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January 14, 2001
PvP Tournament (Felucca)
Time: Tonight from 7-9pm PDT
Place: Jhelom Farm, Felucca
This is a PvP tournament for PvPers to see how good they really are. No dexers are allowed, this is for mages who actually have skill, the object of this is to see how good you are and not how good you can chase someone with a melee weapon equipped. Entry fee is 20K and it will be put towards the prizes. On the example that ten people show up, 1st prize would take 100K, 2nd would take 75K and 3rd would take 25K. The first prize winner gets half of the fund, second place gets 75% of the remaining pot and third place gets the 25% left of the remaining pot. I hope everyone comes and has a good time, see you at the farm.
[The resurrection of Na-Krul and the sealing of the Well of Souls will take also place at the Dark Tower tonight at 8pm. -Thellaren]
Posted by Thellaren at January 14, 2001 3:02 AM