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February 25, 2001

Dawn Museum Reviewed by Markee Dragon

The Kingdom of Dawn's Museum of Dreams (located on Felucca) was recently reviewed by Shahrressa of Atlantic at www.markeedragon.com. The original article is here, and it's formatted so you can leave comments with the article. She also have some screenshots of her visit, located here, as mentioned in her article. The entire article is reproduced below.
Visit the Dawn Museum of Dreams (Baja)

Heyla, everyone!

Shahrressa here, reporting for MarkeeDragon.com. Shogun and I had the pleasure this week of visiting the Kingdom of Dawn on the Baja Shard. Vengence, Curator of the Dawn Museum of Dreams, was kind enough to show us around the newly remodeled Tower.

The Kingdom of Dawn itself is enormous, spanning the entire coast east of the dungeon Wrong on the Felucca facet. We were hopelessly lost until a kind soul named Silverwolf, Marshal of the 8th Armored Calvary cast us a gate and turned us in the right direction (Thanks again, Silverwolf!). Upon our arrival at the Kingdom of Dawn and the Dawn Museum of Dreams, Vengence immediately welcomed us with open arms. All around us were players enjoying each other’s company, and participating in the joyful festivities.

Our host, Vengence, was a kind and patient man, and very excited indeed about his work. We found him to be quite knowledgeable indeed and a wealth of information on the rare and unique items on display, which he knew by heart. Vengence has a dream that is shared by others scattered throughout Britannia. However, the dream is beginning to be realized in the Kingdom of Dawn on the Baja shard. In interviewing Vengence for a time, while listening to the tranquil sounds of the fountain monument, he expressed to us his desire, to provide a place for players throughout the Ultima Online community to come, see, share in, and learn about not only rares themselves but their history. Vengence is, and has been making an active contribution to the community in the selfless hope, that you’ll be able to come, and enjoy.

Located near the Dungeon Wrong on the Baja shard, Dawn's newest museum needed over a year to amass and arrange the hundreds of items on display. Many of the items were generously donated by citizens of Britannia, who wished to see them preserved and displayed with care. The tower itself is very graphically intensive, with over 2,000 lockdowns, so be patient when you visit!

Upon entering, you are greeted by a friendly but quiet GM, who guards a treasure room that contains a magnitude of wealth the likes of which we have never seen! A guidebook to the Museum tells us that it is the Wealth of the Implementers, but little is known about this ancient race of people.

Traveling up the stone stairs, you witness the most amazing sight - the Ethereal Room. See what it feels like to travel within the ether itself. You have to experience it to believe it! This room is a mages' study, and contains books and other magical items not seen in Britannia for many a year and more.

The third floor of the Museum contains a kitchen that would delight even the most experienced of chefs. Containing foods from around the world, with the items used to cook them, the Kitchen is a tempting, tasty treat.

A friendly, silent fellow named Grim guards the roof area, which is divided into several sections. An armory/workshop area displays tools used past and present, along with several different types of metals, some of which are no longer found in Britannia. An Aquarium displays several different species of fish, and a slaughterhouse stands ominous beneath its black cloth canopy.

The center of the roof spotlights a beautiful fountain, with foaming water streaming down a rock guardian. We were lulled by its tranquil, peaceful music.

To view some screenshots of this wonderous tower, click HERE

Thank you again to Vengence for a lovely tour. We hope to visit Dawn again and see more of this extensive Kingdom!
Roving Reporter

A note from Shogun, Shattered Crystal Community Coordinator

The Shattered Crystal Gaming Network would like to congratulate Vengence, The Kingdom of Dawn, and the citizens of Baja, on the opening of an exciting landmark. The SC Gaming Network has a long, proud history of supporting online gaming communities and most exclusively, the players of Ultima Online. We’ve made a contribution to the Dawn Museum of Dreams, and hereby are supporters of their project.

We encourage everyone in the community who’s helping to enrich the game with their own contributions, to continue to make Ultima Online a rich and exciting experience. We also encourage you to make a visit to Dawn, or other communities like it, to see what you can do to get involved, or simply treat yourself to the creations of what makes UO so special; the players.

Posted by Keith at February 25, 2001 3:25 PM

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