some additional goods available for it's users, such as some hats, a tank top, a tote bag, boxer shorts. I jumped all over this and set up some more Avalon and ANO merchandise items. Check out what's now available at http:/ and http:/

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

June 10, 2001

Final Updates to the Avalon Message Boards and Web Site

Recently, Baja’s player-city of Avalon, in the wake of SitePowerUp's closing, began exploring the option of hosting it's own message forums. Although a certain amount of success was achieved, difficulties with the site’s hosing server(s) forced the Avalon Web site and forums down for nearly a week.

Avalon’s new Open Forum is now part of the new Ultima Online message forums at UO Stratics. These “guild forums” there are collected together, so one registration conveniently applies to all of these guild forums. Avalon’ new Open Forum resides, of course, in the Baja grouping, and can specifically found here.

Wonderously, Avalon’s web site is enjoying a week-long time warp, and is comepletely reverted to its fully functional self based on Saturday, June 2nd. Avalon’s Emergency Forums will remain in place as a supplement to the forum(s) at UO Stratics.

Thank you everyone for your patience in these matters.

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

May 27, 2001

Avalon’s New Emergency Forums

The Websmiths of Avalon have often explored methods of communication alternate to what may currently be in use. Even if the primary message boards are not accessable, we still need to be able to relay mesages to each other. One such alternative is our “Emergency Forums” area, originally a testing area for a new form system, now upgraded to be usable when our primary message boards go down. They’re available at (or look for the “Emergency Forums” link in the navigation column on the left).

These test-turned-backup forums are internal to the Avalon web site, which means that there's no pop-up ads, and they'll be available with the same up-time frequency as the Web site, itself.

Posted by Keith at 12:01 PM

Temporary Public Board Change

Until we can find out what is wrong with SitePowerUp, our temporary message board is:

This is will be temporary too until we can find a more permanent replacement that does not have all the pop-ups.

Posted by Claude at 12:00 PM

February 26, 2001

Avalon Naval Operations Merchandise Now Available

Avalon Naval Operations Merchandise Now Available

The Avalon Naval Operations defends the shores of Avalon: City of Destiny, a player community on the Felucca facet of Ultima Online's Baja Shard. The ANO combines an official fleet, merchant vessels, and conscripted private ships—each of them full of Avalonians proud to serve & protect their home.

The City of Destiny is now proud to announce that you can share in the honor of supporting Avalon's fleet by owning your own ANO t-shirt, sweatshirt, baby-doll T, or 11oz. mug, now available at

This new design joins the original "Avalon: City of Destiny" products, still available at

Read more about Avalon at, or e-mail questions & comments to

Posted by Keith at 12:01 PM

Avalon's Minister of Defense Resigns

hawksong, Avalon's current Minister of Defense, posted her resignation today, on the Avalon Open Forum, here:

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

January 18, 2001

Avalon Wedding and CoC

Well folks, it has finally happened. What's that you ask? Well Marge has agreed to Marry Homer Jay in Avalon on Saturday January the 20th 2001 at 3:00 P.M. Pac Day Time and Following this Outstanding Event will be a Special Contest of Champions!

4:00 PM PDT at the Avalon Arena, will be a Special CoC!!!

It will be a Standard Contest, with a New added Catagory of a Couples Contest! Soooooo.... Bring you Favorite Wepons and arm up and prepare for a Day to Remember. oh, and don't forget your Partner!

Cheers All!!!

Posted by Blind Hawk at 12:00 PM

January 6, 2001

Avalon Public Library - Management Changes

Be it known that our dear Sire BlindHawk is the new caretaker of, and Librarian at, the Avalon Public Library. I'm very happy to leave the library in such good hands, and I rest asured he will take the library to unforseen hights of repute and glory!

As far as I know, it is the oldest standing player run library in the world, counting all shards. Many a library have I seen founded and dacayed, and one can wonder why the APL has lasted so long. Well, you can wonder, because I know why. Setting up a library and collecting the 28+ ingame book titles isn't all that difficult, and then what? Had it not been for the keen interest of you, my dear avalonians, and for your treasured contributions of fiction and memories, diaries and fantasies, the APL would prolly not be today. Among a number of player written titels, the library today hosts the two longest epic tales on the shard; Jack the Fool's story 'The Day Began With a Dream', and BlindHawk's 'Phoenix Rising - The return of a Son'. Both of star quality!

I never seem to remember the name of the founder of the libary, back in the misty times of creation, but I think a man called Elminster was involved. Always when I ask about this, Hazard knows the answer :-)

Honestly if feels a bit strange not being librarian any longer. I'v held the position for the city since early fall of '98, and it has come to define me in so many ways. I feel that being a very good reason in it self to step down, and try redefine myself, don't you? So what am I to do now? Well, after my housewarming, I will dig out my wandering staff, and take to the roads for a while, to see what has happened to the lands while I'v been busy in Avalon. I have not yet discovered the Trammel aspect of life, so maybe I go visit Lorcan Riain over there. meanwhile, leonardo and Ultan will still be busy in and about Avalon, and Celest will keep an eye out for evildoers from the GoA hut. Maybe even Antonio will manage to chop some lumer, who knows?

It has been an honour and a privilege to serve our fair city!


Jerk, Former Librarian at the Avalon Public Library, CoA

Posted by Jerk at 12:00 PM

December 26, 2000

It is My Sad Duty to Report the Following News *Grumbles*

Tonight in Avalon, One of the Landmark Historic Buildings Decayed.

At Approximately 7:52 Eastern Daylight Time, on December the 26th 2000, The Last of the Dead Dove Tavern Rare Items were placed in GodLand by GM Starblade as a few of the Town Council stood by and watched with Overwhelming Emotions.

One of the Older Establishments in the City of Destiny, the Dead Dove has always been a part of the Rich History and Culture which set Her apart from the rest, and made Avalon one of the Most Unique places on Baja. Once the Home of the Rogue Bretheren, the Dove was often the In Place for the Thieves and Assassins to come together in a Neutral Place, and having set their differences aside, Consume Large Quantities of Ale and Ribs, and Pick each others pockets to pay for the next round.

I am hoping when I say that nothing of great value came up missing, for as soon as The Lady Jixxa let loose a flock of Pigeons, The Minister of Defense, and many others were promptly on the scene to ward off any who would profit from Our Loss. It does appear that very little can be done at the moment to restore the Dead Dove to Her former Glory, but this reporter has it on good authority that the Blessed Walls will remain standing, and no other placement will be made Until this situation is resolved.

Well folks, thats all for now. I will update this story as it unfolds.

Keeping a Hawks Eye View out for Our Interests, I'll be seeing you...

The Son of Avalon

Posted by Blind Hawk at 12:00 PM

December 7, 2000

Tale Spinners Publik Ale Haus Grand Opening

Greetings to All,

Tale Spinners Publick Ale Haus Grand Opening!!! **See story bottom for more details**

Well folks I am pleased to Announce that as of Today December 7th 2000, Just 2 years after it's Original Opening, The Tale Spinners Publik Ale Haus of Avalon" is Back in Business.

The History of Tale Sipnners is rather shrouded in mystery, Much like is Avalon Herself, but a bit of it I can relate here.

Original Tale~Spinners Publick Ale House: Opened December 7th 1998
Owned by: Odin the Grey CoA
Original Purpose: A Place to come and Relax awhile, Spin a Tale and have a Cookie
Original Tales: 32
Second Tale~Spinners Publick Ale House: Opened July 17th 2000
Owned by: Blind Hawk Son of Avalon CoA
Original Purpose: To recapture the Mystery and Majesty of Avalon and Her People in the Tales and Writings of Her Citizens
Board Closed Due to Some Malfunction October 22nd 2000
Tale Spinners Publick Ale Haus of Avalon: Opened December 7th 2000
Owned by: Blind Hawk Son of Avalon CoA
Original Purpose: To Recapture the Tales of the Land, of Avalon and Her People, Friends and Others. To Create a Warm and Relaxing Atmosphere where People can come and Spin a Tale, relate an adventure, Sing a Song, Tell a Peom, or just have a chat and Some Milk and Cookies.
Literary Location: Tale Spinners Publik Ale Haus of Avalon Physical Location: (Temporarily on Trammel) Hodur has Donated the Bottom Floor of his Cabin Southwest of Yew for the Purpose of Housing the Archives and so people can come and Share their Tales.
Grand opening Trammel: Saturday December 9th, 2000 7:00 P.M. Check back later as a Map will be Provided, Also there will be Door Prizes, Refreshments and Tales will be Told.

Posted by Blind Hawk at 12:00 PM

December 5, 2000

This Just In from the UO Site

Greetings All,

I thought this to be A newsworthy Article, not only in it's content but in the fact that it is So Very close to Home. I wonder who will show up... Your Faithful News Hawk


Sponsor: Smith Durrel & Smith Jeri of O.P.U.S.
Location: Jhelom Fighting Pits in Felucia
Start DATE: Dec 9 2000 5:00PM PST
End DATE: Dec 9 2000 7:00PM PST
Recurrance: 1 Time Only

Hear Ye Hear Ye

Proudly sponsor a Grand Tournament of Warriors

On December 9, 2000, 5:00 PST test your Warrior skills with the best in the Land at the Jehlom Pit in Felucia

Events to include Swordsmanship, Jousting, & Archery

Grand Prize - Valorite suit of armor
Full plate for Swords & Jousting, Heavy Archer for Archery

Second Prize - Gold suit of armor

Third Prize - Shadow suit of armor

Bring your skills, equipment and courage to face the best in the land to the Jhelom First Defense Blacksmith shop in Trammel. Free gates will be provided to Fel.
Entry Fee - waived to all combatants using or wearing equipment made by an O.P.U.S. Blacksmith. All other entrants a small 500gp entry fee is all it takes to see if you are the toughest warrior in Baja. This is a one on one competition - each winner advancing to the next round. Only one heal allowed per round. No magic allowed. Events will be run simultaneously. Jousting on one side of the Pit, Archery & Swords on the other.

Thank you and hope to see you there, Durrel of OPUS.

Posted by Blind Hawk at 12:00 PM

December 4, 2000

New News Hawk Joins the Avalon Journalistic Staff

Well Gentle Readers it Finally Happened

The Avalonian News Reporting Staff just grew one larger as today that "Crazy ole Half Blind Wordman" has Joined the Ranks to Bring you the News as it happens...

More on this Later or Film at eleven, which ever comes first


Posted by Blind Hawk at 12:00 PM

December 2, 2000

Avalon Fair/Tourney/and Miss Britania contest

Romanowski posted the following on the Avalon Public Forum, specifically here:

Avalon Fair/Tourney/and Miss Britania contest
Hello everyone this is Romo Sgt. Of the gaurd for GOA. Any way I am planning on throwing a Christmas Fair, where there will be a tourney for fighting and a Miss Britania contest, which will have a formal dress, swim suit and warrior dress part in it, also a talent portion. Also a scavenger hunt will be held that day. Time date still to be determined any one who want to lend a hand contact Romo either here or Icq. Will be prizes and fun for everyone.

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

November 28, 2000

Here Ye... Here Ye... An Official Announcement

The following announcement was posted by Blind Hawk "the Wordman" to the Avalon Public Forum:

Here Ye... Here Ye... An Official Announcement
We Interrupt your Regularly Scheduled Program for a Special Announcement. At 6:00 O'Clock P.M (PDT) at the Events tower of Avalon will be held a Special Induction Ceremony. One of Our Most Hailed and Beloved Citizens Blade (The Sword of Avalon) Previously... :)> Will be Inducted into the Hall Honor as the New Prime Minister of Avalon.
Come one Come all...
Share the Joy and Bring your Best Wishes to Our New Prime Minister. He has Worked Hard for Our Fair City and We Know He will serve well.
So Bring you Friends, Your Dragons, Your Pets and your Best Sword and Shield, Harp, Poison Katana, and Remember...
This is a Special Ceremony! Any Injustice will be dealt with Swiftly and Drastic Measures will be taken to Anyone Found to Be Killing, PKing, Looting, or Peeing in the Pool
We Now return you to your Regularly Scheduled Programming.
Hope to See ya there...
BH the PR Dude...
BlindHawk (Son of Avalon CoA)

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

November 25, 2000

Baja's Avalon undergoes some wonderful changes

Avalon, a player-city located west of the Dungeon Wrong in Felucca on Ultima Online’s Baja Shard, is proud to announce several important changes:

Directions to Avalon can be found at the new web site, here.

Websmith of Avalon

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

November 2, 2000

My Resignation as Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Reiko posted the following official notice here, on the Avalon Public Forum:

My Resignation as Prime Minister.
My Friends,
As much as I wish I wouldn't be typing this to you, I must. As most of you have seen I have been away from UO for a while, not getting much time to play, or even to talk to most of you. As of the now the Prime Minister spot is once again vacant. I am not doing anyting for the city of Avalon. My goal was to come and help this city. In perspective, I have done nothing. None of you did anything to make me leave, as a matter of fact, you are the best UO players I have ever met in my time. You all have been very wonderful to me and I wish to thank all of you for that. Nobody, Dane, Jixxa, BlindHawk, Gil, Shard, Claude a special thnaks to all of you for making me feel welcme in the city. I will be moving all of my items out of the small tower I occupied, and Jixxa once again will have ownership. I hope the fair city of Avalon will flourish once again soon. I will be around to say hi every chnace I get. You all have been wonderful, my dream was to be the PM of Avalon. YOU all made it happen. Thank you all, I mean it.

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

October 23, 2000

Avalon Hosting Halloween Party!!!

Reiko, Prime Minister of Avalon, posted the following on the Avalon Public Forum:

Avalon Hosting Halloween Party!!!
Hail People of Sosaria!
The City of Avalon will be hosting a Halloween party Saturday, October 28. I invite all to meet at the Avalon Town Hall (Feluccia) to start the evening, with a "Best Costume Contest. The categories are as follows.
The judges are:
The Prize for this event will be a check for 20K.
The next events will be a “Trick-or-Treat” session, where you can Trick-or-Treat all over Brittiania and whoever brings back the most goodies wins the Prize of 20K.
After that, A “Ghost Story Telling” Contest will begin. On the roof of the Avalon Town Hall, everyone and anyone can compete. Rules are:
Then the party will hot the Dead Dove Tavern for some Halloween Ale, and what better place than the Dead Dove! Get scared, get frightened, and get drunk!
As the night come to an end, I will be asking everyone to come to the Avalon Town Hall for a little suprize us Avalonians will be giving.
I hope to have a great crowd on hand, remember, bring your best costume, and be ready to have a great time. All who come will be rewarded in some way!!!
Thanks Everyone!
Prime Minister of Avalon,

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

October 12, 2000

A Festival Was Held Octobre 8th, here are the results!

Avalon's Newest Members
Hall of Champs

In the fury of being whipped with horse tails we have declared a champion horseman!!! On this day we name Puggy II as our winner!!!

For our silly mages and this was a tough one... After much consideration and mind bending we have none other than Cerpicio as our champion!!!!

The bardic story telling again was a hard one... So many wonderful tales... Since we couldn't name Meredith as our winner we chose Scorpio as this festivals champ!!!

The mightiest warrior in the non magic melee, but perhaps it would be more fitting to say warriorette, is Nemesis
For magic melee our champion is Yeager in a well fought round of excitement.
Our final champion, but by far not least, is our archer of the day Billy. He stunned everyone in a grand match!!!

And lastly and perhaps most important is the winner of the Best Bird contest...This goes to Golden's own Ursula!!! *Caw Caw Caw*

One and all and watch for further events!!!
Stay in the know by checking at our message board!

Wish you to have a personal recount of the festival, go to this url:

Posted by Jerk at 12:00 PM

September 12, 2000

Shard wide cooperation has given us the story behind Khaldun!

At your local public library, the notebooks and journals of Tavara Sewel, Grimmoch Drummel and Lysander Gathenwale are on display. They were all in an excavation team, digging out the tomb of Khal Ankur. What happend, and why they are cursed, you can find out by risking your life and going to the dungeon, or take a day trip to the library in Avalon West - not less risky mind you...

I am also happy to be able to display a research journal of late Na-Krul of the Dark Tower. It contains his notes from the experiments and studies he did on the materia Blackrock, the root of much evil in our realm. Considering that the Dark Tower has fallen asleep, and that the current location of the piece of Blackrock they held is unknown, makes this book a must for all adventurers in Britannia!


Jerk, librarian at Avalon Public Library

Posted by Jerk at 12:00 PM

August 21, 2000

Avalon Induction Ceremony This Weekend!

Reiko, Prime Minister elect of Avalon, posted this on the Avalon Open Forum:

Avalon Induction Ceremony This Weekend!
Hail All,
There will be an Avalon Induction Ceremony for the new Govenment officals Saturday Night, at 8pm Est. time and will end when the last person walks out the doors. It will take place (spawn permitting) on the roof level on the Avalon Town Hall. I ask you to wear formal attire, you might want to keep the old sword and shield handy incase of a quick spawn up.
The ceremony will feature the new Avalon Government officals being sworn into their rank, and given their title. I ask all the officals that are being sworn in to arrive a half hour before the start of the ceremony for a quick fill in on what will happen. Food and refreshments will be on hand for your consumption. I look to have a good turnout and most of all to have a great party! See you all there!!!
Avalon Prime Minister

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

August 13, 2000

Avalon's Sunday Night Ceremony Postponed

Due to unforseen real life circumstances, the ceremony wherein Baja's player-city of Avalon (Felucca) would swear-in it's new leaders is postponed. Originally planned on the night of Sunday, August 13th, the celebration is delayed until further notice. Updated information shall be posted at the first available opportunity.

For more information, please refer to the Avalon Web site at, and it's Public Forum at

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

August 10, 2000

Who wants their own [yourname]

As an occassional reminder, I'd like to point out that I can set up "[yourname]" e-mail redirects for you. What this means is that, for example, would not be a mailbox all it's own, but any e-mail sent to it would automatically forward into his "actual" e-mailbox. I'd just need to know you're normal e-mail address, and could set it up within a day or two.

This is open for any (active) participant of Avalon.

Posted by Keith at 12:01 PM

Induction Ceremony for the New Officals.

Avalon's Prime Minister Reiko posted this notice:

Induction Ceremony for the New Officals.
I invite all of Avalon to join in celebration for the induction ceremony of the new Government officals of Avalon. The ceremony will begin promptly at 8pm est time Sunday night, and will end when the last person walks out the doors.
The celebration will take place on the roof of the Avalon town hall. The ceremony will feature all of the officals being sworn in to there rank, and will be given there title.
I will contact certain people to help me with getting everything set up. Please attend and show your support to you new Avalon Government.
Formal attire is in order, and most of all...have a good time!!! I will be looking forward to seeing you there!
Your Prime Minister,

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

July 28, 2000

And the votes have been counted!!!

The following notice was posted by Angelica to the Avalon Open Forum:

And the votes have been counted!!!
It is my most honored pleasure to announce the new counsels of Avalon...
First is the Counsel of Elders
Members are:
Gil of Avalon
Second is the Town Counsel
Reiko - Prime Minister
Blade - Minister of GoA
Dane Alexander - Minister of OSI Relations
Blind Hawk - Minister of Public Relations
Shedevil Tempest - Minister of Innercity Relations
Tis a grand day in our history and I would like to invite everyone to a ceremony tomorrow (Saturday) at the Avalon Town Hall Roof top...

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

July 26, 2000

First Mayor of Avalon says hi :)

Mayor Dynamo (Retired) popped into the Avalon Open Forum to leave us this message:

First Mayor of Avalon says hi :)
hello there everyone :)
Now and then I like to pop by and see how everyone is doing!
I'm glad to see Avalon is still running strong, although I don't recognise all the names in the message board any more.
Has it really been two years! I guess it has :) Sometimes it seems more, sometimes less, who can say!
I hope you're all having fun. And I hope OSI provides some suport, they were so slow in providing it during the towns early months :(
Anyway, anyone feel free to drop me a line, I'm not sure I can pop back any time soon and check the board.
Have a good one!
Dynamo - First Mayor Guy

Posted by Keith at 12:01 PM

Avalon Guard

Blade posted the following message to the Avalon Public Forum:/p>
Avalon Guard
Avalon is need of help..... So are a lot of "youngs"..... The Guard needs to be restored to make Avalon a safe place for all to live & prosper. I come to you with a solution. A school of sorts has been opened to help with the development of youngs. Not only for them but for Avalon. Training in all necessary skills is provided with the hope that "the cream of the crop" will join Guard. Food, weapons,regs, free...... The future of our fair city rests with thee Citizens of Avalon. Will we stand idly by & watch our future pass us by? Or shall we stand tall & proud? The choice is yours. As is the future of Avalon.......

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

July 18, 2000

Public Announcement ...PLEASE READ

The following notice was posted by Angelica to the Avalon Public Forum:

Public Announcement ...PLEASE READ
Greetings friends and citizen's of Avalon... In the past week we have decided on some changes to the structure of our fair city's government... We have formed a Elder Counsel... This counsel is of past city officials...The Elder Counsel is mainly formed to advise the new city counsel, however there are certain times when the Elders's must be consulted in the city matters. These times mainly are for major changes ie declaring war, giving away a town structure, things of this nature... They have also come up with a list of nominations for the new City Counsel. They are Reiko for Prime Minister. Blade for Minister of the GoA... Dane as Minister of OSI relations. Blind Hawk as Minister of Public Relations. Shedevil Tempest as Minister of Innercity Relations. The members of the Elder Counsel would ask the people at this time to step forward if they wish to run for any of these offices. On Friday of this week we will begin election proceedings and post the results in a timely manner... I thank you for your attention in this matter. And please remember *smiles* We retain the right to make any changes..

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

July 15, 2000

Trammel Avalon Outpost

Many well known Avalonians have established an outpost in the lands of Trammel. The location of this outpost is within these co-ordinates

90oN,20oE; 90oN,45oE; 70oN,15oE; 25oN,45oE (approximatly)

And within that area you can find buildings owned by Gil, Jixxa, Shedevil Tempest, Blind Hawk and many other members of Avalon.

Also at the moment many people are busy establishing a Trammel Rune Library and many other needs that shall help out in the world of Trammel. I ask that if anyone has any hard to achieve runes (dungeons, islands, etc.) that they contact me via e-mail.

Scorpio, Guildmaster of The Scorpions, News Scorpion

Posted by Scorpio at 12:00 PM

July 11, 2000

New title added to the Library!

After a marathon in scribing, not only by the library scribes Leonard and Fizik, but also by the scribes at Ocllo public library, the epic story of a son's return is available at the Avalon Public Library. The title of this ten tome literary giant is Phoenix Rising, and was written, or rather composed, by Blind Hawk.

The scribes all now were their right arm in a sling, and are sent to the beaches of Nujelm, for a speedy recovery.

*deep bow*

Jerk, Librarian, APL, CoA

Posted by Jerk at 12:00 PM

July 9, 2000

The Results of yesterday's event...

The following was posted by Scorpio (Blast from the Past Scorpion) on the Avalon Public Forum:

The Results of yesterday's event...
The contest began about 20 minutes late thanks to Pat Factor's death and my Death of Lag. When everything was ready I looked around and was a little shocked at the low attendance but the event still went on.
It started of with Ursula (there I spelt it right) showing off her old and new look and shoting Pat Factor for his "take it off" remark. After Ursula was Shard who showed off his "Knight in Copper armor" look and his Laughing Lunatic gear. Next was Kita Talith who started off with her Pink cape (DOWN JAMES!!!) and studded armor combo to here Pink cape and Valorite armor combo. Then the possibly drunken Blind Hawk (one of the Judges) decided to show him in a resurection robe then his Birthday Suit to recieve a low score of 5 where his vote didn't count (hehe). Next was Crimson Hellkite making a statement with her Bad Girl look then her Nun look, to recive a perfect score of 20 and ultimatley the first place prize winner. And last was Reiko who took a short absence to get his old clothes and return in time to show them off.
In the end these were the Results...
Winners 1st-$10,000-Crimson Hellkite
2nd-$5,000-Kita Talith
Mystery Prize-Least Improvment-Full Keg of Greater Heal-Shard
Results Ursula-4,4,4,5-17
Kita Talith-5,4,4,5-18
Crimson Hellkite-5,5,5,5-20

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

July 5, 2000

Attention!!! The Blast from the Past Event...

I read the following on the Avalon Public Forum, posted by Scorpio (The Blast from the Past Scorpion):

Attention!!! The Blast from the Past Event...
Shall be held on Saturday at 4:00PM Pacific (7:00PM Eastern) at the Avalon Town Hall. The prizes for the winners are as follows.
  • 1st Place-10,000 gp
  • 2nd place-5,000 gp
  • 3rd place-1,000 gp
  • and a Special Bonus Prize catagory.
The Judges are as follows; Scorpio, Everclear, Pat Factor and Blind Hawk. Seeing as he are either young characters or just haven't changed much.
All are welcome to enter in the competition, and I hope to see a high attendance at the Event.

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

June 20, 2000

Happy Birthday, Avalon!

Avalon celebrates it's second anniversary today, June 20th. Avalon, recently spotlighted on, is a player-city on Ultima Online's Baja Shard.

Originally formed as an alternative to the rule of Lord British, the city has gone through many changes in the past 24 months. It's been host to player- and seer-quests, wars (both planned and oppressive), theme guilds, weddings, contests, and the near-overwhelming recent increase in the monster population. Avalon also boasts several GM-enhanced "Blessed" structures, including the Avalon "Lucina Juno Town Hall", Ring of Champions arena, and Dead Dove Tavern.

The "City of Destiny" is located west of the Dungeon Wrong, on the Felucca facet. For a map or more information about Avalon, please go to Questions about the Commissary should be directed to

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

June 19, 2000

*clears throat* I'm havin' a contest in honor of Avalon

The following notice was submitted by Drekk of Avalon

it bein' the city's birthday next week an' all. So here's the deal: ye write down yer favorite good memory or story havin' to do with Avalon an' email it to me. I'll read 'em, an' award prizes of 5000 gold for the funniest, silliest, tear-jerkingest, and whatever-else-est I feel like. I am the only judge an' my judgement is entirely subjective, if I like the memory ye send I'll probably give ye a prize of somethin'-or-other an' I think I'll post 'em here, if ye wouldn't mind it, ones that I don't like I'll circ'lar file. I don't wanna read anything depressing or that'll make me cranky, ye all understand? I'm already depressed enough, an' this is supposed to be a happy occasion...let's not bicker and, forget that bit.
Just so we're all clear:
Submit a memory, story, or event summary having to do with a good Avalon memory. Send 'em to me by email to my late Queen, Deadline is June 20th, 6pm pacific.

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

June 18, 2000

Avalon Web Site’s News Options Updated

If you'll look to the navigation area on the left, you'll see the "News" section has become "Local News", the "Local Archives" is now an active link, and that "Freeborn Press" has been included.

The "Local News" section involves Avalon-only information (which, from me, is often information on the Avalon Web site updates), and incorporates NewsPro. NewsPro is a cgi script that, if all goes well, will allow the Ministers and similar event managers involved in Avalon the ability to post their own news articles.

The "Local Archive" includes all the news in this iteration of the Avalon Web site up to just prior to the usage of NewsPro.

The "Freeborn Press" link will bring that Baja news site into the main frame, that those readers interested in Avalon may also gain convenient insight into other news of the Baja Shard.

Posted by Keith at 12:00 PM

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