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January 27, 2001

WARNING! UO Resource Site is a Scam

I read the following warning on UOSS:
WARNING! UO Resource Site is a Scam

WARNING! WARNING! Some of you may come across a website in your surfing called UO Resource. Basically what they are saying is that they are a resource to help you Edit In-Game Account Profiles, Make Account Transactions from account to account, and other things that are not possible. The kicker is that they will ask you to Log In. You got it - Give them your Account Name and Password. DO NOT GIVE YOUR NAME AND PASSWORD OUT TO THEM OR ANYONE!!! The only people you should ever trust your account information with is secure servers at www.uo.com or with customer service representatives on the telephone (that YOU call) at OSI. At this point, we are not going to divulge the address to the site, mostly because we don't want people going to their website. But I think this warning will give you all enough of a heads up not to take them seriously if you do accidently come across it.

For those that do visit the site, we at Stratics want you to know that we are in no way affiliated with their site despite the fact that they are using our good name to make themselves look legitimate.

NOTE: There is also a fansite called UO Resources that can be found at http://www.uoresources.com. While extremely close in name, this is a totally different site and is 100% legitimate. The difference is the "s" on the end of the name.

Posted by Keith at January 27, 2001 11:11 PM

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