September 24, 2001
Best Shot in the Realms (Trammel)
Posted to the UO Stratics Baja Forum by OTTnMA:The Society of Archers (S|A) Baja Chapter, sponsors of last April's Archers Faire, are pleased to announce that it will be holding the first, of the soon to be monthly, "Best Shot in the Realms" Contest. We had a similar contest at the Archers Faire, and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. This time we are upping the stakes…with a purse of over 100,000gp!
The Archery Event will be held this Sunday (Sept. 30) at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds in Trammel. Signups for the Contest begin at 7:30pm EST (4:30pm PST), with the first round to begin soon thereafter. For those not fortunate enough to have seen the Fairgrounds, we will have S|A Archers providing gates at Britain West Bank (Trammel), Bank of Vesper (Trammel) and at the S|A Baja Chapter House, for 15 minutes 'til the hour.
The event is free for all Archers. All non-magical bows or crossbows are permitted. If time permits we will have a special "Beat the S|A Round" with a Heavy Crossbow of Vanquishing up for grabs. Some come one come all this Sunday Archers, and see if you truly are… the "Best Shot in the Realms."
Head of Baja Chapter
Society of Archers S|A
Posted by Thellaren at 8:45 PM
September 12, 2001
OPEN T-HUNTING Sun. Sept 16 (Trammel)
The following event was posted to the UO Stratics Baja Forum:THB Presents an open T-Hunt on Sunday Sept 16 from 12:00 PST till about 2PMish.
- Plenty of THB T-Hunters will hopefully be on hand to help you dig up your loot. Just bring your maps and we'll do our best to get them all done. In the interest of fun it is requested you bring friends with you to help out. (Also means we can do more maps)
- It will be held in the courtyard of Lord British's castle in Trammel. This makes it easy to stable and retrieve your pets should you chose to use them, plus it is close to the bank.
- It's still up to the individual T-Hunter to set thier fee, but we are not a greedy lot and have a reputation of being honest, good T-Hunters.
Hope to see you there.
-Cypress of THB
Posted by Thellaren at 2:01 PM
September 6, 2001
FCB Slaughter By The Sea (Trammel)
Live from the Magincia Docks
... Sunday ... Sunday ... Sunday ...
The Baja Fleet presents ....
Slaughter by the Sea!
Sunday, September 12th @ 5:00 PM PST
(8:00 PM EST for the timezone challenged)
Ahoy Mates,
The Fishing Council of Britannia's (FCB) Baja Fleet is proud to host our first Slaughter by the Sea *FREE* public net throwing party. The Baja Fleet of the FCB will be tossing many special fishing nets at the Magincia Docks(trammel), and invites all citizens of The Baja Shard to come and join in the killing of the Sea Serpents, Water Elements, and deadly Krakens that may be fished up. Everyone is more than welcome to bring their own fishing nets as well. Gates will be provided from Britain's West Bank, and the bank in Moonglow. There will also be healers for the poor land lubbers who may meet a horrible fate dealt by the dangers of the sea.
If you think you have what it takes to down a kraken, then here is your chance to prove it! This event will take place Sunday Sept. 12th, 5:00pm pst, (8:00pm est) at the magincia docks [tramm]. Please do not bring Dragons or WW's, and we ask that you do not loot the corpes's for we want everybody to enjoy this and have a good time.
Lonestar - Fleet Captain
Posted by Thellaren at 12:53 AM
August 22, 2001
A wedding to be Held in Moonglow (Trammel)
Everyone is invited to attend the joyous union of Meri and Majik Man, both residents of Moonglow. The wedding will be held at 8pm Pacific time on September the 1st. The location will be at the Moonglow Lycaeum on the Trammel facet of Baja.
A reception will follow at the Lycaeum. Please come and enjoy friends, spirits, and a good time all around!
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 7:41 PM
August 20, 2001
Skara Brae Street Fair Results
Earlier today, merchants flocked from all over Trammel to hawk their wares at the Skara Brae Street Fair held by Queen Shieba’s Alliance. Items ranging from Frenzied Red Ostards to piles of raw lumber exhanged hands throughout the 2 hour session, making for a more stimulating trading experience compared to the doldrums that purchase interaction usually carries.
From the reactions overheard, a rewarding night in Skara was had by all!
Posted by Thellaren at 12:42 AM
August 19, 2001
Day of Baja Weddings
In addition to the Trammel wedding between Lord Merlinist & Lady Nightmare (see news for Aug. 16th), a double wedding will be taking place on the facet of Felucca today. Details from the Official UO Calendar are as follows:Double Wedding of: Mufasa & Ginger + Isabella & Trinity
Wedding Spot: 74.5 'S 12.43 'E (Felucca)
Time: 4-5pm PST
Extra Info: This is going to be a double wedding so the vows will be said at once, together. The reception might be at Isabella's house. Feel free to bring housewarming gifts :)- There might even be hope to have a little dungeon fun. Hope to see u there :)
Posted by Thellaren at 3:03 AM
August 18, 2001
Faction Report!!
Well it seems summer is taking its toll on factions. With many people gone on vacation or taking their college finals (Archangel), factions haven't enjoyed the 20 vs 20 or 30 vs 30 fights it once enjoyed. This week has been pretty slow with a minimum number of large raids and only a few people guarding sigils. After a week of hit and runs from Minax, TB and SL, COM managed to secure 5 towns while 3 sigils are still up for grabs (Brit, Minoc and Yew). Also, COM exercised their power over the cities, creating turrets in front of their stronghold as well as in front of TB's HQ, making movement of sigils very difficult.
In other news:
LOD's recent departure from Minax to go Chaos left many veteran PVPers heading over to Minax. Some felt that the enticement of COM had left and their actions would even the playing field as Minax has not been a major force in the battle for the cities lately. Also SL have suffered a severe lack of leadership as Archangel the guildmaster of M&D and leader of the Shadowlords has been taking finals in RL and unable to contribute his great leadership ability these last 2 weeks. TB has also felt the pinch of summer and often lacked the defensive force to guard 24 hours around the clock (Most factions aren't able to set up a 24 hour watch at this time). This has resulted in the loss of their sigils after the hard fought raids to obtain them.
Until next week may your horses live long and your traps give lots of silver!
Pat Factor
The #1 Stunna
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 2:31 PM
August 17, 2001
Skara Brae Street Market Faire (Trammel)
The following announcement was seen on the Dark Warden's Board:Hail All,
Queen Shieba's Alliance, a guild known for their dedication the Crafting Arts, has decided to extend their crafter’s skills to those in need and sell their products in the town of Skara Brae. We will be doing this on Sunday, August 19th, and have committed to being there at least from 5:00-7:00(PST) server time.
This Street market faire is most certainly open to all, to either buy or sell. Our interests though, are to stress fun had by all and promote our role playing guilds. We will be very much more discreet than the selling that is done at the West Britain Bank. We would like to focus on crafted goods for selling, but would certainly allow people to sell other things as well . So prepare for a good amount of trade and fun.
~Lord High Chancellor~
~Ambassador of Queen Shieba~
Posted by Thellaren at 11:06 AM
August 16, 2001
EVENT: PvP Tournament this Saturday! (Trammel)
The following notice was found posted to the UO Stratics Baja Board:Greetings. A good friend of mine, Night Stallion, as his final act before leaving UO, will be sponsoring a PvP tournament in Trammel! Valuable rares will be amounst the prizes, the Grand Prize being a LARGE MARBLE home on Trammel.
The tournament will be held at The Discordian Society's Tower near the Brit/Yew/Skara crossroads. Registration will begin at 4pm PDT and end at 5pm. No new registrations after 5pm. Hopefully we will begin the fighting around 5:30pm
You will be required to temporarily resign from your current guild and be added to the tournament guild stone to participate. Due to limitations of the system, Factioned players will NOT be able to participate because they cannot be added to the tournament guild stone.
The tournament will be divided into 3 seperate categories:
1. Melee only. No magery allowed.
2. Non-melee. No melee weapons.
3. All goes. Anything allowed.
Each category will receive a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize. The 1st place winners out of each category will compete in best out of three fight for the GRAND PRIZE! The final fighting will be 'Anything allowed.'
The tournament will be held on top of a LARGE TOWER. Using hiding, invisibility, or leaving the top of the tower during your match will be considered a forfeit. So practice up on your TOWER TOP fighting technique.
Bandaids and potions are permitted. Magic weaponry and armor is not permitted, but you may use jewelery (stat modifier magic) and clothing. ABSOLUTELY NO LOOTING WILL BE PERMITTED! Anyone caught looting an opponent will be immediately disqualified.
Gating from Britain (East and West banks) will begin around 4pm. The length of the tournament entirely depends on the turnout. Be prepared to hang around and have a good time, with a Grand Prize like that, there's probably going to be a lot of contestants. Good luck and see you there!
Also, no pets will be permitted. Horses and other mounts are OK, but stay on your pet at all times (when possible) to minimize lag for others.
Jasmine S
Posted by Thellaren at 3:03 PM
PvP Tournament in Avalon this Sunday (Felucca)
Hail & well met! The City of Avalon will be holding a PvP Tournament Sunday, August 19th, pitting Sosaria's greatest warriors in a fight to the death in Feluccia’s far reaches. All fighters of each class will enter the ring and only one will leave alive. There will be 6 classes with a check for 200k going to each class winner.
The classes of fighting will be as follows:
1. Swords/Fencing
2. Mace
3. Axe
4. Magery
5. Archery
6. Taming
The rules are as follows:
All fighters must flag when entering the fighting ring. There is a maximum of 10 bandages and five of each pot (don't want it to last all day). Tamers will be limited to rideable mounts, due to room constraints. DP'd weapons, magic weapons, magic armor & looting are allowed. No contestant will be rezzed until the winner of his or her respective class is determined.
This event will be at held at the Avalon Events Tower (123 29N 26 51E) on Sunday, August 19th at 3pm EST, 12 PDT. So come one come all & find out who the greatest warriors in the lands are!!!!! To find our city, please consult the maps found at the following location:
Katie of Avalon
Posted by Thellaren at 12:19 AM
Wedding on Baja, Tera Star Room! (Trammel)
A reminder of the following event was found posted to the Golden Brew Board:
Reception at the Lions den Afterwords. Gifts Welcome. Volunteers to help gate and setup for the reception are welcome also. Please contact me at if you have any questions.
Posted by Thellaren at 12:12 AM
August 4, 2001
Faction News
This has been an exciting last few days for factions on the Baja Shard. The unrelenting Archangel led the Shadowlords (SLs) in massive raid campaigns against the newly reinforced Council of Mages (COM) this Friday. As the SLs arrived they found True Britannians (TBs) also raiding, and decided to ally. But their alliance was short lived, as there was confusion on the battlefield and TB quickly soon betrayed their allies. These factors made the SLs suffer heavy losses as they were surprised by the turnaround.
Archangel would not give up, though, and forged a lasting alliance with the TBs and Longshot, their leader, and decided to raid again. This time the SLs came up with a new tactic and decided to split COM's forces by attacking from the stronghold's bridge. But time dragged on, and the TB force dwindled in size. The Shadowlords soon found themselves stranded, and, with no other choice, were forced to retreat. This final victory added together with the retirement of Minax' Lords of Death [LoD] from factions (to go to Chaos) and ensured the Council of Mages' hold on all 8 factions cities for the next 3 days.
This reporter was amazed by the dedication of the COMs, since every scouting effort reported at least 20 COMs guarding inside their base and many more were ready to be called into action. Personally, I am impressed, and feel they do deserve all the towns for their efforts-even Minoc, which was in the hands of Talon D'Bane and Reshteel (Shadowlords) for an amazing 36 days.
Pat Factor
The #1 Stunna
Update- Minoc is not under COM control as of this moment due to the efforts of the TB thief Ratboy and the precision strike on COM by the SL. The Minoc sigil is still up for grabs.
Posted by Ursula at 3:28 PM
Third Anniversary of The Golden Brew
Please join us this Tuesday, August 7th at 6pm PST
as we celebrate the Third Anniversary of The Golden Brew in Trammel.
Events will be:
Panty Raid III: Find the most panties and win 25K.
Relay Race: Teams of three people each will race against each other. The team finishing first wins 75K.
Horse Race: Riding a REGULAR HORSE, run the course the quickest and win 50K
Cooking Contest:This new event should be lots of fun! Find out who's the best chef in the land! Prize: 50K
Come enjoy fun, food and friends as we kick off another year at The Golden Brew!
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 12:46 AM
August 1, 2001
Wedding Announcement (Trammel)
The following wedding announcement was posted to the UO.COM Event Calendar for Baja:Event: A Wedding Between The Lady Nightmare and the Lord Merlinist
Location: A Flowery Place by Yew (Trammel)
Time/Date: Aug 19, 6pm-7pm PDT
We would like to invite all our old time friends to join in this joyous event. Any and all are welcome. Gates will be opened from Moonglow on Trammel.
The Order of Leonine is one of the oldest guilds in existence and would like to welcome all to this glorious event.
The Lady Morgana of the Order of Leonine
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 4:44 PM
Baja Trade Fair (Trammel)
The following event was posted to the UO.COM Event Calendar for Baja:Event: Baja Trade Fair
Location: Skara Brae Fair Grounds (Trammel)
Time/Date: August 4th, 11am-2pm PDT
Purpose: Bring all of your unwanted items for Trade or Sell
Prices should be reasonable.
Dickering for prices and or trades welcome.
This is to be a pleasant time for all.
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 4:38 PM
July 24, 2001
A Wedding Between The Lady Nightmare and the Lord Merlinist
I read the following wedding announcement on the Ultima Online Calendar, here:A Wedding Between The Lady Nightmare and the Lord Merlinist
Sponsor: The Lady Morgana of the Order of Leonine
Facet: Trammel
Location: A flowery place by YEW, gates will be opened from moonglow in trammel
Start Date: Aug 19 2001 9:00PM EST
End Date: Aug 19 2001 10:00PM EST
Recurrance: 1 Time Only
We would like to invite all our old time friends to join in this joyous event. Any and all are welcome.
The Order of Leonine is one of the oldest guilds in existence and would like to welcome all to this glorious event.
Posted by Keith at 10:59 AM
Ravenshire to Host Story Night
The following from Cantharis was recently posted by Cymidei Fier to UO Stratics:Ravenshire to Host Story Night
This week Ravenshire is happy to announce that we will host the story telling night with Meredith the Bard. Come tell your tale of bravery, tragedy, or any other story that strikes your fancy!
You can even test your improvisational skills with Goldens famous Story roulette, wherein you get three words fromt he audience and make up a story with those three words in it. There will be an open bar as well as a BBQ. This event will take place Wed. the 25th 6:30 pm pst.
Come and share a tale!!!
Posted by Keith at 10:50 AM
Kingdom of Dawn to Raid Occlo
The following from Lord Will Avengem was recently posted by Cymidei Fier to UO Stratics:Kingdom of Dawn to Raid Occlo
News of the recent Savage advances and a brief encounter with the Savage General have prompted the great Kingdom of Dawn to raid Occlo and dispatch its captors. With hope, the savage general will present himself and brought to justice!
Our first attack will commence at 7pm PST on July 22... Any support is welcome, but the general must be taken alive if there is to be any chance of revealing the source of the savage campaigns.
Safe Travels,
Lord Will Avengem
Posted by Keith at 10:46 AM
Faction News
The following from Amalacon was recently posted by Cymidei Fier to UO Stratics:Faction News
Again CoM took the balance of the towns under direct control, applying thier force of will and taxing the citizens as the see fit. Britain and Minoc remain under Shadow Lord Control.
Several of my Council brothers complained at the lack of intrest in raiding the still unrepaired CoM stronghold. It was an uneventful guarding period for the most part unlike the hey-day battles of the past that left the streets of Magi, the castles of Britain and the forests of Yew littered with bodies. KoRn Leading the Newly Revamped CoJ had the strongest presence as well as the Long time CoM's UMA. Ariak even deigned to come by for some guard duty.
Council of Mages
Death Jester$
Posted by Keith at 10:43 AM
Fairhaven Village Scavenger Hunt
The following from Mayor Silkon of Fairhaven Village was recently posted by Cymidei Fier to UO Stratics:Fairhaven Village Scavenger Hunt
Come one come all to the Fairhaven Scavenger hunt on Saturday July 28 at 7:00 p.m. PST. Do ye think ye know the history of the lands better then anyone else if ye do grab 2 friends and come try and become the winner of the 500K in gold prize for being the first to complete the clues to each location.
RulesDrinks and socializing will be done during and after the event so come one come all and enjoy a night in the Fairhaven Village. We highly encourage other player run cities to have teams to add to the excitement, we will see you there.
- There will be 3 and only 3 people per team.
- Each team most register by Friday July 27 at 9 p.m. PST.
- Each team can use any rune at the fairhaven rune library to get to the places they need to find; IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED YOU USE THE LIBRARY.
- The first team to find the 10 different locations from the clues and return back to Fairhaven wins 500K.
- A good knowledge of the Britannia history is recommended.
- Some locations are extremely hazardous so be prepared to defend your life against whatever may lurk in the dark.
For questions and answers please contact us at ICQ 60726000 or email at or visit our website at
Posted by Keith at 10:42 AM
July 8, 2001
Archer Adventure
The following announcement was posted to the UO Stratics Baja Forum:Though not an officially sponsored event, the Society of Archers (S|A) would like to inform you of a planned "Archer Adventure" this Monday (July 9). Beginning in the early evening (approx 5:00pm PST) a number of S|A Baja Chapter Archers are going to unite together and lead a pack hunt. All Archers are most welcome and urged to attend. The more we get together the more dangerous of place we will conquer. Supplies will be available for sale at the S|A Baja Chapter house prior to leaving. We will be using UOChat (chatroom "Archers Unite!") to join up with and stay in contact with reinforcements that arrive after we head out. Since we are in the process of moving houses we will meet up through the chat rather than at a set location. I, along with several other S|A Members, will be in attendance until the last Archer leaves. Hopefully we will stay in force throughout the night. If you can't come until late, please DO! Whenever you can make it. We hope to have a party together and "Archers Unite!" activated well into the late hours. Come join forces fellow Archers, let this be a night to remember!
Head of Baja Chapter
Society of Archers S|A
Posted by Thellaren at 12:34 AM
June 23, 2001
Trumpets of Britannia
The following was recently posted to UO Stratics, sent in by JuffaArchui:Apply now to join Britannians from all shards in celebrating the diversity of our land in Trumpets of Britannia, an enormous gathering to be held on the Pacific Shard on Saturday July 7. The deadline for applications has now been extended until July 1st. If you've got an inspiring or exciting story to tell, and would like to stand the chance of winning half a million gold pieces, submit your application now!
We'll be celebrating our world on an unprecedented scale - by inviting 80 Britannians, who can be from any shard, to address the gathering. Each Britannian will bring with them one item to symbolise their life in our world.
At the conclusion of The Trumpets of Britannia, we will compile books of all the addresses made by all Britannians at the event. The books will be shelved and made available for public viewing at the Gathered Spirits Tower, and published online for all to view as a lasting memory of the way of life in our world. If the event is successful enough, we may even be able to print real-life hard copies of the transcript, and send them to all participants.
There will be a prize of half a million gold pieces (500 000 gold) for the most outstanding participant. This participant will be invited to make honourary addresses at other gatherings on Pacific and beyond.
In order to qualify for participation in The Trumpets of Britannia, you must apply in advance. You can fill out our online application form at - you'll be required to submit your character information, the name of the item you'll be bringing with, as well as a brief extract giving us an idea of the type of address you'll make. The final application deadline is Saturday July 1.
We would like to extend a special invitation to Britannians from all other shards. You don't have to be resident on Pacific to participate - the event will be even more successful if we have different perspectives from different worlds. If you have trouble creating or setting up a character on Pacific, or getting transport to the event, please do not hesitate to contact me through the webpage.
More information about the event will be released to the general public later this week.
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 11:24 AM
June 10, 2001
UTB Mall Grand Opening Party
From the Ultima Online Events Calendar for Baja:UTB Mall Grand Opening Party
Sponsor: Sir D and Mithlandir
Facet: Trammel
Location: At The new Tower mall (Long/LAt: 53 26N 41 7 E)
Start Date: Jun 16 2001 7:00PM CST
End Date: Jun 16 2001 9:00PM CST
Recurrance: 1 Time Only
Large event to show off and introduce all players on baja to our new vendor mall. There will be free food,drinks and whatnot availible to all who choose to come.
Posted by Keith at 1:09 PM
Porch Party Near Vesper Bank in Trammel
From the Ultima Online Events Calendar for Baja:Porch Party
Sponsor: HollowsEve and Zorthonx
Facet: Felucca
Location: Porch Party in front of small plaster east of Vesper bank
Start Date: Jun 11 2001 10:00PM EST
End Date: Jun 12 2001 12:00AM EST
Recurrance: 1 Time Only
This Porch Party will be just east of Vesper bank across bridge and just as u start to go up to Minoc. There should be many people, chairs and drinks around. Please at least stop in and have some fun.
Posted by Keith at 1:04 PM
June 9, 2001
Party in Khaldun
The following announcement from Shadow Dragoon was posted to the UO Stratics Web site:Party in Khaldun
Hail Citizens of Britannia!
On June 10, (contact Shadow Dragon the day of the event). There is going to be a group going into Khaldun to destroy the evil inside, plus doing the puzzle chests!
There will be two parties, and they will take opposite paths, as they work they way through, they will kill ANY monsters they see. After the trip to Khaldun, there will be a party, celebrating cleansing a little bit of Khaldun at least! Dragons are allowed, but make sure they stay tame!
Before going in, to make the parties, there will be a special way to divide them, which will be announced then! I hope to see you there!!!!
Shadow Dragoon,
ICQ 111376158
Posted by Keith at 5:10 PM
June 4, 2001
TOL and MT's Tournament - This Saturday!
The following announcement was posted by the Baja Mage Tower:TOL and MT's Tournament - This Saturday!
The Order of Leonine and The Mage Tower will be holding a PvP Tourney on June 9, 2001 from 6:00 PM Pst to 8:00 PM PST.
The Mage Tower is located in Felucca near Moonglow.
Here is a map to the Feluccia Mage Tower

The following rules apply to the tournament
Sign up is one hour before start time (5pm PST
No Looting
No Stealing
No Area Spells or Explotion Potions
No one enters the arena if they are not called upon
No fighting outside the arena
No pets (exept non-agressive mounts)
All are welcome to attend! Hope to see you there!
Nitram - The Order of Leonine
Nekkar - The Mage Tower
Posted by Keith at 6:46 PM
May 30, 2001
City of Ravenshire Plans Hythloth Adventure
The following announcement from Cantharis of the City of Ravenshire was posted to UO Stratics:City of Ravenshire Plans Hythloth Adventure
Hail Citizens of Britannia,
There have been rumors of a greater evil brewing in the dungeon Hythloth. We are assembling a party of 40 brave souls to venture into the depths of that vile hole in the ground. We will be splitting into 5 teams to brave the abyss! Each team will have a team captain, which will be one of the citizens of Ravenshire. It will be your duty to protect your team captain, for if he or she falls, your team must leave the dungeon.
However..... If any one falls, they will be ressurected long enough for them to retrieve thier corpse and be gated out. Once we have hit the bottom floor, we will challenge that evil and once it is destroyed we shall return to Ravenshires RavensWing Tavern and have a celebration! At this time, Prizes will be given out to the most courages team, the most helpful and the one with the most members!
Please join us Saturday June 2nd at 9pm PST at Ravenshire Coordinates: 131'6°N 131'33°E - Trammel
We will also be providing gates from East and West Britain bank, Vesper Bank, Moonglow Bank, Delucia Bank, And Minoc Bank. Best of Luck to every one who braves the depths!
Posted by Keith at 7:41 PM
May 24, 2001
Player-run Naval Battle Tournament
Lord Val Isildur-Kai recently posted the following "heads up" regarding a Naval Battle for players. I saw the post on the Golden Brew message board, here:New Player run NAVAL BATTLE tourney posted. *READ*
Get all the info on UO.COM's baja calendar page. Info just submitted, so it may take a short bit to update. Here's the skinny: Crew competition, 6 members per ship. 12k entry fee per crew. Special guildstone to sign up on day of the event. Meeting place for gates to the Elvenwood House of Lights to be provided on Saturday the 26th at 1:30 pm Pacific time. Crews will engage in naval combat in a large lake. Last crew left floating takes home 240K. Special prizes and rewards to be given out in addition. Contact me via email or ICQ at 101650043 for detailed info...or read the calendar info on for the full story.
Posted by Keith at 9:24 AM
May 20, 2001
Crafter's Faire and Grand Opening of Celestial Spirits
Greetings, friends! I was honored with a pigeon from Ursula earlier today, as follows:Hi all! Just a reminder for Sunday...I received this message while in Golden, but, alas, I have not the magical skills to bring me there in an instant. However, I ran to my boat and in a reasonable amount of time I was in the Heaven's Forge area.
The Township of Heaven's Forge and Darkmor Tavern invite you to our first Crafter's Faire and Grand Opening of Celestial Spirits, the newest pub in the land.
Sunday, May 20th, 11am-1pm PST
Darkmor Tavern, Heaven's Forge
The tavern is located at 106o 47'N, 50o 16'E on the eastern edge of the valley south of Wrong Dungeon.
Bring your own resources.
There is a rune for Darkmor at the Brew.
I joined the start of the celebration at the Darkmor Tavern and Smithy. There were quite a few of Bajan notable figures there, including Ursula of the Golden Brew, UO Stratics reporter Cymidei Fier, even Azalin the Lich Lord!
I spent most of my time there sitting next to two fascinating gentleman, Sarbazian Krote and Rhyll, and orc. Sarbazian, thinking Rhyll an orc spy, was relentless in his investigation regarding the orc plans for the rumored upcoming orc-man war. Rhyll feigned ignorance — clearly a posture befitting any good spy!
There was an enjoyable raffle that was held. For 200 gold one could buy a ticket book, each ticket seemed to win something wonderful! Tamlin, the keeper of the prizes, handed out prizes left and right, confirming "Everybody wins!" Although not normally a "gambling man," I was so intrigued that I bought a ticket book...and won several semi-rare items! All this while a man, named Abhor if I recall correctly, rode around on his llama, giving everyone free ale.
I wasn't able to stay for the latter half of the party, as it moved to another building, but I sketched the picture below to show everyone how very many people were there, having fun and being social. I even included my rare items in the picture! I shall have to make sure I return to the Darkmor Tavern and the town of Heaven's Forge very soon.

Posted by Thellaren at 2:25 PM
May 15, 2001
Story Night Continues.
Please join old friends and new this Wednesday at 6:30pm PST, at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds [in Trammel, located in the farmlands northeast of the Skara Brae docks, on the mainland. -Ed.]. There are many tales in this land, come tell yours! Or if you're feeling brave, try your hand at Story Roulette!
Posted by Keith at 8:48 AM
May 12, 2001
Baja Leads all of UO in Faction Kills
While reading various pages on the official Ultima Online Web site I came to Baja's Faction page and was impressed by some of the numbers. Here's the top five ranked Faction Guilds on Baja:
Baja Faction Guild Rankings |
Guild | ![]() | Faction | ![]() | Kill Points |
The Lords of Death | ![]() | Minax | ![]() | 4720 |
Grudge Inc. | ![]() | True Britannians | ![]() | 2585 |
Knights 0f Vengeance | ![]() | True Britannians | ![]() | 621 |
M&D | ![]() | Shadowlords | ![]() | 509 |
Unidentified Mysterious Agency | ![]() | Council of Mages | ![]() | 442 |
The Lord of Death are clearly putting years of experience to work. Skipping on down to the Baja Faction Member Rankings we see these top five kill-leaders:
Baja Faction Member Rankings |
Member | ![]() | Faction | ![]() | Kill Points |
Galen | ![]() | Minax | ![]() | 3575 |
Grudge Inc | ![]() | True Britannians | ![]() | 2084 |
Fritsy | ![]() | Minax | ![]() | 756 |
The Janitor | ![]() | True Britannians | ![]() | 617 |
Ariak | ![]() | Council of Mages | ![]() | 439 |
Curious about overall rankings, across all the Shards, I loaded up the main Factions page and saw the following top five Faction guilds:
Overall Faction Guild Rankings |
Baja's best scores above and beyond other Shards, and we have the top two Faction guilds! I scrolled down the page to check out the "Overall Faction Member Rankings." The top five are shown below:
Overall Faction Member Rankings |
Member | ![]() | Faction | ![]() | Kill Points |
HehlafLOL | ![]() | Shadowlords - Chesapeake | ![]() | 4335 |
Galen | ![]() | Minax - Baja | ![]() | 3575 |
Little Susy | ![]() | True Britannians - Sonoma | ![]() | 2299 |
Grudge Inc | ![]() | True Britannians - Baja | ![]() | 2084 |
Accompanist Cat | ![]() | Minax - Formosa | ![]() | 1686 |
Here we see that Baja has two of the top five Factioneers of all time. Congratulations, Galen and Grudge Inc!
Posted by Thellaren at 12:49 AM
May 10, 2001
Terdeus Hall Honors Volunteers
The following was posted to UO Stratics:Terdeus Hall Honors Volunteers
Terdeus Hall will be closing its doors in honor of those volunteers who have dedicated their time and their effort to help us over the years. Terdeus Hall has locked its doors and will not re-open them until Friday Night at 9:00 PM PST (05/11/01.) When we re-open our doors, we wish to invite all volunteers to come visit Terdeus Hall in a night dedicated to those who served us for so long. The Volunteer Program will be missed by all.
Terdeus Hall can be located between Britain and Trinsic in the Trammel Facet of Baja. (49o7'S 34o6'E)
Posted by Keith at 6:13 PM
Invitation to all Volunteers & Their Friends from Chesapeake Scribe
Korin the Scribe, of Chesapeake's City of Haven posted the following invitation concerning UO's ex-Volunteers:May 10th - A slight change in plans.
First of all that me once again apologize for delaying the Quest for a Champion event. But something a little more pressing has surfaced in our world.
As most of you now know the "gods" have canceled the Ultima Online Volunteer program. Having once been a member of this program myself I know the dedication and sacrifices these people have made over the years. All in the name of helping out their fellow players. The fact that their are now gone has angered many people within our realm. But what we should realize is that while this is most definitely a sad day in UO. We need to get past our anger and show these people the appreciation that they truly deserve.
So in honor of ALL the Volunteers that have served our community over the years we will be holding a "Honors Dinner". It will be held at the Britain Counselors Guildhall in Trammel (here on Chesapeake) on Saturday the 19th at 9:00pm EST. This event is open to ALL volunteers from any shard. So if you were a volunteer and can attend please do so. We want to show you all how much you have meant to us.
I hope every player out there willl join me in honoring the great people that have given so much to us over the years. See you then!
Korin the Scribe
Posted by Keith at 6:02 PM
May 7, 2001
New King and Queen Champions Chosen in Dawn
The town cryer of the Kingdom of Dawn recently made the following announcement for King Desmond Cross:New King and Queen Champions Chosen
Last night in the fabled Star Room deep in the heart of the Terethan Keep, the monthly tournament was held to select the King and Queen's Champions. Will Avengem, as normal, hosted the event.
After many valiant bouts between combatants, Eagle once again won the right to bear the title "King's Champion", defeating even War Child, who voluntarily relinquished his "Queen's Champion" title to compete.
The battle for the right to be the Queen's Champion came down to a duel between Caesar and War Child. After a long and grueling battle, War Child accidentally crossed the teleporter into the Terethan Keep, normally an instant disqualification! Although Caesar offered to continue the battle, War Child declined. Thus, Caesar was chosen as the new Queen's champion!
Geldric Falko was also knighted by the King for his valiant efforts in the competition.
Well met to the new Champions, and our thanks for all who competed and participated!
Posted by Keith at 8:05 PM
Imperial Anniversary Ragata Great Success!
After the wedding, the guests searched the countryside in search of hidden ale bottles and Messages in Bottles. Next we launched our ships and tossed dozens of nets into the sea, causing krakens, deep-sea serpents, water elementals and sea-serpents to spawn! It was a lively hunt with lots of loot! Fortunately there were no casualties!

Finally we set sail from Lore Island to the Docks of Vesper. There were three crews; Captain Shard's Pink Pirates, Trekkon's Crown of the Sea, and Midian's Brothers of the Sea. Trekkon's ship landed first in Vesper claiming the 100,000 gold prize! The other crews each received 25,000. Everyone had a grand time! Thanks for coming!

Lady Cymidei Fier
Lord Azalin Lore
The Shadow Imperium
Posted by Keith at 12:02 AM
April 28, 2001
May Day Festival at The Golden Mage Tower
Petrus of the Golden Mage Tower sent us the following exciting announcement:May Day Festival
Come celebrate the changing of the seasons!
May 5th, 2001Please visit for full details and directions.
- 2pm PST - The Golden Mage Tower
Dart Throwing Contest- 3pm PST - The Golden Mage Tower
Magic Encyclopedia Contest- 4pm PST - The Golden Brew
Panty Raid II- 6pm PST - The Golden Globe Theatre
Spring Swing Dance
Posted by Keith at 3:19 PM
April 27, 2001
The Results of the Mystic Mead Dart Tournament
The following message from Trekonn was posted to UO Stratics:The Results of the Mystic Mead Dart Tournament
I am pleased to announce the Mystic Mead Tavern had another successful dart tournament over the weekend. Friday night ended with Durin Stonecrow the high scorer with 90 points, a fine score indeed. On Saturday, Bjorn's Brew flowed freely and many were to drunk to throw straight. Alas, Maganamus III would arrive and top the high score by one point! The high score of 91 points would stand to earn him a check for 13,600 GP!
On Sunday evening, we had the week's prize drawing for all who participated over the weekend. Fire Ninja walked away with a brand new shadow suit and a coupon for 5,000 GP good at the OMK Marketplace next door to the tavern.
Congratulations to you both! This week's prize drawing for participants will be another fish net and SOS bottle, back by popular demand. Remember, all you have to do is throw once to be eligible for the drawing on Sunday. The tavern high score still stands at 110 points by Razagal. Beat this score and recieve an additional 5000 GP! I hope to see you all there over this coming weekend.
Thank thee,
The Hierophant
The Mystic Mead
Posted by Keith at 7:56 PM
April 26, 2001
The Baja Chef's Faire
The following from Moff Tarkin was posted to UO Stratics:The Baja Chef's Faire
When: 10am PST (17:00 GMT) Saturday April 28, 2001 (See also this Time Zone Converter for help with time zones.)
Where: The Darkmor Tavern in Heaven's Forge, Trammel, Baja Shard. The tavern is located in at 106°57N, 50°54E (It's a large tower, directly south of the entrance to dungeon Wrong.) Gates will be opened from Darkmor Tavern to inside the Britain West bank every few minutes starting at 9:45am.
Who: The Chef's Faire is organized by the Britannian Society of Chefs [BSC], hosted by Dread Lady Sy Snootles, Grandmaster Chef.
Why: The Chef's Faire is a cross shard event hosted bi-monthly on a shard by shard Basis. It's purpose is to highlight the Cooking skill and to generally just have fun. There's always plenty of free food and drink for everyone, so be sure to stop by!
What: Aside from copious amounts of snacks and beverages, there will be over 100k gold in prizes! The featured events are:
- The Poison Drink-Off Thirsty? Be ready to lose fame and earn some cash. The first one to die wins. Contestants will be paired off for individual rounds. (I'll be resurrecting the contestants myself after each round, so no worries there.) First place receives a 25k check, second place receives a 10k check. You must have a minimum of 50 strength to qualify for this contest. Contestants may only die from the poison provided. Any other attempts to commit suicide or lemming one's self will result in disqualification.
- The Chef's Scavenger Hunt Retrieve a small collection of common items, themed on food and Cooking. There will be several different rounds, 10k will be awarded to the winner of each round. (Without giving too much away, an example would be: "I want breakfast. First one to bring me bacon, eggs, and a muffin wins!")
- Funniest Pet Name Contest Has your trusty steed "Orc Bait" been craving attention? Did you name your ostard "an elder chicken"? Well, this contest is for you. Contestants and their riders will be judged by a panel of Chefs; First place wins 10k and second place wins 5k.
Posted by Keith at 6:18 PM
April 24, 2001
OTS Announces Dungeon Crawl
The following announcement from Steve Irwin was recently posted to the Ultima Online Stratics Web site:OTS Announces Dungeon Crawl
Event: OTS Dungeon Crawl When: Saturday, April 28,2001 5:30 PST
I would like to invite one and all to the very first OTS Dungeon Crawl. You do not have to be in the OTS to take part in the event. We will be choosing a random dungeon by a clever little system (Thank you Mage Tower). About thirty minutes before 5:30 I will be gating to Lord British's Castle from banks of all towns. (We are meeting at Castle British) Once we have all arived we will pick a dungeon. Gates will then be opened to the entrance of the dungeon.
After every one gets there and a round of Nightsite Spells we will go in the dungeon. We will work our way down to the bottom of the dungeon killing every thing in sight. I personaly will help you get your stuff from your fallen body if needed and Im sure every one else will also. After we are done cleaning out the dungeon gates will be provided to The Mystic Mead. At The Mystic Mead there will be a dart contest for a large pot (15,000 gold last week I think) and a few rounds of Bjorn's Brew. After every one has had their limit gates will be provided back to town.
Steve Irwin
General of All Bards
Children of The Seas
Posted by Keith at 11:14 PM
April 20, 2001
Dark Swords Guild Presents a Fair at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds
The following announcement from Lord Ash was posted to UO Stratics:Dark Swords Guild Presents a Fair at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds
Sunday, April 29th, 2001
7:00 pm to 11:45 pm CST
Baja, Skara Brae Fairgrounds (Sextant Coordinates 47o 32'S, 35o 55'W), Trammel
Hail one and all! The members of Dark Swords wish to invite one and all to a celebration at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds! The night will start with a storytelling contest, followed by animal fights (betting is allowed!), and finishing with a beauty contest open to any woman who wishes to enter (for a small entry fee you get a chance at very nice prizes)! There will be raffles throughout (prizes including holiday bells, sets of GM armor, and much more to be announced at the event). All contests will have prizes, email for full details, or just show up and we'll explain there. If you are interested in entering the beauty contest, emailing beforehand would be a plus!
Gates to the fairground will be provided from Britain West Bank on the night of the event. I hope you will all join us for this night of fun and games! Please contact Lord Ash at with questions or for more information.
Lord Ash - Guildmaster of Dark Swords
Posted by Keith at 5:53 PM
April 18, 2001
The Society of Archers Baja Chapter has day of activities, contests and fun!
The following was posted to UO Stratics:The Society of Archers Baja Chapter has day of activities, contests and fun!
The Society of Archers (S|A) first ever Archers Faire took place last Saturday. The Faire took place at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds in Trammel and lasted most of the afternoon. The crowds, in particular Archers, came out in large numbers to participate in the activities. It was a fun and exciting day, and attracted many interesting people who sat around and chatted the day away, thanks to Sparky's constant barrage of ale.
The Lumberjack race was first, with Sularas pulling in an impressive 400 logs and taking home the first place prize of 50,000 gold. The Archery event followed and was by far the most exciting part of the day. After three rounds of target shooting, only 6 contestants remained. The target was set higher, and all had gone but one and had come up short. People began to speak of a "shoot-out" believing the mark had been set too high. Then the final contestant Sniper Wolf, of PAK, hit three straight bullseyes under pressure to win the event! With her great shooting, Sniper Wolf, took home the grand prize of 50,000 gold and a Vanquishing Heavy Crossbow.
Overall, the Archers Faire was an entertaining and fun day for all. Thanks to all came, everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. The Society of Archers Baja Chapter is now looking for Archers interested in uniting together and being involved in more activites like the Archers Faire. You can reach us at, or look for us around Vesper. I hope you all will keep an eye out for more S|A events in the near future. Farewell!
Posted by Keith at 6:12 PM
April 16, 2001
The Golden Brew Celebrates Easter
The following article was posted to UO Stratics:The Golden Brew Celebrates Easter
The Golden Brew was full of color and celebration as adventurers from every corner of Britannia gathered to celebrate Easter. Saturday, a huge crowd gathered outside the Golden Brew to take part in a dungeon run.
Individuals were put on smaller teams and sent out to a random dungeon. Here is a picture of Team B as they approach the Terathan Keep! My team went to the blood elemental spawn in Shame. We had a great time smashing Blood elementals to bits! With team work there were very few casualties and tons of excitement and treasure.
Other teams visited the Ogre Lords in Despise and hunted Shadow Wyrms in Destard and other dangerous places. To read more about the dungeon crawl please see The Golden Brew Message BoardOn Sunday, celebrants enjoyed a feast at the Golden Brew and games. Easter bunnies were spotted in the fields outside the tavern.
Visitors scoured the hills and forest searching for Easter eggs. Others simply relaxed in the tavern, enjoying the company of friends.
Rimlock Valcite won the Easter Egg hunt. Pie eating was a tie between Rimlock Valcite and Aaron. Vox and Nanaki tied for the costume contest. A picture of party goers dining on roasted pig, succulent game Hens, fresh vegetables, and desserts.
Congratulations to the contest winners! I hope everyone had as good of a time as I did.
Posted by Keith at 11:00 PM
Results of the Mystic Mead Dart Tournament
The following message from Trekonn was posted to UO Stratics:Results of the Mystic Mead Dart Tournament
I am pleased to announce that The Mystic Mead weekend dart tournament was a great success. Friday started out with our drunken ogre stumbling around towns announcing that we underway. Soon entrants from all over the land came to the tavern to try their hand at the dartboard.
After 3 hours of competition we had a total of 5600gp in the pot. The high for Friday was Nanaki with 95 points, a score that most thought would last throughout Saturday as well. Upon Saturday, there were already contestants lined up eager to attempt topping this great score. Marco Polio, the second contestant on Saturday, had never thrown a dart before. He approached the line and threw 100 points on his first try! The tavern roared with applause. This score would stand all night until the final half-hour of competition.
The competition now hosted a pot of well over 10,000gp. Connar approached the line, he had been trying and trying all night to beat this great score. With extreme concentration and a steady hand he focused on his target. Bullseye!! The applause echoed throughout the tavern...20 point shot! The crowd now cheering him on...10 point shot...the crowd fell silent for fear he was losing his concentration…5 point shot..."OH NO!" A voice from the back bellowed out, murmurs of dissatisfaction traveled throughout the crowd...Connar could sense the pressure and readjusted his stance...Focusing one last time he let the dart fly...20 point shot!
The crowd went wild! After cheering ecstatically many realized that the high score was within reach, and many piled back in line to get one last chance to beat this great score of 105. People threw consistently for the last 20 minutes of the competition, but Connar's score would stand. I was pleased to present Connar with a check for 15,400 gp! A great pot for a great score indeed!
On Sunday evening, many returned to the Mystic Mead in anticipation of the weekly drawing for all that had participated. Undertaker, a Prophet of the OMK graciously donated a SOS and special fishing net to the winner of this drawing. I was pleased to hand this great prize over to Marco Polio.
Congratulations to both Connar and Marco! I hope all that attended enjoyed themselves and hope to see you all at The Mystic Mead next weekend. This weekends drawing for contestants will be a full plate shadow suit and a 5000gp coupon to the OMK Marketplace next door to tavern.
Thank you all,
The Hierophant
Oracle of the Mystic Knight
Posted by Keith at 10:51 PM
April 9, 2001
Easter Party At The Golden Brew
Sunday April 15th
Starting at 6pm PST
Dine on our Easter Dinner of succulent Roast Pig, Roasted Game Hens, fresh vegetables and scrumptious desserts.
Following dinner participate in the Easter Egg Hunt and Best Easter Costume Contest.
After all that running around looking for eggs, you're sure to be hungry again, so strap on your bibs and get ready for the Pie Eating Contest!
Hope to see you there!
Posted by Ursula at 11:59 AM
April 6, 2001
Mass PvP Event -- SL v. TB (Felucca)
A upcoming PvP event was just posted to the Official UO Baja Events Calendar:
Sponsor: Acid Rain of ShadowlordsEvent taking place will be that of a mass faction war. Only TB and SL factions are allowed, and also blue players, non-faction members.
Facet: Felucca
Location: Outside Despise
Start Date: Apr 7 2001 7:00AM CST
End Date: Apr 7 2001 8:00AM CST
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 1:43 AM
April 4, 2001
Archers Faire (Trammel)
The following event was posted to the UOSS Baja Forum:The Society of Archers Baja Chapter is pleased to announce that it will hold it's first ever Archers Faire on Saturday April 14th. The event will be held at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds in Trammel and will begin at 2:00pm (PST). There will be an Archery event, a Lumberjack event and a Bowyer/Fletcher event, with prizes being awarded in all three. The main purpose of the Archers Faire, however, is to unite Archers with Archery Craftsmen.
We are still looking for any Lumberjacks or Bowyers that are interested in selling their goods (boards/shafts/bows/etc...) at the Faire. There is no fee, all are welcome to come sell their goods and participate in the Faire for free. We are expecting quite a turnout so it could be a great opportunity for craftsman to get rid of some of their wares, and a terrific opportunity for Archers to find bulk arrows and many bows and crossbows.
Please e-mail us ( if you are interested in selling at the Archers Faire. Otherwise, I hope to see many of you there. Farewell.
Posted by Thellaren at 9:34 PM
April 2, 2001
Last Man *cough* Woman Standing results!
The following from Washburn was posted to the Golden Brew message board, here:Last Man *cough* Woman Standing results!
Tonight was a vicious and rousing contest at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds in Trammel. Elder Takara and Seer Hawk did a terrific job hosting tonight's event which appeared to go seamlessly.
All in all, the crowd was pumped as the first round opened up and the first monsters were loosed. Sadly, the People's Champion, yours truly *wink*, fell in an upset to a poison elemental. After six rounds of competition, six victors aspired to the final match culminating in what could have been the fiercest battle of the night. Yet, in the end, there could only be one man *cough* er... woman left standing.
Let us congratulate Eliar in her great victory. She, who actually created the event as a seer, braved the scourge of daemons and elementals and outwitted her opponents in such a way that she alone could only be declared the victor. Congratulations, Eliar!
2nd place was awarded to Jack o the Wisp. 3rd Place to Lord Veldoran and 4th Place to Stel.
Congratulations, all, and I hope to defeat you in the Best of the Best next weekend!
Washburn, Captain of the Guard, Golden Town Guard.

Eliar! Last Woman Standing!
Posted by Keith at 8:23 AM
March 30, 2001
Ilshenar Events: Land Crawl - This Saturday at 7:00pm (PST)
The following was found on the Baja Mage Tower pages:This Saturday (March 31, 7:00pm PST), The Mage tower is hosting a Land Crawl.
What's A Land Crawl ?? - Well a land crawl is like a dungeon crawl but we explore new lands instead of dungeons. Ilshenar will be our new land to scout, to record, to explore, and like with every good Mage Tower event, to die.
In order to take part in this Land Crawl, you must have studied the latest world modifying instructions from the gods. (uo3d)
Baja Mage Tower
Posted by Thellaren at 1:27 AM
March 25, 2001
The Tale of Orion's Bar
The following is a pictoral story that was pointed out by Kellogg over at the UO Stratics Baja Forum:
The Tale of Orion's Bar
Posted by Thellaren at 1:10 AM
March 23, 2001
Upcoming Weddings (Trammel)
The following wedding information was seen posted to the Official UO Calendar for Baja:- The Wedding of Lady Caelie and Lord Onyx
Facet: Trammel
Location: Magincia Merchant Guild
Time: March 24th, 12-2pm PST
Lady Caelie and Lord Onyx will be joined in marriage. Everyone is welcome to attend and witness this joyous event. The Merchant's Guild is located on the northern side of Magincia, near the beach. After the wedding, there will be a reception at the tavern on the southern side of town.
Please, no pets, unless they were tamed by Lady Caelie. Only large pets tamed by the bride may attend. For further details or information please send an email. The bride and groom hope to see many bright, smiling faces in attendance!
Facet: Trammel
Location: Magincia Merchant's Guild
Time: April 7th, 7pm-8pm PST
All are invited to attended the wedding of Lord Wolvie and Vixen, come one come all! Contact V.O.H. or MaN for further information.
Posted by Thellaren at 2:15 AM
Baja Date Night (Trammel)
The following was posted to the offical UO Calendar for Baja:Location: Nu�jelm palace (Trammel)
Time: March 25th , 8pm-12am PST
Sponsor: Lords and Ladies of the Elvenwood
(Couples Only Please!)
The Baja Date Night will begin at the Nu'Jelm Palace at 8:00 pm PST time. The itenerary is as follows:
8:00 PM: Romantic Poetry Readings at the Nu'Jelm palace. Compose your own original or recite a famous tale to express your true feelings for your date :)
9:00 PM (or sooner should there be a lack of poets in the audience): A gate will be provided to the Elvenwood House of Lights for a Romantic candle-lit dinner. Food and beverages will be provided. There will be servants on-hand to serve and look after you. If you are in a warring guild, please try not to bring your issues to this date. The House of Lights is a large-marble located just north of Minoc and will be arranged to hold the large number of visitors. If you haven't yet seen this house... it is truly a marvel. Many thanks to Lord Val for allowing us to use it. Feel free to roam the spawnless land and cozy woods to the north to spend some free time with your date.
10:00 PM on: Gates will be provided to the most romantic of locales, The Star Room. Take your date for a romantic walk amongst the stars! Spend some time here wooing your would-be better-half or just sit and enjoy the company. Each couple will be given their own "lawnchairs" should they wish to sit a while in the Star Room. At 1am, the last gate will open to Britain.
Hopefully many new relationships will bloom this eve and allow many couples the chance to escape from the monsters and evil in the realm to spend an evening with one another in the solace of their joy!
Posted by Thellaren at 2:01 AM
Weekend Dungeon Crawl (Trammel)
The following notice was pinned to the Mage Tower door:DUNGEON CRAWL - THIS SATURDAY!! MARCH 24
Nekkar, looks around the empty tower and notices a small yellow bag, full of runes - he quickly examines the markings on each of them, they all say "A dungeon" - he chuckles
It is time again for another Dungeon Crawl. I feel it in my veins!
Location: Mage Tower Trammel
Time: March 24 at 7:00pm (PST)
Dungeon: Unknown at this time....
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 1:46 AM
March 19, 2001
Treasure Hunters of Britannia to Host Competition!
The following report from Cypress was posted to UOSS:Treasure Hunters of Britannia to Host Competition!
Hail! The Baja Chapter of the Treasure Hunters of Britannia will host an event on Saturday, March 24, at 1:00pm Pacific Time. It will take place at the guild HQ in Trammel which is located at sextant coordinates29:10S 55:41E. It is located on an island south of Britain, so you will need a boat to get there. A gate will appear every 10 minutes between 12:40 and 1:20 in Lord British's throne room as well.
Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring some maps and find a treasure hunter to hire. Non-THB hunters are also encouraged to attend as well.
We'll start out with a simple meet and greet, and if there is some interest we can go on a quick tour of the Khaldun puzzle chests or the best dungeon lockpicking sites. The real fun will start at 1:45pm when we hold the CONTEST:
Teams of 4 people will supply a level 3 treasure map. The goal is to loot the chest and dispatch the guardian spawn as quickly as possible. Entrance fee is 10k gold (easy to recover from the chest loot), and we'll restrict the contest to 10 teams. The team with the fastest time wins all the entrance money. (100k)
To make things fair, the following rules will be observed.The hunts will happen more or less simultaneously, depending on the number of judges and spectators. The goal is to be done by 2:30pm, after which we'll head back to the headquarters for the apres-hunt wine and cheese and award ceremony.
- The Treasure Hunter does not have to be a member of the THB.
- The team of 4 may or may not include the treasure hunter. If not a part of the 4, the job of the treasure hunter is to dig and unlock the chest ONLY, and cannot participate in any other form.
- No dragons/wyrms/pets are allowed. If you ride a mount of any sort (ie: mare), it can only fight if you die.
- Only 1 bard per team is allowed.
- Only 1 person on the team is allowed to loot the chest. This person will be designated by the team prior to digging up the chest.
- A member of the THB will act as timekeeper and judge. Clock is started when the intial guardian spawn emerges. The clock stops when the looter yells "EMPTY" and all the monsters are vanquished.
- All the monsters must be dispatched (killed). The team does not have to "force" more monsters out of the chest, but is free to do so after the official time is recorded.
- Spectators are allowed but they must remain hidden or invised at all times. The team has the right to refuse any spectator prior to gating to the treasure site.
- The map should be for Trammel...This way problems with hidden people blocking won't be an issue.
To register a team, send an email to:
Baja Shardmaster of THB
Posted by Keith at 6:11 PM
The Last Man Standing Event
The following report from Cymidei Fier was posted to UOSS:The Last Man Standing Event
Tonight steel was ringing as monsters assailed Britan's most stalwart men and women in the famous Last Man Standing Event. Harried by waves of ice fiends, dragons, lich lords, mummies, and giant black widow spiders the field of competitors was brutally narrowed down to the finalists:Thank you Seers Takara and Hawk for sponsering this event! And congratulations to Kerik, Last Man Standing
- Kerik - First Place, Last Man Standing
- Lord Washburn - Second Place
- Revelation - Third Place
- Greywind - Fourth Place
- Thorin Orcist - Fifth Place
Posted by Keith at 6:06 PM
March 18, 2001
Last Night's Auction
Ursula posted the following "thank you" message at the Golden Brew's message board, here:Last Night's Auction
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in last night's event!
Including Cymidei's offer for Thorin Orcrist our grand total came to....*drum roll*....
One million, two hundred thousand gold!!
Now when the carpenters learn to build a stage we'll be set!
Thanks again to everyone. Here are a couple pictures courtesy of Delorn.
Taylor pays 100K for the company of the lovely Pasque
The lucky Lady Merria nabs Adian O'Rourke
Posted by Keith at 10:46 AM
March 17, 2001
Craft Faire 2001
The following announcement from Vadin was posted to UOSS:Craft Faire 2001
The Legion of Emerald Sashes Proudly presents Craft Faire 2001. There will be games and fun for all the Citizens of Britainnia.
Crafters who will ply their trade in exchange for raw goods. So bring your blank scroll, or enough hides for some armor, and get to know the Legion. (Limits apply)
See any Emerald Sash Counsel member for details, or visit our halls
Time and Location: March 25, 2001 1:00pm PST Skara Brae Fair Grounds Baja Shard in Trammel
Lord of Magi
Legion of the Emerald Sash
Posted by Keith at 3:31 PM
March 15, 2001
Test Center Showdown (Lake Inferior vs Baja)
Inspired by the recent forays of bloodthirsty miners into the hills of Napa Valley, Baja residents hone their eyes on the evil denizens of another shard, Lake Superior. The following was found on the UO Stratics Baja Forum:
Ok guys here's the skinny on our Test Center showdown vs Lake Inferior.
Be in Britain at the tailor shop with your new characters by 6 PM CST on Sunday (the 18th). Make SURE you make an alchemist as you'll get a Newbie robe (you can easily change the skill later). Once everyone gets rounded around and stocked up with what they need I will be gating to the "Baja guild house" on test center where I will add you all to our guild "Baja Rocks!, BJA". In the house are a couple dye tubs, pink and green, for you to color your robes or clothes however you wish. At 7 we will be meeting back at Britain and will decide on a place to have the PvP war. There are only 2 rules so far:
1. No looting (it's test center, ur not gaining anything, and it's annoying to have to keep running back to restock)
2. No reskilling (it's just annoying)
Me and Foolkiller do have a few tactics up our sleeves. So if you wanna help with us on those I think Foolkiller may already have people lined up to do his but if people wanna help me than just PM me or ICQ me, my number is 17534498.
Posted by Thellaren at 1:44 AM
March 14, 2001
TOL/MT Tournament Results (Felucca)
On March 10th, the Baja Mage Tower and the Order of Leonine held a joint PvP Tournament at the Feluccian Mage Tower on Verity Island. For a list of winners of this event, please proceed to the BMT Pages here.
Posted by Thellaren at 12:57 AM
Reminder! Golden's Great Date Auction Friday!
This Friday, March 16th, at 7:30pm PST come to the Golden Globe Theater in Golden and bid for a date with the man or woman of your dreams!
Following the auction there will be a party on the roof for the dates to take place. You may choose to have your date at another time or location. People being auctioned off may also bid on another person themselves, so obviously, they'd have to schedule the date at another time.
Here is the list of volunteers being auctioned off. This is subject to change.
Adian O'Rourke, Guildmaster of LGG
Angelica of Avalon
Kita Talith of Golden
Pasque of Golden
Rakhir of Heaven's Forge and RS
Scorpio of Avalon and Guildmaster of The Scorpions
S'karlett, Rogue Princess of The Royal Court
Syrann Ferenczy, Queen of the Gypsies, S^G
Thibor Ferenczy of The Society of Gypsies
Thorin Orcrist of The Dark Wardens
Ursula of Golden
Wildstar of Dawn
All proceeds will go to the renovation of the Golden Globe Theater.
Posted by Ursula at 12:35 AM
March 13, 2001
Elvish Council (Trammel)
To: All those interested:
When: Sat. March 17 at 4PST.
Where: Yew Courtroom (Trammel)
The first meeting of the Elvin council will be at the Yew courtroom. Anyone interested in attending may do so. It will start at 4 PM PST.
4:00-4:30= (OOC) Introductions (establish who is who)
4:30-5:00=(OOC) Discuss ideas for elvish rping
5:00-5:30=(IC) Discuss setting up the council
5:30-6:00= (IC) Selecting council members
6:00-6:30=(IC) Vote for council members
6:30-7:00=(IC) First official council meeting
7:00-????= (IC) Darkmor Tower will host reception
I hope to see all of you there as well as meet many of you. There are no other events scheduled at this time, hopefully in the near future the council will set some up. I thank you for your time.
Fallen Prince, Son of Joran
Follower of the True Path
(If anyone needs to contact me: ICQ 897034)
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 9:12 PM
St. Patrick's Day event
This Saturday Heaven's Forge will be hosting a St. Patrick's day event.
The event begins at 6pm pst at Darkmor tavern in HF. We'll then proceed to other player run taverns in a shard-wide pub crawl.
Before the crawl begins we'll have a Best Dressed Irish outfit contest and a catch the leprechaun contest.
Anyone from a player run establishment, please contact me to make sure you are on the list of visitation. ICQ 988442.
Cheers and "Erin go bragh!"
Darius, Mayor
||Faith and Begorrah! (Hm...I need to work on my snappy replies before showing up at these events...!)
Posted by Keith at 11:47 AM
March 11, 2001
Best of The Best (Felucca)
Reminder that tonight (Sunday) is the Best of the Best Tournament (PvP) held by Seer Eliar. It will be at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds in Felucca. Sign ups start at 6pm PST, event begins at 6:30pm PST.
Posted by Thellaren at 10:31 AM
March 5, 2001
Mardi Gras Party
The following was posted by Ursula to the Golden Brew message board, here:
Mardi Gras Party
Thank you to everyone who helped me at the party last night. What we did get in was a blast! Unfortunately we didn't get to finish, and because of other events scheduled, we won't be able to reschedule. We always have next year!
Congratulations to Ceasar and Hans Frans, the winners of our Panty Raid. Here are a couple paintings I took.
Kita leads the Conga Line | Petrus counts the panties |
Posted by Keith at 6:41 PM
The Last Man Standing Event
I read the following article at UOSS:
The Last Man Standing Event
The Last Man Standing Event was watched tonight by crowds from all over Brittania. The Abomination and it's guardian made another appearance along with ice fiends, ice wyrms, snow elementals, poison elementals, lich lords, chickens, mongbats and other fearsome beasts!
Of the many valiant combatants in the event the sole survivor was gandelf who won a silk sash embellished with the words "to gandelf, the last man standing" 10,000 gold, a bag of regeants, a treasure map and a fireworks wand. The two runners up were Lord Dragon Spirit, second place, and Lord Washburn third place.
![]() | ![]() |
Posted by Keith at 6:29 PM
March 4, 2001
Last Man Standing Contest Tonight!
Seer Eliar asked me to spread the word that because of problems last week and the cancellation of the Last Man Standing Contest, it will be held tonight (Sunday) at 6pm PST at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds, Trammel.
She has hinted that there are some changes, so if you plan on participating it's probably a good idea to go early.
Posted by Brenstar at 11:44 AM
March 2, 2001
Mardi Gras Party Reminder
Just a reminder of the Mardi Gras Party Saturday night (March 3rd) in Golden at the Golden Globe Theater. A parade starts at 6pm PST and will travel through a few towns.
Other events planned are:
*Best Mardi Gras Costume: Prize 10,000 gold
*Panty Raid: Prize Glacial Staff and GM set of GM leather armor (Thanks to Jeoram of S*S).
*Float Making Contest: You bring the items and your imagination to build a float! We will be using the land around the theater, so you will have enough room to set up your masterpiece.
Third Place: 5,000 gold
Second Place: 10,000 gold
Third Place: 15,000 gold
Also lots of food, drink, dancing and fun with friends!
Posted by Keith at 9:51 AM
February 26, 2001
LAST MAN STANDING Canceled For Tonight
Simon Pilgrim called out the following announcement over near the Golden Brew, here, about the weekly PvP Tournament at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds:LAST MAN STANDING Canceled For Tonight
I was just gimping along to the fairgrounds. Through the loses of connections [Seer] Eliar told me that it is canceled.
Sorry guys
Posted by Keith at 11:24 AM
February 24, 2001
Tournament at Mage Tower Cancelled
The Tournament scheduled for tonight at the Baja Mage Tower has been cancelled due to "inclement weather" (Shard-wide connectivity issues).
I was just preparing myself for a rousing night of watching some sporting combat — I'll be the "squire" for my comrade "Angry Jonny" as I hold his extra armor for the night — but when I finally made my way through the storms to the roof of the Baja Mage Tower, the event managers were announcing that the Tournament was rescheduled for the same time tomorrow.
The Baja Mage Tower is in Felucca, and the Tournament was scheduled for 6pm PST (contestants required to show up an hour earlier, at 5pm PST). The fighting contest is co-operated by The Order of Leonine [TOL]. In fact, it was their guildmaster, Nitram, who was acting as Event Cryer and letting everyone who made it to the Mage Tower know about the rescheduling.
Posted by Thellaren at 7:46 PM
February 21, 2001
O.P.U.S. Archery Event (Felucca)
The following annoucement was made on the O.P.U.S. Guild Pages:
O.P.U.S is pleased to accounce they are sponsoring an Archery Event on February 24TH which is a Saturday at 2:00PM PST TIME. This event will take place in Felucca and will be a PvP event. We will be meeting people at Skara Brae Bank in Trammel from there OPUS Staff will escort you thru the Skara Brae Moongate to Felucca.
I apologize for the mishap we had last Saturday the 10th Technical difficulties made it impossible for me to be there.
Grand Prize: Valorite Heavy Archer Armor
Second Prize: Gold Heavy Archery Armor
Third Prize: Shadow Heavy Archer Armor
Lord Dracon, Guild Master O.P.U.S
Posted by Thellaren at 2:09 AM
February 20, 2001
Dawn Anniversary Celebration! (Felucca)
The Kingdom of Dawn was busy this week, citizens immersed in helping with various openings and ceremonies. One of the events that we heard about was the reaffirmation of the wedding vows of Queen Hayloh and King Desmond. Also citizens of Dawn were helping Vengence get a yearlong highly publicized project open to the public, clearly a landmark occasion to befit Dawn’s Anniversary party!
The Royal Affirmation of Wedding Vows between Hayloh and Desmond occurred on Wednesday February 14th, Valentines Day! This was held at the Dawn Tower, atop the roof. Dawn citizen Shadomir made several paintings of the event and bound them together in an album. You can view this entire wedding album at the following location.Last night (Monday evening), this editor arrived at Dawn's seaside Museum of Dreams, the newest addition to Dawn’s wealth of community. The tower was a project long in the making, saved from destruction at one point by an Implementor by the name of Llano. You can read about this particular story at the Museum itself.
Vengence, the curator of the Museum, showed me the entire grounds, giving me a tour of “The Treasures of the Implementors”, “The Ethereal Chamber”, “The Royal Kitchen”, “The Armory & Workshop”, “The Slaughterhouse”, and “Oceania”. For me it was a grand journey, several items bringing back memories from the past and times when “ old folks couldn’t boot people out of our house, we had to use force.” Anyway, it was a memorable visit and we highly recommend it to everyone. The place is very thoughtfully set up with unique eye candy on every floor and the hospitality was definitely worth mentioning.
To visit the Kingdom of Dawn, consult the map on the following piece of parchment.
Posted by Thellaren at 2:27 AM
February 19, 2001
The Best of the Best Fight Night!
The following was posted to the Baja section of UOSS:The Best of the Best Fight Night!
Seer Eliar and Seer Hawk hosted The Best of the Best Fight Night, Sunday at 6:00 PM PST at the Skarabrae Faire Grounds in Felucca. Crowds gathered from all over Brittania to see the series of fifteen duels. Forbidden to heal, use poison, pets, or magic items the combatants struggled to survive each grueling match. PoisoneDevil became the champion and won a platinum ring engraved with the phrase "The best of the best". Count Straud, Lord Victory, and Tezu were runners up each winning 5-15k gold, treasure maps, and magic wands.
After the match, Seer Eliar stated that the Skarabrae Faire grounds will be the place to be in March. The Best of the Best Fight Nights in Felucca will become a permanent event. Some changes to rules and the security of the fairegrounds are being planned. Be sure to stop by the Skarabrae Faire grounds each Sunday around 6 PM PST to see the Last Man Standing Event on Trammel or the Best of the Best Fight Night on Felucca.

Posted by Keith at 7:11 PM
February 18, 2001
PvP Ladder Tourney in Skara Brae Fairgrounds Tonight!
Ursula asked me to relay the following information:Hi All! Seer Eliar came by to remind us that there is a PvP ladder tourny at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds in Felucca tonight [located in the farmlands northeast of the Skara Brae docks -Ed.]. There will be a facet gate at the fairgrounds in Trammel. Orientation begins at 5pm PST. Event starts at 6pm PST. She assures me that murderers and attackers will be dealt with.
Posted by Keith at 6:40 PM
Baja Stress Relief Results
Chance, organizer of the Baja Stress Relief events on the UOSS Baja Forum, had this to say about last nights stress releaser:Well, things went much better this time. Looting was much more organized, and resulted in collection of approx. 70k of gold. I threw in 55k, Cerridwen contributed 125k, and Johnny gave me an extra 50k on top of what he had collected as a greenie. I'm not sure if the extra came out of his pocket, or somebody else gave it to him, but a big thanks goes out to Cerridwen and Johnny and/or the mystery donor. Anyways, we had a total of 300k. We had a couple more people to split amongst this time, so the shares came out to 16k each when all was said and done.
We started out in Ice, and quickly owned the rat fort. I marked a bunch of runes, and several others were marking as well. I think I've got one extra rune marked to the corral inside the fort, so if anybody needs one let me know.
After the fort, we spread out into the rest of Ice. The spawn was nuts, I don't know if we had some invisible GM 'assistance' or not, but I've never seen the spawn like that. Of course, I haven't been inside Ice since the spawn change so it could have been normal, but enough stuff was spawning to keep 30 or so folks very, very busy.After awhile, we regrouped and headed to Deceit, and hung out in the LL room for awhile. Those silver serpents kept everyone on their toes, but pretty much everything else was put down quickly.
After a second regrouping, we headed out to Shame, and cruised around the first level for awhile until everybody decided it was time to quit and we headed back to Skara to split the loot.
Command and control was very good through most of Ice, although I had to run back and find Willard and Razer, and Foolkiller showed up while I was ressing and retrieving them, so I brought the 3 lost sheep back to the fold. After we left Ice, things fell apart quickly. I tried to spread messages by telling everybody to repeat our locations and destinations on their party chat systems to try and reach the people that weren't in the immediate vicinity, but we left people behind in Ice when we went to Deceit, and in Deceit when we went to Shame, and in Shame when we headed back to the bank. I'm not sure we could have done much else, it's pretty much up to everybody to stay on their toes and keep up with the group, although I know some folks were having connection issues, including Musashi, one of our designated looters.
All in all, a very fun time. I think we'll make Stress Relief Night a monthly event so we don't get tired of it, and to give a little more time to collect dough for the 'extra' that is thrown into the kitty on top of the collected loot. Every other week I'll hold some type of other event.
Thanks to everyone for coming, and making the event a great success! See you next time.
Chance of Baja
Posted by Thellaren at 5:22 PM
Dawn Fashion Show Cancelled
I read the following announcement on the Town Cryer page for the Kingdom of Dawn:Fashion Show Cancelled
Unfortunately, something has come up in real life, and we will be unable to conduct the fashion show scheduled for tonight. We will reschedule the show at a later date and time.
Posted by Keith at 1:29 PM
February 17, 2001
Baja Stress Relief Night (Trammel)
The following regularly scheduled event was created on the UOSS Baja Stratics Board and is open to all Bajanians:
Event will be Saturday, February 17th, at 11pm est/10pm cst/9pm mst/8pm pst. We'll meet outside the Skara bank in Trammel, and will be headed to Ice as our first target so we can mark some runes to the insta-death rat archer fort. I'll be bringing my mage, Syrinx Dragon, and will bring a ton of blanks to mark for folks who want them and can't mark their own.
Exposed lung-tissue pink will be the color of the night, as it was last time. Designated looters will wear a puke-green robe, I will have robes of both colors available for people who need them.
When you get there, try to group up in parties of 5 or so, whatever is manageable. I know there are some bugs with status bars in larger parties. Each party should have one green-robed person that will loot kills for that party. The designated looter should only worry about gold, if anybody wants any of the other crap that we'll find, go ahead and take it yourself. Designated Looter would be a good job for you non-combat type folks who just want to go along and see the fun even if you don't have a fighting char yourself. PINKIES, TRY TO KEEP YOUR GREENIE ALIVE!
Remember, griefing is encouraged! We're there to have fun and own the dungeon, regardless of what other people think of us. Just because somebody yells "Mine!" doesn't mean it is! In Lors should be given only to other event participants, and the same for Healing, Curing, and Rezzing.
Bring your bad attitude, and let's have some fun!
Chance of Baja
Posted by Thellaren at 6:52 PM
February 15, 2001
*hands you an invitation*

Posted by Keith at 12:04 AM
February 13, 2001
Marriage of Tiberius & Vega! (Trammel)
Fellow Citizens of Britannia-
On Thursday February 15th The Brotherhood of Valor is honored to present the marriage between Tiberius of Yew and Vega.
Tiberius has become well known across the land for his teachings of the Virtues as well as his extended arm of charity. Vega, a Praetorian Guard and founding member of the Brotherhood of Valor, can be easily recognized for her compassion for others and her courage on the battlefield.
Please join us in bringing these two wonderful people together. The wedding will be held at The Nujel’m Palace, in Trammel at 7:30 CST. A reception and Valentines Day celebration will be held at the Alliance of Virtue Tavern immediately following the service. We do ask that you please leave your mounts in the stable for pets are not allowed in the AoV Tavern. We will be offering prizes at the reception for three separate contests:
1. Britannia's Cutest Couple.So come one, come all come dressed for a ball!
2. Britannia's Best Dressed (Male and Female)
3. Best Valentines Day original poem. (Must be submitted in a book to Midian during the reception)
Safe travels and I hope to see you there,
Posted by Thellaren at 10:41 PM
OSI: Events Schedule Update
The following was just posted to FYI on the website:Events Schedule Update
The event schedule has been modified to accommodate prime playing time for players on all affected shards. Events will begin at approximately 7:00 PM local server time on US shards, excluding Lake Superior, Siege Perilous, and Great Lakes. Events on these three shards will begin at 7:00 PM CST. European shard events will begin at 8:00 PM local server time, and Japanese events will begin at approximately 11:00 PM local server time.
Posted by Keith at 5:31 PM
Caramon's 2nd Public PvP Event
Caramon of the UOSS Stratics Baja Forums held a public PvP event this last Sunday, successfully drawing a large crowd of participants atop the roof of his tower. For pictures of all the dueling that occured, proceed to the following site generously set up by Brekkee of Baja.
Posted by Thellaren at 1:05 AM
February 12, 2001
Kingdom of Dawn Anniversary Celebration
The following announcement was posted to the Kingdom of Dawn Town Cryer page:Kingdom of Dawn Anniversary Celebration
A series of events will be held throughout the week to celebrate the Kingdom of Dawn entering its third year as a player-run community! The Citizens of Sosaria near and far are invited to join us in our festivities! A map showing Dawn's location can be found here, and a map of Dawn itself can be found here. There is also a runebook of Dawn locations inside the Dawn Embassy in Ocllo, a small house right next to Ocllo Bank in Felucca.
The schedule of events:
Wednesday, February 14th: Valentines Day marks the wedding anniversary of King Desmond and Queen Hayloh! At 8pm PST on the 14th, they will renew their wedding vows during a special ceremony to be held at Dawn Tower. Food and drink will be provided at a reception to be held at the Acropolis Tavern and Winery in Dawn immediately after the ceremony!
Thursday, February 15th: The grand re-opening of the Dawn Library at its new, more convenient location south of Dawn Tower! The Dawn Library is the largest collection of player-created books on the shard! Library staff will be on hand from 8pm PST to 9pm PST to answer your questions or to accept contributions of new books to add to our ever-growing collection.
Friday, February 16th: The First Dawn Open House will be held! Our goal during the Open House is to introduce interested persons to our community. Representatives of Dawn will be available between 7pm and 9pm PST to provide you transportation to and from Dawn, answer questions, give you a personalized tour, and to give you free runes! If you'd like to discover what Dawn is all about, either show up at Dawn Tower, or contact King Desmond at ICQ 6036303 to arrange for transportation, between 7pm and 9pm on Friday!
Saturday, February 17th: The First Dawn Tournament of Roses will be held at Dawn Tower! Test your mettle in one of three different matches: 1 vs. 1 Joust (both fighters on horseback), 1 vs. 1 Melee, and 1 vs. 1 Magery!The rules for the tournament are:Each match will have a 50k first prize and a 25k second prize!
- Contestents will flag grey before combat begins
- No magic weapons or armor
- No looting
- No tamed animals
- No poisoned weapons
- Persons entering the Joust event must supply their own horse
- Maximum 15 minutes per bout. If there is no winner in 15 minutes, the King and Queen will decide the winner
Pre-registration is requested. To register, contact King Desmond at ICQ 6036303, or by email. Be sure to tell us which event(s) you wish to register for.
Sunday, February 18th: Arrianna will host another of her world famous Fashion Shows! Come see the latest in Sosarian fashion designs, using the latest in leather and clothes dying technology! The event will begin at 7pm PST at Dawn Tower!
Monday, February 19th: The long-awaited Dawn Museum of Dreams will finally open its doors this Monday! Over a year in the making, with dozens of beneficiaries and contributors, the Dawn Museum of Dreams will be the shard's largest public collection of odd, rare, and unique items, along with descriptions of the items and their origins! Thanks to the efforts of Lord Vengence, one of Baja's formost scholars, the Museum of Dreams will come to life on the 19th! There will be a short ribbon-cutting ceremony at 8pm PST, and then the doors will be open to the public!
We hope you will join us during some or all of our planned events, we will be happy to see you here!!
Posted by Keith at 5:52 PM
Warden Last Standing (Trammel)
Yestereve, I followed a mob of vagrants through some Feluccian portal, made tangible in Skara Brae by green robed mystics, Elder Tanaka and Seer Eliar.Apparently another Last Man Standing competition was taking place, as heralded by one of the town cryers of the land. The place was packed, with onlookers clustered around the outside of the ring, many heckling with tired old wisecracks and meteor swarms, with the majority looking patiently and intently into the arena.
The green robed mystics brought forth about five or six groups of 4-5 warriors, who had to face some of Britannia’s hardest monsters, including a few not found in any bestiary. Standing out among the beasts, were a few pure black creatures, dark as the night sky. At one point a lumbering zombie like creature emerged from the gate in the middle of the ring. The Abomination as well as its wolf-like guardian were called forth. Morpheous, a member of a faction I can’t recall, fell victim to the guardian in the finals after one hit. Elder Tanaka and Eliar seemed quite surprised at the verocity of the beast and swiftly teleported it and its master away at the end of the match.
At the end of this night, the standings were as follows:
1st Place: (Ted of the Dark Wardens)
2nd Place: (Orion of the Golden Knights) *Kudos to his technique. It worked quite well*
3rd Place: (Smithy of FB2)
I’d also like to give an honorable mention of comedic relief to Deranigan. He entered the ring with naught but his fishing pole and jester hat, taunting the monsters with his lures while running to and fro. Unfortunately he was the second to last one to remain in the ring, therefore not making it to the finals, to the dismay of a few in the crowd.At the end of the event, after maps, regeants, gold, and a sash were rewarded, Tanaka and Eliar announced that another event would be taking place in Felucca next weekend. Apparently Lord Agnacio has constructed yet another arena….make that a series of arenas! You can find them opposite the Trammel fairgrounds in Trammel on the facet of Felucca. For those familiar with the Flying Fortress Events Tower, well...its basically right next door.
Sleep well Citizens of Baja,
Posted by Thellaren at 12:14 AM
February 11, 2001
The Wedding of Sleath and Mirabel
Ursula posted the following to the Golden Brew message board, here:The WeddingThe wedding album site begins thusly:
Last night many of us gathered to witness the union of Sleath and Mirabel. It was a lovely night as the couple exchanged vows on a floatilla on the bay infront of Darkmor. I have made a wedding album containing the pictures I took.
The Wedding Album of Sleath and Mirabel
The wedding took place on a beautiful floatilla out on the bay infront of Darkmor.
The Bride wore a dress made by Mariah. The skirt made of the finest silk in silvers and the silver bodice made of soft leather. The groom donned matching colors of purple and silver. The wedding party, also wearing designs by Mariah wore the colors of Darkmor.
Posted by Keith at 7:45 PM
February 7, 2001
Baja Stress Relief Results
UO Baja Stratics Forum dwellers recently organized a public event entitled Baja Stress Relief Night, which took 30-40 participants to dungeons such as Destard and Deceit. Here is a painting of some of the participants receiving their share of 300,000 gold that was distributed at the end of the evening:

Posted by Thellaren at 12:56 AM
Majere's PvP Event #2 (Trammel)
Majere, a Baja citizen, has posted the following public event to the UO Stratics Baja Forum:
Hey all! im really happy to see the turn out lately on the events that have came up on the board here. Its good to see all your faces in the game instead of just here on the board.
I am having another collective player vs player spar at my tower in felucca. The last event went perfect. Here are the instructions:
We will be meeting at 8pm PDT sharp At MOONGLOW bank, Trammel. We will rally there until approximatly 8:20 then head to my tower via gate travel after taking the local moongate that is just outside of town. We will mass at my tower and have miscellaneous duels and spars.
You will be required to bring all of your own pvp gear, which includes potions, as well as gm armor and weapons. I will provide some potions and possibly gm armor if needed. (while supplies last)
---There will be no: looting, stealing, pking, or order chaos/factions fighting allowed, participants will be quickly banned and or killed on the spot.
This event is simply a friendly spar and bs'ing chat event. Nothing is at stake here. I will be posting my next event as a tournament with prizes and entry fee's in the next few weeks, however this being my second event I wanted to simply have some fun with it.
Everyone is invited. We had a good turnout at the last event so I'll be trying to arrange the roof of my tower to provide maximum room for the participants without sacrificing viewing rights of the onlookers.
8pm PDT Sunday Febuary 11th Moonglow bank (Trammel). BE THERE!
Posted by Thellaren at 12:06 AM
February 6, 2001
O.P.U.S. Archery Contest on February 10th
The following announcement from Lord Dracon was posted on the home page of O.P.U.S, “Baja's Blacksmithing Union”:O.P.U.S is pleased to accounce they are sponsoring an Archery Event on February 10TH which is a Saturday at 2:00PM PST TIME. Free Gates will be available from the Britain Bank.Grand Prize: Valorite Heavy Archery Armor
Second Prize: Gold Heavy Archer Armor
Third Prize: Shadow Heavy Archer Armor
Posted by Keith at 6:49 PM
February 5, 2001
TOL / MT Tournament! (Felucca)
The following announcement was found on the Order of Leonine Forum:
TOL / MT Tournament!
(The Order of Leonine and the Mage Tower)
Saturday February 24th at 6pm PST at the Felucca Mage Tower
Come test your fighting skills!
There will be 3 events: Mage, Melee, and Anything Goes.
Sign up is 1 hour before start time (5pm PST) at the Felucca MT.
Rules will be strickly enforced!
The rules for the 3 events are as follows:
For ALL Events:
No Looting
No Stealing
Both contestants MUST flag gray before match begins!
Magery Contest:
No potions, before or during match
No bandage healing
You are allowed ONE heal by magery only
No magic weapons or armor
No summoned creatures
No area spells
Melee Contest:
No potions, before or durring match
No magic weapons or armor
No poisoning
No healing of any kind
Anything Goes Contest:
No area spells
No summoned creatures
Donations for prizes will be gladly exepted.
For more information contact Nitram,
or Nekkar. Hope to see you there!
- Lord Nitram
GM of The Order of Leonine
Posted by Thellaren at 12:33 AM
February 3, 2001
Mage Tower Dungeon Crawl Tonight! (Trammel)
The Mage Tower unleashed a new site today as well as the following announcement for a dungeon delve tonight:
Once again, the mists have cleared and a new gathering will take place. The ancient rune stones lay ready within the grand tower. Which stone will be selected ? Where will it take us ?
To find out more, come to the Mage Tower in Trammel at 7:00pm(PST) this Saturday Night. One of you will be chosen, gates will open and we will be off. Click here for a map.
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 5:24 PM
Last Man Standing Contest (Trammel)
The following was posted to the Golden Brew Messageboard today:
Tonight there was an excellent bout which included some of the most fearsome warriors and arcane mages throughout the lands. They fought all manner of creature within the ring at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds. Among which, most notably, were the Snow Elementals which seemed to dominate the tournament. All warriors fought bravely, yet, at the end, only one was to remain.
Heartly congratulations go out to Morpheous who should be proudly wearing his new badge of honor (shown below) as he was, of course, the "Last Man Standing." 2nd place went to yours truly, Washburn, and 3rd place went to Larz. All winner received a nice, tidy sum of gold, two treasure maps (which Elder Tanaka claimed were from Seer Eliar's corpse... I didn't ask...) and a large quantitiy of regeants. Much fun was to be had all around and Elder Tanaka mentioned to keep an ear to the town criers o'er the next week as this is due to become a weekly event!
Posted by Thellaren at 5:15 PM
February 2, 2001
2nd tournament of Takhises
The following was submitted to UOSS by Ariakan:2nd tournament of Takhises
The Knights of Takhisis are hosting their second tournament on Saturday, the 10th of February at 11 EST. We've adjusted the time to accommodate our west coast participants, being that Baja is a west coast shard. The rules are as follow's:The tournament will be held at the Tower of Takhisis. Gates will be sent from Moonglow [on Felucca], if you bring a rune we can mark it for you. The tournament is organized into 3 events. First, the warrior vs warrior event, where each fighter will have 1 on 1 elimination battles until only 1 remains. Our warrior champion will be rewarded a full GM suit of verite armor w/ heater shield. The second event is the mage vs mage series of battles. Each mage will contend in a 1 on 1 battle until only 1 remains. The winner will be rewarded a full colored suit of GM leather armor w/sandals. The third event pits our two victors against one another in a finale bout of mage vs warrior. The winner of the final event is rewarded with 50,000 gold and 750 faction silver. To enter the tournament you must pay a bid of 3,000 gold to either Ariakan or Lady Lexie of the KoT. Hope to see you all there.
- No pets, stables horses before you even come to the tower.
- All potions are allowed, except for explosion.
- DP is allowed, since mages can cast poison, warriors may poison their Weapons.
- No magical weapons, armor, jewelry, shields, or clothing of any kind, This includes wands.
- Any unorganized fighting will result in a ban from the tower and future events.
Lord Ariakan, Dragon Emperor and Keeper of the Tower
Posted by Keith at 12:54 AM
January 30, 2001
Wedding of Baron Sleath Von Darkmor and the Lady Mirabel of Heaven's Forge
From the UO Baja Calendar:Event: The wedding of Baron Von Darkmor and the Lady Mirabel. Reception and dancing to follow at the Darkmor Tavern.
Sponsor: Darkmor & the Town of Heaven's Forge
Time: Feb 10 2001 6:30PM PST - 10:30PM PST
Location: Gates from Ring of Steel Guild Tower (Trammel)
Details: The wedding at sea will begin at 7:00 p.m. PST. Please arrive at the Ring of Steel Guild Tower (in the valley south of Dungeon Wrong) prior to this time for gating.
Posted by Thellaren at 11:43 PM
Baja Stress Relief Night (Trammel)
The following announcement was posted by Chance on the Baja Stratics Forum:This is the official announcement of Baja Stress Relief Night, hosted by the Baja S|S.
Time: Sunday, February 4, 11pm est/10pm cst/9pm mst/8pm pst.
We'll be meeting up at the Skara bank in Trammel beforehand, and promptly at the appointed time we will be gating to the BK (Bone Knight) room. Our objective: kill every undead in sight, regardless of who thinks it is 'their' kill. No healing, In Loring, curing, or ressing of non-event personnel will be tolerated, no matter how loudly they demand it. S|S folks, you are not required to bring your thief char, you can bring a warrior type if you'd like. I will bring my thief simply because S|S is hosting the event.
If we have enough people, multiple parties will be formed, with one designated 'looter' per party who can carry off all the loot from corpses so the killing types don't have to worry about it. We'll be taking the loot not so much because we want or need it, but because we don't want to just leave stuff lying around for other people to help themselves to. Gold will be divvied up afterwards for those who care, junk weps/armor from the BKs will be smelted and ingots divvied up between those who want them.
If we REALLY get a lot of people, we will expand and take over one or both of the lich rooms on the next level down.
So, bring your silver weapons, your pent-up frustrations, and an extremely bad attitude, and we'll see you there!
Chance of Baja
Posted by Thellaren at 10:39 PM
Crawl to the Star Chamber
The Mage Tower and the Order of Leonine recently journeyed into the Terathan Keep on one of their famous crawls. Visit the Mage's Library to view the story in its entirety.
Posted by Thellaren at 1:00 AM
Majere's Pvp Event! (Trammel)
The following successful event was thrown by Majere, put together for all the folks at the UO Stratics Baja Forum:Well let me first start off by thanking everyone who came out. My tower was packed with about 15+ people. Im honored to say the event even drew our moderator Scarlet Thief. We had many people from the boards here make the event including "Chance" "Rov Trinity", "DRKM", "Redshiftdragon", "foolkiller", "derek valkry", "sheepgoat", "willow", "razerwing"...and many more that had a great impact on the event. I thank all of the people that i named here and i know i left people out but i have a very bad memory. Everyone was very nice and we had no problems. The event started in style.
For more information on this event, proceed to the Forums above.
Posted by Thellaren at 12:09 AM
January 29, 2001
Trinity's Tavern Grand Opening (Trammel)
The following announcement was made earlier today on the UO Stratics Baja Forum:The event will take place on Saturday Feb 3 at 1 PM Pacific Standard Time. The Tavern is located just North of the Britain Pass on the Tram facet. (I've provided a map) at the coordinates 28o 18'S 34o 14'W.
I will be providing free ale and fish steaks to all who show and we might have some doorprizes and/or contests of some sort. I'm guessing I'll be giving out around 60k in cash prizes.So everyone come on out and eat and tell stories and maybe win some gold. The menu is below, and I should have some vendors stocked with other things you might need (recall scrolls, GM armor and weps, etc.). Also I'm gonna try and have "Happy Hour" on a weekly fish steaks and all liquor half price. I'll have a bard available to tell stories and gives everyone a chance to just relax and chat with some others. I'll post the times when I'll have Happy Hour!
If you plan on coming please reply to this message so I know how much stuff I need for the event, my guild should be in attendence as well. Also invite all your friends and guild members as well!
Thanks guys!
Posted by Thellaren at 9:33 PM
Thorin Orcrist posted the following results of The Dark Wardens Faire which took place last night in the Skare Brae Fairegrounds on Trammel. The original posting can be found on the Dark Warden's message board, here.tDw FAIRE SUMMARY AND PICS!!!!
Hail fellow citizens,
First off, the Dark Warden's would like to thank all the citizens that came out to join us in Last Night's Faire. It was a rousing success!!! Many people came and enjoyed drinks and food. and many more won prizes and saw amazing spectacles, There were booths for vendors and tamers selling All sorts of mounts and services at discounted prices. A Gambling booth, and a fortune teller for everyones amusement.
The contests featured a mighty show of mastery over the bow by many of our patrons, and a show of speed in our horse races, as well as a show of intellect and cunning in our Scavenger Hunt and Puzzle games. All in all many prizes were won and food and gold exchanged hands.
Winners of the archery contest included:Pat Mcgroin Buddy, Dove
HardKore SlindBlade
Scavenger Hunt Winners:Pekkle, Strider, and Nightmare were among the many winnners...The Faires Puzzle Contest Winners are:1st: Badola Blazo 25k gold prize
2nd: Kryos 15k gold prize
3rd: Cortez 10k gold prize
The Horse Race winners included:Beo Van Bur Vinras NightmareBeast Wars:
The highlight of the night though, was the suprising turn out for our "Beast Wars" a series of fierce bouts as tamers from all over their lands brought forth their fiercest dragons and nightmares to face off in a battle to the death!! And for the crowds amusements bets were made on each bout much money was won and lost as spectators cheered for thier respective fighters...... Match Highlights included:A Last minute comeback in a Dragon vs. Dragon MatchWhile it was a sight to see, some question the value of pitting such majestic creatures against one another to the death, but folks it was all for the sake of entertainment.
A Fierce Wyrm vs Dragon Match
A Handicap Match 2 Dragons vs one White Wyrm
and the Main Event, a Nightmare vs Nightmare Match
And overall the Faire was a success!!! We hope to bring you more fun and enjoyment in the future....
We like to wish our thanks to the DoV, UTB, tDw, and the FaireGrounds Keepers for their support and contributions for making this night a memorable one!
we'd like to hear your opinions and comments:
please feel free to visit us or write to us here:
Msg Board
Event Pics:
Posted by Keith at 5:57 PM
January 26, 2001
Reminder for the Faire
We were sent the following message:Reminder for the Faire
Hi Just a Friendly Reminder that the Dark Warden's Faire is tomorrow (Jan, 27th) at the Skara Brae Faire Grounds at:All are invited to come and enjoy the entertainment and games. So come on come all!!
Here is a diagram of directions:
If you have any questions, please feel free to write us at: or visit us at:
Posted by Keith at 7:00 PM
January 22, 2001
Tournament of Takhisis Tonight! (Felucca)
The following news item was posted to the OSI Baja Calendar:On Monday, January 22nd, the Knights of Takhisis will be hosting a tournament at the Tower of Takhisis. This is our first event on the Baja shard and we hope to make it fun and worthwhile for everyone. If anyone wishes to join in and place a bid so that they may participate contact me, Ariakas by e-mail or ICQ me at 39469252.
1.All are welcomed to attend, which means no fighting outside of tourny battles, if that occurs you will be banned from the games.
2.No magical weapons, clothing, armor, or shields of any kind,
3.All potions are allowed, EXCEPT purple explosion potions that cause area damage,
4.DPed weapons are allowed because mages can caste poison, so warriors can use it as well.
5.No pets or animals. All fights will take place on foot.
Gates will be going to the tower the night of the tournament from 5-5:30 PDT from Britain, Moonglow, and Vesper banks.
Ariakas and the KOT
Posted by Thellaren at 1:14 AM
January 21, 2001
Baja Miner Uprising on Napa
While mining in the local mountains, disgruntled down and out Baja miners came across a shard gate, transferring them into the picturesque land of Napa. Instead of soaking up the atmosphere and sampling the local vintages, the miners used this opportunity to protest for rock splitters the Napa Shard over. Stratics Napa Valley Reporter Pelle Svanslos reported on the grisly situation:
Dear Readers,More paintings of this event can be found on the UOSS Baja Forum.I have to warn you about the increasing danger of going to Felucca these days. Especially the city of Britain. As I make my way through the streets I'm almost trampeled on a daily basis by the strange colored warhorses of faction members as run around looking like they have important business to take care of.
At the bank I have to constantly look over my shoulder for the myriad of thieves just waiting to snoop my pack and it gets worse.
A band of miners from a town called Baja (I had never heard of it, but they assured me it was real) were protesting their memebers being murdered at the hands of the PKs.
I tried to get the guards to stop this nonsense...
...but as we know the guards aren't so smart.
Once again it was up to the citizens to clean this town up.
So, just as I was saying: "Can't we all get along" off they ran. North towards the graveyard. With a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach I ran after them. I wasn't sure what they were doing yet, but I followed diligently. As a news reporter I knew I wanted to be in on this story.
A crowd had gathered previously, some of them looking like they were spoiling for a fight. They hung back watching to see where the miners would go and when we arrived in the graveyard they loitered restlessly.
The miners started protesting about PKs and some of them lamented the loss of their favorite packie. They wanted to know, who among this group, was the culprit of this lower than low crime of horse killing.
Just about everyone stepped forward with a gleam in their eye and a sharp blade in hand. And so...the inevitable happened. The miners attacked and were killed one by one. Some of them begged for their lives by offering information only a miner would know...
...but it wasn't enough. Soon the ground was littered with dead bodies and pickaxes.
I didn't know these poor souls very long, but I felt as if I understood their rage and pain. They just wanted the simple life of hacking away at rocks day in and day out. Not asking for much, just to be left alone with their ore. These simple folk wanted what the rest of us get along with our neighbors.
I ask you, is that so wrong?
Unfortunately, as I started to leave the graveyard with a heavy heart those jerks all attacked me!
So, I whipped out my katana and dropped them on the spot. 5 vs 1. They took off 1 hp. I think I found my new sig.
So, I say if the Baja miners was to perticipate in mass suicide...I'll be there to lend a helping hand.
Pelle Svanslos
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 3:49 PM
Two New Dungeon Crawls Posted by the Baja Mage Tower
Nekkar, keeper of the Baja Mage Tower guildstone, announced that pictures of two recent Mage Tower-sponsored dungeon crawls Dungeon crawls are now available at their web site, specifically here.You can view the adventures of these two crawls more directly by clicking on the images below:

Mage Tower, Golden Knights and TOL visit the Dungeon of Covetous

Mage Tower and TOL visit ICE Dungeon
Posted by Keith at 2:22 PM
The Ball in Golden
Ursula posted the following on the Golden Brew message board:The Ball
I had a great time last night! It was so wonderful to see so many people and meet new friends. Congratulations to Kita for doing an awesome job! *claps* And thanks to Pasque and Washburn for bartending. I think this is the longest party I've ever attended. I went to bed about 11:30 or midnight and it was still going!
Here's a quick painting I made. Notice [Seer] Eliar has joined the band. Perhaps she's given up Town Criers for Musicians? *winks*
Posted by Keith at 2:08 PM
January 20, 2001
Last Man Standing Contest (Trammel)
I read the following posted by Ursula on the Golden Brew Board:
Last night we heard that there was a Last Man Standing Contest out at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds. When we heard that our own Beaker and Washburn had entered, Pasque and I rushed out to cheer them on.What the contest is, is about 4 contestants stand in the fenced area of the fairgrounds, then Seer Eliar and Elder Takara make all sorts of nasty monsters appear. Whoever survives the ordeal wins the round. Washburn made it to the finals (yeah!) but was the second to die.
The Last Man Standing contests are random, but they did say there would be more scheduled.
[Editors Note: More Paintings are available on the Golden Brew Board at the location above]
Posted by Thellaren at 1:35 AM
January 18, 2001
The Dark Wardens Invite You to a Faire! (Trammel)
Ladies and Gentlemen:
There are few things that stand the test of time and a rare sight it is, to see something grow and succeed. Three years have gone by, and the small fellowship of the Dark Wardens has grown from a close knit group of five, to over one hundred and sixty members. This is a testament to the Founders visions of a guild based on friendship, trust, compassion, honor, and justice. To celebrate three years of success, the we would like to invite all those who have traversed a similar path, to a Faire, presented by the Dark Wardens, to honor those friends long gone, to our friends of today, and to those not yet met. This Faire, is a symbol of our gratitude to the realm, and more importantly it's people, whose very existence makes this world a better place. So come join us for a day full of Fun excitement, contests, and prizes.

The Faire itself shall take place on the Faire Grounds on the outskirts of the City of Skara Brae, on Jan. 27th, 2001 from 6pm to 8pm PST
There will be booths for citizens to patron, and a plethora of tradesmen offering their goods and wares.
There shall be Tamers selling wondrous beasts.
Smiths selling armor and weaponry.
Alchemists and their strange concoctions.
Crafters, and their exquisite creations.
An assortment of other traders with wares.
The Events and entertainment include:
Blackjack tables
Food and ale provided by the Rusty Dagger.
A Horse/ Steed Race.
A Scavenger Hunt.
A Contest of Intellect.
An auction, selling items from the Four Corners of the World.
An Archery Contest
Story Telling Roulette
And most importantly, the best form of entertainment, YOU! Our friends and citizens of Sosaria, So come one come all and have some Fun!
If you have any questions, or need directions please contact me here:
Thorin Orcrist
Dwarven Beserker Lord, The Dark Wardens
Posted by Thellaren at 9:27 PM
Avalon Wedding and CoC
The following was posted by Blind Hawk to the Avalon web site:Avalon Wedding and CoC
Well folks, it has finally happened. What's that you ask? Well Marge has agreed to Marry Homer Jay in Avalon on Saturday January the 20th 2001 at 3:00 P.M. Pac Day Time and Following this Outstanding Event will be a Special Contest of Champions!
4:00 PM PDT at the Avalon Arena, will be a Special CoC!!!
It will be a Standard Contest, with a New added Catagory of a Couples Contest! Soooooo.... Bring you Favorite Weapons and arm up and prepare for a Day to Remember. oh, and don't forget your Partner!
Cheers All!!!
Posted by Keith at 6:39 PM
January 15, 2001
You're Invited to Our Winter Ball!
You're invited to a Winter Ball!
Have you ever wished for a romantic night of music, ball-room dancing and candle-light in Britannia? Wish no more!
The Town of Golden is hosting it's First Annual Golden Winter Ball!
Date: Saturday, January 20, 2000
Location: The Golden Globe Theatre - Roof
Ball Start Time: 7:30 pm, PST
Ballroom Dancing Lessons Avail: 7:00 pm, PST
Attire: Formal (No armor, unless female plate as part of a gown, please).
Bring your loved ones and your friends! Enjoy the magical atmosphere of our specially decorated dance floor on the roof with our orchestra playing softly as you dance beneath the stars...
See you then!
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 11:17 PM
January 14, 2001
PvP Tournament (Felucca)
Time: Tonight from 7-9pm PDT
Place: Jhelom Farm, Felucca
This is a PvP tournament for PvPers to see how good they really are. No dexers are allowed, this is for mages who actually have skill, the object of this is to see how good you are and not how good you can chase someone with a melee weapon equipped. Entry fee is 20K and it will be put towards the prizes. On the example that ten people show up, 1st prize would take 100K, 2nd would take 75K and 3rd would take 25K. The first prize winner gets half of the fund, second place gets 75% of the remaining pot and third place gets the 25% left of the remaining pot. I hope everyone comes and has a good time, see you at the farm.
[The resurrection of Na-Krul and the sealing of the Well of Souls will take also place at the Dark Tower tonight at 8pm. -Thellaren]
Posted by Thellaren at 3:02 AM
Sky Mall III to Hold Shard Faire (Trammel)
Sky Mall III will be hosting a Shard Faire Saturday January 20th. Many plans are in the works for the faire. This event will replace the event planned for this Sunday. Here are a sample of the events planned.
1). 10 - 10,000 Gold Piece Shopping Sprees to Sky Mall III. Everyone who visits will be entered apon request to the lotto. I will get your ICQ and name and at 7 PM Central Time, draw the 10 lucky winners. Winners will be notified via ICQ.
2). Snap Vendors will be available. A snap vendor is a vendor in which the owner is friended to the mall just long enough for him or her to place the goods they want to sell on their vendor then unfriended. The vendor has then 10 days to sell the goods before the owner must come and retrieve their vendor. To get the gold off your vendor, just make your house public for a few minutes, place your vendor and simply get the gold off your vendor.
3). Guild Days. I invite Guildmasters across the shards to come and set up booths around the mall. This will give guilds the opportunity to recruit fresh Guild Mates. This also gives players the opportunity to come and find guilds to join. If you are a guildmaster looking for new players and are interested in having a booth, please ice me at 17484064. I will return your icq as soon as possible and yes booths are free. :)
4). At 8 PM Central, we will be hosting an Alchoholic Race Across Britainia. Players will race on foot to several checkpoints. Their will be a first, second and third place prize. Each Contestant must drink 15 alchoholic beverages before the race. At each checkpoint, more liquer will be consumed.
1). 1st Prize will be a 40,000 gold Piece Shopping Spree at Sky Mall III.5). Merchant Faire. Many merchants will be on hand to make free items for you. I will have several GM Smiths on hand to convert your ingots into whatever you wish. GM Carpenters will be there to convert your wood into the finest furniture. A GM Assassin will be on hand to convert your NightShade into Deadly Poison and Coat the Weapons you wish coated. A GM Tailor will be on hand to convert your leather into GM Leather Armor.
2). 2nd Prize will be a 30,000 Gold Piece Shopping Spree At Sky Mall III.
3). 3nd Prize will be a 30,000 Gold Piece Shopping Spree At Sky Mall III.
6). A Black Dye Tub and a Furniture Dye tub will be placed in the mall for convienent access to the mall Patrons that Day and the Owner of the Sky Mall will be on hand to dye the furniture your reqest. Please bring a Ordinary Dye tub so you can show exactly what color you wish your furniture to be dyed.
7). I invite Tamers to come tot he faire and set up booths to sell their Ostards and Dragons. Please No Dragons in my Castle. I still am cleaning up after the last one!. :)
8). Drawings will be held for a chance at winning a Keep for a Month. The lucky Winner will be coowned to my Keep for a month. During this period of time, the lucky winner will be allowed to do anything he or she desires with my keep, aside from lifting it of course. I will only log into refresh the keep and nothing more. Each person wishing to purchasing a chance to win this magnificent prize needs to purchase a lotto ticket for 1,000 gold. The Drawing will be held at 9 PM Central.
9). Free Gates to The Top of the Castle will be provided. If you have never been on the roof of a Castle, here is your chance. :)
I personally invite everyone to come and have a good time. Come get drunk as a skunk and have a great time. Everyone is invited to join the fun. If you have any suggestions, please ICQ me with them. If you have a Smith, Tailor, Assassin or Tailor and wish to help out at the faire, I invite you to do so. Lets have some Fun.
Posted by Thellaren at 2:07 AM
January 9, 2001
Tale Spinning Meetings Resume
Greetings all,
I am putting this up to let everyone know that the Tale Spinning is resuming in Avalon at the Avalon Library. I am hoping to get enough support in this so that we wont have to worry about Pk activities there during these sessions. So bring your book, your memories and imaginations and I hope to see you there.
Subject: Tale Spinner Meets
Place: Avalon Public Library
Date: Every Thursday Evening
Time: 7:00 PM PDT (West Coast)
10:00 PM EDT (East Coast)
Goodies will be set out around the Libby and as always, anyone who wants to have their Tales Added to the Upcoming Publication "Avalon City of Destiny ~ City of Dreams". Please remember to bring an In-Game Copy of the Chapter you are going to Present.
See ya there.
Blind Hawk (The New Librarian)
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 1:41 PM
January 7, 2001
Recent Faction News
The following was recently posted to UO Journal:CoM looks for a new Stronghold
The CoM leadership is looking for a new stronghold this week. It seems that there are massive problems with the current stronghold in Magincia. The two bridges and the marine approaches along with two doors to protect have lead the leadership and many of the members to question the defensibility of their stronghold. A large number of members have even suggested that they will defect to another faction if the problem is not addressed quickly.
The CoM attempts to help Shadowlords
Last Tuesday the Shadowlords had a town sigil that they were holding. When Minax attacked the Shadowlords stronghold the CoM members came in behind Minax to pinch them between the two groups. The attempt was ruined when Shadowlords members attacked CoM members. All the CoM members were killed. CoM members vow never to help Shadowlords again.
Shadowlords grab Sigils Minax Attacks
The Shadowlords stole several town sigils from Minax and held them against multiple Minax attacks Wednesday night. The brave Shadowlords had a large force on late into Thursday morning defending the sigils. Lead by the murder archangel the Shadowlords fought off the strong Minax attacks. After the worst attack Minax left then returned five minutes later catching the Shadowlords members re-supplying. Minax also changed tactics and moved quickly into the attack. The sudden attack was just too much for the battle weary Shadowlords.
Minax once again owns all the Towns
As of Friday Minax once again has captured and held all the Town Sigils. With few attacks on the Minax Stronghold by any of the other factions Minax has had a relatively easy time of it the last couple days. Not only holding the Stronghold Minax has also fielded a twenty man quick reaction force that they are using very effectively in the Minax held towns. This reaction force responds in minutes. Always presided by spies the force moves with lighting efficiency killing all other faction members in its wake. Can Minax be stopped?
Durham Stargazer
Mage, Baja, Executive Editor UO Journal
Posted by Thellaren at 8:19 PM
January 5, 2001
Emerald Hall Dedication Ceremony
All are cordially invited to join The Legion Of Emerald Sashes this Sunday, January 7, at 11:00am PST in the festivities to celebrate the dedication of their new home, The Emerald Hall. The event will be hosted by The High Lady Dori, and her handsome husband, Method Man.
Festivites will include a feast, drinks, as well as several contests and competitions, including : indoor multilevel footraces, beastraces, a furniture placing contest, games of chance, and the grand event of the evening, a poetry contest.
Contestants will be able to enter in one of three poetry categories : Verse, Free Form, or Haiku, in both prewritten (the topic is to be the truth of virtue)and spontaneous (topic to be announced at event) competitions. Prizes for the day will include gold, GM armour, and house add-ons.
Gates will be provided every 10 minutes, from the banks at Magincia, Britain East and Vesper, starting at 10:30 AM PST.
Posted by Ursula at 1:06 PM
December 23, 2000
The CoM Owns 5 Towns
I read the following interesting newsbit today at UO Journal:CoM took over 5 Towns by Friday afternoon. After 24 hours of constant battling the CoM have succeeded in capturing and controlling their first towns. CoM forces defended their Stronghold for 24 long hours holding all 8 Town Sigils. Multiple attacks were made by the forces of Minax to breach the defenses. CoM held strong with some faction members manning the embattlements for hours and hours. When asked about this historical day Longshot the recently reelected Commander of CoM said "A big huge thank you to every CoM who fought hard for this victory. It was the group effort from everyone that made it possible."
Durham Stargazer
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 1:55 AM
December 22, 2000
The CoM steals Moonglow and Britain Town Sigil
Several factions newsbits from this weeks Feluccian events are now available on the UO Journal site. This more notable and recent account was among them:A fast paced well-coordinated attack on the Minax Stronghold netted the CoM faction two Town Sigils. Looking like they were starting to build teamwork, the CoM were in and out of the Minax Stronghold within three minutes. The attack led by Longshot succeeded in getting the Town Sigils back to the CoM Stronghold quickly with the defense in place.
Durham Stargazer
Posted by Thellaren at 12:27 AM
The Wedding of Ruby & Phoenix
On Wednesday, the 20th of December, my sister, Queen Ruby Flash of Yoran, was married to Phoenix, Lord High Chancellor of the Knights of Steel. Anticipation was thick, as we were all worried that, like Ruby's previous fiances, Phoenix would meet his death on the wedding day. I, myself, was quite concerned, as I had witnessed the prior attempt and seen the groom slaughtered at the alter. I thought it quite judicious of my sister that this time she had chosen to wed in a field of flowers, should there in fact be any blood. Last time the blood's puddling effect on the tiles of the Nujel'm palace, when it started to run towards the guests' feet....well, let's just say that was a situation best avoided. The seats at this ceremony, too, were well back, should there be any splattering. We were prepared for the worst, even while we hoped for the best.
S'karlett, Rogue Princess
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 12:01 AM
December 18, 2000
Faction News (Felucca)
The following newsbits were recently published to UO Journal:The CoM attacks Minax's StrongholdSaturday night the CoM attacked and held Minax's Stronghold for over 3 ½ hours. The CoM overwhelmed the defenders of the Stronghold with minimal causalities. Many of Minax's faction members were killed. The CoM held the Stronghold against multiple small Minaxian and Shadowlords attacks. In the end it took the combined forces of Minax and the Shadowlords to overcome the large CoM force. The attack and occupation of Minax's Stronghold shows that the CoM forces are getting organized and can succeed against Minax.
Minaxians Retake StrongholdMinaxians regrouped in Moonglow while the Shadowlords attempted to draw the CoM members out of the Stronghold. Minaxians attacked the CoM members in force around 11:30. One Minaxian force attacked CoM members on the northern ramparts. A few moments later another force attacked the front gate with an elite unit of mages and warriors. The mages dispelled the energy fields and poison fields placed at the front gate by CoM members.
The killing blow to the CoM forces was the introduction of a Faction Town Guard into the battle. The guard took out the inter-court defensive force and that is the moment the Stronghold started to fall. Low on regeants and potions the CoM force soon succumbed to the Minaxian onslaught.
Durham Stargazer
Posted by Thellaren at 12:48 AM
December 16, 2000
Fairhaven Winter festival TONIGHT...
Silkon, FHv, posted the following reminder on the Golden Brew message board:Fairhaven Winter festival TONIGHT...
for everyone that missed last nights event that is okay cause we still have two days of events left some come on by and enjoy some good food and drink while we watch the chickens fight tonight.
Posted by Keith at 4:24 PM
Shadowlight Christmas Summary
I saw the following posted on the Golden Brew Messageboard:Thank ye to all that came to talk with Santa or just to to play in the games. I'd like to specially thank Ursula, Mirabel, Sleath, and the AoV members for help with decorating the tavern and gathering some supplies. Thank you very much all of ye!
The night started out with everyone coming over to the Village hall to have a seat on Santa's knee to tell him what they wanted for Christmas. Santa talked to many many children last night. At a table next to Santa, Athena, the Gypsy Queen, was giving near year fortune readings. Unfortunately she soon felt very drained and passed out during a reading.After about an hour Santa and his reindeer left, yelling "Merry Christmas to all and to all a Goodnight!" to all at the tavern. With that he, his reindeer and helper, flew out of site.
Anvil showed up at the tavern, and began the caroling contest. The winners of the event were:
1st place: Kita Talith (with 15 out of 15 correct)
2nd place: Ursula (with 14 our of 15 correct)
3rd place: Mirabel (with 9 out of 15 correct)
After prizes were given and congratulations exchanged, Anvil started the second event.
Here folks got part of Santa's christmas list, as he had lost his bag filled with goodies. Everyone had an hour to return with as many goodies as they could. The winners of this event were:
1st place:Maston Stamper (all items in)
2nd place:Mirabel (all items in)
3rd place:Bronwyn (all items but 1 in)
All in all I hope ye had as much fun at the party as those that hosted it did having it for ye.
*wishing ye and yers a very merry christmas*
Shadowlight Historical Documents
Posted by Thellaren at 2:22 PM
Events Tonight
- Trammel
- Felucca
Location: Fairhaven Community Center, Trammel
Time: Tonight, 7pm PST
Overview: Ten matches of chicken versus chicken will be held. Player can bet on the outcome with other players or with the judges. Like before, instructions will be given first at the commuity center and then gates will be provided to the event location.
Black Knight (KOC) to wed Countess (KOC)
Time: Tonight, 7pm PST
Location: Wedding Chapel on Avalon Peninsula
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 1:34 PM
Faction News (Felucca)
The following was recently posted to UO Journal:Sunkist now Leads True Britannians
As one of the smallest factions can Sunkist increase membership? Sunkist seems to be relatively unknown even among he/her factions members. With a lot of factors against this faction Sunkist has a hard road ahead. Will he/she look towards other factions as allies?
Archangel Shadowlords Leader Elected
The Shadowlords elected archangel as the first Shadowlords leader. How will archangel deal with Minax? Will he look to the other two factions as allies against Minax? Can he lead the Shadowlords into capturing their first town?
Durham Stargazer
Posted by Thellaren at 1:20 PM
December 14, 2000
Cities Guarded and Trapped by Minax
The following was just posted at UO Journal:
Minax now owns every city with a sigil, and has deployed traps & guards to the point that it is almost impassible for anyone but Minax to travel safely to any city. The question is, can the alliance between LoD & g_d be stopped? Shadowlords, True Brits & Council of Mages have been pushed into the cities of Occlo, Nu'jelm & Jhelom. Tis a scary alliance that rules the lands.
Posted by Thellaren at 3:15 PM
Shadowlight Christmas Party
Ursula posted the following comments on the Golden Brew message board:
Shadowlight Christmas Party
Was a great time! Thanks to Anvil, Grand Mystic, Blade and all the other AoV people who put it together! Congrats to Kita who won the Christmas Carol Contest! Here are some pictures.
Santa's Reindeer
A Visit To Santa
The Christmas Carol Contest
Posted by Keith at 10:25 AM
December 13, 2000
The CoM Steals its First Town Sigil and More
Here is one accounting of Durham Stargazer's experiences from factions the last few days. You can read all the subsequent events at UO Journal:The CoM lead by AfE stole its first Town Sigil and brought it back to their stronghold. On Sunday at 1:00 Delucia was captured. At 1:16 Britain was captured and at 1:53 Yew was captured. The group doing the taking of the Town Sigils included Sanglant, Synestra and Masterful. By 3:00 they had taken Trinsic and Skara Brae and Magincia.
Durham Stargazer
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 2:52 AM
Baja Weddings
Queen Ruby Flash (TRC) to wed Lord High Chancellor Phoenix (KS)Date: Tonight - 12/13
Time: 6pm PDT
Location: Nujel'm Palace Gardens
Black Knight (KOC) to wed Countess (KOC)Date: Saturday - 12/16
Time: 7pm PDT
Location: Wedding Chapel on Avalon Peninsula
Posted by Thellaren at 2:25 AM
The One Festival (Trammel)
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
The new community, Kingdom of Dreams, is hosting their very first event, The One Festival, on Friday December 22, 2000 at the Skara Brae fairgrounds! Meet the members of our community for food, drink, and a whole lot of fun! The Festival will open at 5 PM Pacific Time with a Merchant Flea Market, bring your best craftsmen, blacksmiths, rares sellers and sell your items at your regular or discounted prizes! Also customers are needed to come look at what is offered... for trading, selling, or buying, this is for everyone!
We will have many events and contests on hand to attract everyone! Participate in the warrior, mage, or free for all class Player vs. Player tournaments! Animal fights as well, bet on the animal you think will win!
Contests will include an apple eating contest, an ale drinking contest, participate in the costume/dress contest or match your wits in the chess tournament. Fun to be had by all and food and drink will be served free as well! Come join us for this fine festival and check the shedule below for each event.
From 4:30 PM PST until 6 PM mages will be on hand at Moonglow and Britain to gate you to this fabulous event! Just look for the K^D abbreviation! Or you can walk to the fairgrounds by walking directly East of the Skara Brae docks!
Schedule for The One Festival
The Festival will kick off at 5 PM Pacific Standard Time with the opening of the Flea Market/Swap Meet. An event staff person will be on hand to organize the merchants. Merchants are urged to arrive at the fairgrounds at 4:30 PM (gates can and will be provided if needed) so the staff can address the merchants to the "rules and standards" of selling at our event. The cost to sell here is free, just bring it free of attitude as well! People may start buying, selling, trading at 5 PM.
Warrior Class - All GM weapon/armor. Only potions allowed are greater heal potions. NO POISON. NO MAGERY. Ressurections will be on hand (or the loser may yield before they die, in which case the other shall back off IF THEY CAN or otherwise be disqualified.) NO LOOTING. Fighting is to stay within the pit 1 vs 1.
Mage Class - Same rules apply except anything goes magic wise! Bring your best Mages!
Free For All - Anything goes. Mages can fight warriors. Bring your BEST PvP character to this one! Only GM weps and armor. But poisoning, potions, magery are allowed!
All fighting will be done in the "fighters pit" at the Skara fairgrounds. You must join our temporary guild to participate, and several of our STRONG characters will be on hand to "gank" anyone causing serious mischief (looting) and maybe GM support as well to help us.
5K entry fee and prizes are awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of each category depending on how much our entry fee comes to. Event will start when all entries are in!
5:20 PM Animal Fight Entries. Bring your favorite animal (NOT MONSTER --- ie mares, dragons) to this event and let the animals duke it out. When owner says "yield" or "stop" fight is over and Vets will be there to heal the animals and separate them. Bets can be taken aside by other players if you wish! Once again a 5K entry fee and prizes awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners.

1st Place - 15K
2nd Place - 10K
3rd Place - 5K
A set number of apples will be placed in bags and the first person to eat all the apples in the bag and hand the empty bag to the judge wins! Make sure you come with an empty stomach and feel free to Spew apple juice every where afterwards! :) Or just head on over to the next event, drinking ale!

1st Place - 15K
2nd Place - 10K
3rd Place - 5k

6:00 PM Chess Tournament Entries.
A 1K entry fee to participate in this single elimination chess tournament. Winner takes all! Be the #1 chess player in all of Britannia! Chessboards will be provided and sore losers shall be escorted immediately. Bring your thinking cap and enjoy a nice relaxing game of chess! This is excellent for all you Britannian chess lovers out there! Tournament will start when entries are in.

1st place (judges) - 15K
2nd place (judges)- 10K
3rd place (judges) - 5K
Best of Show (Audience) - 20K
We hope to see you all at our festival and learn about our wonderful kingdom we have and possibly be interested in joining and helping with out next event. But most of all, come to have fun and see the wonderous things we can do together on this fabulous game! Thank thee!
Posted by Thellaren at 2:03 AM
December 12, 2000
Petrus' Party Pictures
Ursula posted these birthday celebration memories on the Golden Brew message board:Petrus' Party Pictures
Last night we had a lot going on. One thing that was had a lot of fun doing was Petrus' birthday party. We all dressed in robes similar to her, hid and when she arrived we cast blessings on her and wished her a happy birthday.
Petrus arrives at the party
Petrus greeting the guests
Posted by Keith at 6:17 PM
December 10, 2000
Winter Solstice Celebration in Heaven's Forge (Trammel)
A Letter from the Mayor of Heaven's Forge:In the past people feared the coming of the winter's solstice for it meant the end of the world. They would huddle together on the darkest night of the year and pray to their gods that the dawn would come. It always did. Finally we have learned there is no fear of the long, dark night. Instead let us gather in celebration of the coming of winter.
The town of Heaven's Forge invites you to join them in their first annual Winter's Solstice Festival. It will be held on Friday, December 15th, beginning at 7:00pm pacific time at the Darkmor Tavern. The events will benefit the Heaven's Forge Outreach Fund, a newly established fund to aid those new to the lands and needy citizens of Heaven's Forge. The fund also will assist in the sponsorship of future festivals and events in Heaven's Forge. We'll have poetry, song, dancing, drinking, eating and merry making aplenty. We'll also be holding several events for your enjoyment and participation. The events and their respective contacts if you are interested are as follows:
Miss Snow Bunny pageant. We'll be seeking the fairest of the land in their finest winter attire. Ladies only, please. If you're interested in being a contestant, please contact Michael (ICQ 36054094) or Pickster (ICQ 70309596).
Boxing matches. Are you the best bare-handed fighter in Britannia? Enter the contest and prove it. Darkmor Tavern representatives will be accepting wagering on the events starting one half-hour prior to the matches. No bets will be accepted following the beginning of the first match. Contact Sleath for details and to enter (ICQ 897034).
Ladies' mud wrestling. A twist on the boxing contest involving women and mud. Darkmor Tavern representatives will be accepting wagering on the events starting one half-hour prior to the matches. No bets will be accepted following the beginning of the first match. Contact Mirabel (ICQ 11015595) for details and to
Chicken fights. Our guild tamer, Pamela Anderson, will bring dozens of chickens from around the land and pit them against each other for your viewing and betting pleasure (No outside chickens, please). Sleath, the proprietor of Darkmor, will have betting tables arranged.
Do you have a poem to read? Can you sing a song? Can you or a group of friends play for the enjoyment of the crowd? If the answer to any of these is "yes," then we'd like to have you at this event as a patron and as part of the entertainment.
For more details, directions or contact information, please visit the Heaven's Forge website or contact me, Darius (ICQ 988442).
We look forward to seeing you.
Darius, Mayor of Heaven's Forge
Posted by Thellaren at 6:00 PM
Mad Miners Repulsed by Graveyard Thugs (Felucca)
Infuriated miners bore down on the Britain Cemetary last night, ignoring the faction melees taking place in the city around them. Dressed in blood red colors, wielding torches, and bearing pickaxes, the mob swarmed into the area around the Britain graveyard, with one purpose. They sought to eradicate those they knew would be preying on innocents in the area. For a few hours they valiently hurled themselves at the heavily armored bandits in the area, but it did little good. The miners were too resource poor and inexperienced to launch much of a cohesive attack.
Eventually the mad miners recalled their attack and were unwillingly forced back to their hovels, defeated and with broken spirits. When asked what was in their future, this is what was said:
"Now we is stuck in Felucca until we die fum malv-o-nourismint o' until we strike a o'e vein an' hit it rich. As fo' future assaults, ah's not so sho'nuff. Mebbe we will try a diffrunt area next time."
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 4:12 PM
The CoM Raids Moonglow and Chases Minax Out (Felucca)
UO Journal had the following to report today regarding factions on Baja:Working in small-organized teams the CoM gated on top of the Moonglow bank. The CoM was out numbered as they took Minax on in Moonglow Saturday evening. A short exchange accrued with numerous Minaxians falling under the fury of the mages attack.
Minaxians were soon chased out of town by the CoM. True to Minax's faction size and organization they begin to return in numbers. Minaxians returned to Moonglow a few minutes later but the CoM was already in Britain hounding the Shadowlords.
Elvin Thalaar
Posted by Thellaren at 2:30 PM
Minax Controls all Town Sigils (Felucca)
I read the following faction news on UO Journal today:Minax owns Moonglow now. Friday night or early Saturday Morning Minax took Moonglow's Town sigil to their stronghold and held it. They have now captured the last town sigil.
On Monday evening or Thursday in the early morning Moonglow will become available again, as will the other town sigils that will be neutral today and tomorrow. A faction can hold a city for 3 days before the process start over again. Will any of the factions be able to stop Minax?
Elvin Thalaar
Posted by Thellaren at 2:24 PM
December 9, 2000
Council of Mages attacks Minax (Felucca)
I read this and other faction related spots at the UO Journal:Around 9:45 shard time, the CoM conducted an attack in force on Minax's Stronghold. Over 50-faction members took part in this assault. Minax fell back as the onslaught of mages approached the stronghold's entrance. Fighting to the front gate of the fort the CoM held out making several attempts to break into the interior of the stronghold.
But Minax was strong and held fast. Nearly 15 minutes before the attack was finally repulsed. The CoM fell back to Moonglow fighing several holding engagements.
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 6:33 PM
December 8, 2000
PVP Tourney on Baja (Felucca)
Ok all you PVPers out there listen up! The community of Lost Isle will be having its first annual PVP tournament December 22. There will be no entry fee and there will be a 400k purse to the winner. There will be NO magic weapons or armor, no area spells, and a horse will be optional. Potions and magic are allowed and anyone may enter. Runes, Gates, and Facet stones will be provided. It will be a ladder match with players being matched by random.
Please ICQ me and give me the characters name that you want to place in the tourney along with your ICQ. Please come have fun there will be vendors, food, and liqueur come one come all. If you don't have ICQ email me at This event will start at 8 pm pacfic. Sextant cords are 40° 41'S 40° 46'E. That is in Felucca. There will be no looting. Reds are welcome. Poisoned blades are allowed if the other person is using a poisoned blade. There must be mutual agreement on both fighters part.
Hemp of Baja
Posted by Thellaren at 12:00 AM
December 6, 2000
A Christmas Celebration
"Faithful friends who are dear to us, gather near to us, once more!"
*smiles and begins*
The Village of Shadowlight would like to invite everyone to a Christmas Celebration, on Wednesday, December 13th, at 8pm PST.
Schedule of Events:
8-9pm PST, Santa will be at the Shadowlight Village Hall, waiting to hear yer Christmas Wish list. The Gyspy Queen Athena, may be present to read yer new year fortune. Athena may be needed elsewhere, but lets hope she is with us.
9:00pm PST, At the Tavern of the Virtues, Anvil, bless him for volunteering, will be humilating himself by attempting to sing a few lines of various Christmas Carols. Those that wish to participate will be givin a scroll, in which to write down the names of the Christmas Carols Anvil is singing. The person with the most right after 15 different lines are sang from different songs, will win:
1st place: 10k or Greater Cure Keg
2nd place: Left over from 1st place
3rd place: Choice of Santa's Reindeer, with the exception of Rudolph
(if there is a tie there will be 5 more songs to determin the winners)
After the "Name that Carol Contest" is over those participating will be givin yet another scroll. These scrolls will contain different sections of Santa's list for this Christmas. It will be up to ye to be the first to return with what Santa needs or as much as they can within one hour, will get his undying gratitude, and:
1st place: 25k or Deadly Poison Keg
2nd place: Prize left over from 1st place
3rd place: Choice of Santa's Reindeer, with the exception of Rudolph
Runes are available at the Golden Brew, Ring of Steel Tower in Heaven's Forge, AoV Fairhaven Embassy, and if ye are still in need of a rune or would like one for yer establishment please contact Anvil at 29201502, as the pigeon flys.
Look forward to seeing ye there, and Happy Holidays from Shadowlight!
Ashli of Shadowlight
Shadowlight Historical Documents
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 5:03 PM
Miner's Revenge (Felucca)
This week in Feluccian Britain, disgruntled miners have been overheard yammering of a violent uprising while at the Unicorn Horns Tavern. High moonstone prices to utopian Trammel, followed by low ore yield in the local mountains have driven the miners to the poverty level, sending countless spelunkers raving mad across the countryside. Above and beyond all their grievances is the fact that the ore level is fine locally, although they can't escape their no win situation due to the ludicrously high murder rate of miners by bands of people with "nothin' better t'do" .
"We kin't fend ourselves aginst th' murderin' pigs who gank us while we mine th' local range. We kin't even feed our families, fine them who haf them ennyway. Fo' all who be hankerin' t'git back at all them non-miners who haf been hackin' us t'bits, join us witcher noobie at th' Brit Wess Bank this hyar Sat at 8pm PST. Brin' yer pickaxe an' dress in red boyo."
Posted by Thellaren at 2:31 AM
December 2, 2000
Avalon Fair/Tourney/and Miss Britania contest
Romanowski posted the following on the Avalon Public Forum, specifically here:Avalon Fair/Tourney/and Miss Britania contest
Hello everyone this is Romo Sgt. Of the gaurd for GOA. Any way I am planning on throwing a Christmas Fair, where there will be a tourney for fighting and a Miss Britania contest, which will have a formal dress, swim suit and warrior dress part in it, also a talent portion. Also a scavenger hunt will be held that day. Time date still to be determined any one who want to lend a hand contact Romo either here or Icq. Will be prizes and fun for everyone.
Posted by Keith at 3:01 PM
November 29, 2000
Auditions Announcement!
I read the following post from Kita Talith on the Golden Brew message board:Auditions Announcement!
The Golden Brew Players
announce auditions for the winter production of. . .
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
Sunday, December 3, 2000. One O'Clock, PST. Golden Globe Theatre, Golden, Baja, Trammel. You do not need to prepare any readings in advance of the auditions. Instructions in line delivery, and selected readings will be provided by the Director.
Contact Kita Talith, our Director, for more details.
We're looking forward to seeing you at the audition!
Content © 2000 Kita Talith
Golden Brew Players logo courtesy of Thorin Ironbeard
Ultima Online is a registered trademark of Origin Systems, Inc
Posted by Keith at 11:29 AM
November 24, 2000
Hear Ye Hear Ye: O.P.U.S. BLACKSMITHS Grand Tournament of Warriors
I read the following public announcement from Durrel on the UOSS news site:Hear Ye Hear Ye
Proudly sponsor a Grand Tournament of Warriors
On December 9, 2000, 5:00 PST test your Warrior skills with the best in the Land at the Jehlom Pit in Felucca
Events to include Swordsmanship, Jousting, & Archery
Grand Prize - Valorite suit of armor
Full plate for Swords & Jousting, Heavy Archer for Archery
Second Prize - Gold suit of armor
Third Prize - Shadow suit of armor
Bring your skills, equipment and courage to face the best in the land to the Jhelom First Defense Blacksmith shop in Trammel. Free gates will be provided to Fel.
Entry Fee - waived to all combatants using or wearing equipment made by an O.P.U.S. Blacksmith. All other entrants a small 500gp entry fee is all it takes to see if you are the toughest warrior in Baja. This is a one on one competition - each winner advancing to the next round. Only one heal allowed per round. No magic allowed. Events will be run simultaneously. Jousting on one side of the Pit, Archery & Swords on the other.
Thank you and hope to see you there, Durrel of OPUS.
Posted by Keith at 3:15 PM
November 21, 2000
Reminder: Dawn's Tournament for Merchants
The Kingdom of Dawn will be hosting its first Dawn's Tournament for Merchants on Sunday, November 26, 2000, starting at 6 PM PST. It will be held in the Kingdom of Dawn which is located east of Dungeon Wrong, Felucca facet. There will be gaters in Britain, in the tinkers shop (north of the West Bank) and Vesper Bank.
We have also added a bowcrafting event to the day. Here are the rules:
Bowcrafting (Non GM Division)Pre-registration for the crafting events is requested. Questions and pre-registration can be emailed to
The contestants will have 5 minutes to make as many Heavy Crossbows as possible of the highest possible quality. You will be given a backpack with a book with your name on it to put them into. You will hand the backpack to the judge who will arms lore the items to determine their quality. The winner will receive a cash prize of 10,000 gold pieces.
Bowcrafting (GM Division)
The contestants will have 5 minutes to make as many GM Marked Heavy Crossbows as possible. You will be given a backpack with a book with your name on it to put them into. You will hand the backpack to the judge who will examine the items to determine their quality. The winner will receive a cash prize of 10,000 gold pieces.
Posted by Keith at 7:31 PM
November 19, 2000
Scavenger Hunt Reminder
The following reminder from Ursula2 was posted on our own message board, here:Scavenger Hunt Reminder
This is just a reminder about the scavenger hunt. Will start at Avalon Town Hall at 2 P.M. pst. I have extra runes and fel stones if you need. I added a vanquishing bow to the 1st place prize of 30k (donation by kind friend), 2nd and 3rd still 20k and 10k, respectively. Hope to see as many of you there that can make it. If you have any questions, feel free to ICQ me 28846597.
Posted by Keith at 1:00 PM
November 17, 2000
Thanksgiving Reminder and Changed Gating Time!
My last scroll had a small error in it so I am sending a new one t' all in Britannia as a reminder o' the Village of Shadowlight and the Alliance of Virtue's Thanksgiving Feast being held this Sunday, November 19th at the Alliance of Virtue's Virtue Tavern.
Gates will be summoned from the North Britain Counselors guild and Vesper Bank at 4:45pm, west coast time. (Previous scroll sent out said 5:45pm my apologies.) There will be gates opened up through-out the dinner in these locations. Dinner will be served from 5-9pm west coast time. There are also runes available for yer own magical transport at: The Golden Brew, and The Ring of Steel Tower.
T' get a list o' the food being served please see the AoV's historical documents(simply go t' the pages labled as 'news'). There is also a reference to the Village of Shadowlight's documents where ye can get a look at the area map should ye want t' walk t' the tavern.
Good food, good friends, can't wait t' see ye all there!
Anvil, AoV
Master of Ceremony, HC
Posted by Keith at 4:13 PM
November 13, 2000
Kingom of Dawn Summoning Tournament and Recruitment Drive
The Order of the Crimson Staff within the Kingdom of Dawn invites all people interested in joining the Mage Faction of Dawn and Dawn in general to a tournament showcasing magery skills and the Kingdom. This will take place on Saturday December 2nd at 7pm pst. There will be some great prizes available and you might just find yourself a new home within our Kingdom.Most of you know that there are various things you can summon within the magic system of UO, so I have decided to bring them all together in this Tournament.
Summon Food ContestThis tournament will be held in the Kingdom of Dawn, player run town on the Felucca facet, just East of the Dungeon Wrong. Gates will be provided from Britain near the East Bank, Vesper near the Bank and Occlo near the bank all on the Felucca facet. There will also be a representive near the West bank in Britain on Trammel to bring people across.
This one is for everyone, from Grandmaster Mage to the Apprentice.
Each Mage gets to cast 3 summon food spells, the best piece of food out of all cast will be the one that counts towards the Mages score, for example...
Mage One gets a ham, a loaf, and a apple
the ham will be the mages entry.
In the event of a tie, there will be a cast off, the winner will be the mage that casts the best piece last.
There is more luck than skill in this event, as summon food is a basic level one spell.
PrizesSummon Creature
- 100 of each reagent
- 10k
- Mystery Prize
As the first one, this contest is fairly open because the skill level required is still relatively low.
Each Mage casts the spell Summon Creature. The first successful cast is the creature that the mage must use in the contest, be it a chicken or a polar bear. Mages will be paired up randomly before the casting begins, and advance or be eliminated as the contest proceeds.
Once each Mage has his creature and renamed it, they will fight to the death the winner will advance and the loser will be eliminated.
In the event of a tie, the last round will simply be replayed.
Once again there is more luck than skill in this contest as the spell is random.
PrizesSummon Elemental Contest
- 100 of each reagent
10kMystery Prize
This contest is for the advanced mage, since the spells required are all very high leveled.
Each Mage before the contest begins fills in a book, (supplied) and lists the Elementals in the order the Mage intends to cast them. Once the order is handed in to the judge, it CANNOT be changed for ANY reason. This is to prevent everyone summoning a Fire Elemental and ignoring the rest.
Each Elemental can be summoned ONCE, and you are paired up randomly to fight. An example of this is.....
Mage 1 - chooses - Fire, Water, Air, Earth.
Mage 2 - Chooses - Water, Air, Fire, Earth.
Mage 3 - Chooses - Air, Water, Earth, Fire.
Mage 4 - Chooses - Earth, Water, Fire, Air.
In the first round Mage 1 is paired up with Mage 4, Fire vs Earth, winner advances.
In the first round Mage 2 is paired up with Mage 3, Water vs Air, winner advances.
In the second round Mage 1 is paired up with Mage 2, Water vs Air, winner advances
In the second round Mage 3 is paired up with Mage 4, Water vs Water, winner advances.
And so on, until we have a ultimate winner.
PrizesSummon Daemon Contest
- 150 of each reagent
- 15k
- Mystery Prize
This contest is for the GM Mage, as you will need all your power to win this.
Each Mage is paired up before the contest in a random drawing. One Mage is choosen from the pair to cast first (doesn't matter who goes first), Mage One summons a Daemon then leaves the ring. Mage Two then has to fight the Daemon to the death. This is a race against the clock, if the Daemon wins that Mage is eliminated, if the Mage wins his time is recorded and the winner of each match advances to the 2nd round, the winner is the Mage that kills the Daemon the fastest in the last round.
In the event of a tie, the last round will be replayed.
- 200 of each reagent
- 20k
- Mystery Prize
- Judges decision is final and no discussion or protests will be listened too.
- Prizes are not negioatable or transferable for cash.
- OCS reserves the right to modify the prizes as we see fit.
- In each contest each Mage has 3 chances to cast the appropirate spell, if all 3 casts fail that Mage is automatically disqualified from that contest.
- All reagents needed must be supplied by the competitor.
- All packs will be snooped before the Summon Food Contest, so do not bring any food with you. All food carried will have to be surrendered before the contest begins.
- In the Summon Daemon Contest, the spell Dispel is prohibited.
Please visit our website at -
Any questions can be sent to
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 1:41 AM
November 12, 2000
Scavenger Hunt
The following from Ursula2 was posted on Avalon Public Forum:Scavenger Hunt
Sunday, November 19th from 2 pm (pst) to 4 pm, there will be a scavenger hunt. It will start from the town hall of Avalon [Avalon is in Felucca -Ed.] at 2pm sharp. I will have books available with rules at that time. Some of the items may involve a little hunting so come prepared. Prizes are as follows:If you have any questions, ICQ me at 28846597
- 1st place 30k in gold
- 2nd place 20k in gold
- 3rd place 10k in gold
Ursula (not of the Golden Brew)
Posted by Keith at 12:38 AM
New Weekly Tournament for Baja
The following from Obao was posted on UOSS:New Weekly Tournament for Baja
Together I, Obao, and my friend Savage Vamp, are hosting a weekly tournament. The event well be held every Saterday, 2 PM Est (11 AM Pst), on Savage's large tower roof. On the Felucca facet, Located at 123 29 n 86 24 e, about a 30 second run north of Minoc stables. The tower itself is named Nifty Little Shack.Official tournament rules and regulations:There will be several vendors on top of tower selling cloth, bandies, potions, armor, weapons, and other combat related items.
Tournament will held for 1 vs. 1 or group(s). No more than 3 per group. If you wish to participate in a group, you have to have your group chosen beforehand. With groups there may not be another group willing to fight of the same size, so no guarantees.
There will be a small fee of 1k per person to fight. Around 10% of the total will go to me for the use of my tower, random supplies and decorations. The rest will go back as prizes. Depending on the number of people who show up, the prize amount will vary, but will be approximately 60% to first place winners, and 40% to second place.
Looting will be decided by the people in the fight beforehand. If you don't want any looting to occur you must request it. If any member on either team decided upon no looting, neither team can loot.
Anything goes...well, almost anything. No pets allowed except a regular horse. No mares for fighting purposes, if you only have it to ride then mares will be permitted. All forms of PvP allowed. Bards, Assassins, mages, warriors, whatever you want to use. Bandages, potions (including explosion) may be used.
All forms of poison are legal, and no magic weapons or armor may be used. GM is top of the line. Any weapon style may be used.
123 29 n 86 24 e are the coordinates. Tower's name is Nifty Little Shack. It is located around 30 seconds north of Minoc stables. No reservations required. If lag gets to heavy from too many people watching, the tournament will be broken into 2 segments and half of the participants and people watching will have to leave. I will decide who leaves, and my decision is final. If you don't not get to watch or participate in the first event, you will see the second.
Not sure how I am going to keep the fighters from not giving murder counts. I will have a guild stone and hopefully guild the participants so that no count can be given.
Posted by Keith at 12:30 AM
November 11, 2000
Thanksgiving Dinner for ALL!
The Alliance of Virtue and the Village of Shadowlight would like t' invite everyone t' Thanksgiving dinner!
We will be serving a three course meal on Sunday, November 19th at the AoV Tavern of Virtues, on the Trammel Facet. Dinner will be served between the hours of 5:00pm & 9:00pm, west coast time.
Thanksgiving is a time t' be thankful for the things we have. The AoV and Shadowlight have many a reason t' be thankful.. becuase of this, the meal will cost ye NOTHING. Tis' our way of saying thank ye t' the friends and allies we have, and t' those we hope t' have in the future. Those of ye that think ye have nothing t' be thankful for, ye will soon enough! The food will be better then ye can get at any pub in town!
Yer meal will consist of:
1st Course/Salad
Salad with Fall Squash Chutney Dressing
Various Breads
2nd Course/Main Entree
Mashed Potatoes
Choice of One Vegetable- Corn, Carrots, Cabbage.
3rd Course/Dessert
Pumpkin Pie
A pitcher o' any beverage will accompany yer meal. Additional beverages can be purchased at a minimal cost, just ask yer waiter/waitress.
Gates will be provided from North Britain Counselor Guild and Vesper Bank. Gates t'will begin at 5:45pm west coast time, and will be summoned at intervals all through-out the dinner. There are also runes at the Golden Brew and the Ring of Steel Tower. For a map t' the village and tavern, please visit the Shadowlight Historical Documents at and look at the 'area map'.
Can't wait t' see ye there!
Anvil, AoV
Mstr of Ceremony, HC
Posted by Keith at 7:38 PM
Dawn's Tournament for Merchants
The Kingdom of Dawn will be hosting its first Dawn's Tournament for Merchants on Sunday, November 26, 2000, starting at 6 PM PST. It will be held in the Kingdom of Dawn which is located east of Dungeon Wrong, Felucca facet. The events and rules are below:
The contestants will have 30 minutes to get as much logs/boards as possible from the trees in the nearby area. You will drop the logs/boards at the feet of your counter. We will try to have no more then 2 contestants per counter. No pack animals allowed. The winner will get a cash prize of 10,000 gold pieces.
The contestants will have 30 minutes to mine as much ore as possible from the nearby mountains. You will drop the ore at the feet of your counter. We will try to have no more then 2 contestants per counter. No pack animals allowed. The winner will get a cash prize of 10,000 gold pieces.
BlacksmithingPre-registration for the crafting events is requested. Questions and pre-registration can be emailed to
Non GM Division
The contestants will have 5 minutes to make as many Plate Helms as possible of the highest possible quality. You will be given a backpack with a book with your name on it to put them into. No resmelting allowed. You will hand the backpack to the judge who will arms lore the items to determine the quality. The winner will receive a cash prize of 10,000 gold pieces.
GM Division
The contestants will have 5 minutes to make as many GM Marked Plate Chests as possible. You will be given a backpack with a book with your name on it to put them into. No resmelting, strength or bless spell, or strength potions allowed. You will hand the backpack to the judge who will explain the items to determine their quality. The winner will get a cash prize of 10,000 gold pieces.
Non GM Division
The contestants will have 5 minutes to make as many Writing Desk as possible of the highest possible quality. You will be given a backpack with a book with your name on it to put them into. You will hand the backpack to the judge who will examine the items to determine their quality. The winner will receive a cash prize of 10,000 gold pieces.
GM Division
The contestants will have 5 minutes to make as many GM Marked Quarter Staff as possible. You will be given a backpack with a book with your name on it to put them into. You will hand the backpack to the judge who will explain the items to determine their quality. The winner will get a cash prize of 10,000 gold pieces.
Non GM Division
The contestants will have 5 minutes to make as many One Piece Female Armor Leather with Brown as possible of the highest possible quality. You will be given a backpack with a book with your name on it to put them into. No unraveling allowed. You will hand the backpack to the judge who will arms lore the items to determine the quality. The winner will receive a cash prize of 10,000 gold pieces.
GM Division
The contestants will have 5 minutes to make as many GM Marked Studded Leather Tunic as possible. You will be given a backpack with a book with your name on it to put them into. No unraveling allowed. You will hand the backpack to the judge who will explain the items to determine their quality. The winner will get a cash prize of 10,000 gold pieces.
Posted by Keith at 6:45 PM
November 8, 2000
Feluccian Wedding
A few days previous, two Baja citizens were married in a wedding chapel located on the southern side of the Avalon Peninsula. Gwenyth and Bible Thumper took their oaths in front of a large group of friends and guildmates while Counselor Anastasiia presented the vows.
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 12:44 AM
November 7, 2000
Baja's Toughest Man Contest (Felucca)
Location: Lord Britishes Castle in Felucca
Time: Nov 9 2000 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
Come test your strength and ability against all other combatants to see who is the ultimate fighter of baja. It will be a battle royal over who is the toughest combatant in Baja, any type character is allowed. No magic weapons. Deadly poison is legal as is magery. Make sure you register before you begin the battle. There is a fee it is only 1000 gold so anyone should be able to enter.
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at 11:51 PM