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December 3, 2005
2005: Year in Review
Its been awhile since I've updated this page, so I'll be publishing a Year in Review section over the course of this evening compiling the events which happened in Avalon this year, as well as those related monumental events which occured elsewhere:

- Maul the Bear is introduced to Avalon later in the year, taking up residence directly west of the Avalon Fighting Pen. Maul assists humans in their quest to claim their elven heritage, and has a strong affinity for fishsteaks.
- The Britannia Search & Rescue runes for Felucca treasure sites have been made public, allowing for treasure hunters to satiate their desire to dig up hidden chests all over the facet. For those unfamiliar with this building: It is owned by Nobody and is located just north of Trinsic in the swamps of Felucca.
- Avalon resident and oddly named bowyer, Miss Calculation, now offers archery equipment that has her name emblazoned on each piece. You can usually find these in a crate at the 'Best Shot in the Realm' competition or by asking her in person.
- Several Avalonians attended the TAA/tDw 'Meet & Greet' event at the end of October, which was prematurely interrupted with news of a invasion of Moonglow in Trammel by hostile forces. Shard brought his boat to bear on the forces at the Moonglow Dock while several other Avalonians fought back the forces which Judge Julius Dryden accidentely unleashed on the city while conducting his odd experiments.
- Friends of Avalon, the Golden Brew Tavern, moved their operations from the mountains near Covetous to the entrance to the bridge just south of Luna in the broken realm of Malas. The tavern is owned by Joshua Rowan of the Golden Knights.
- Avalon resident Arion oversaw the massive undertaking of building the West & East Gate Guard towers at the forefront of the Avalon peninsula. They are hard to miss as there is a Avalonian guard standing out front.
- Kirby the Stablemaster (Luther's replacement) at the Avalon Town Hall was mysteriously recruited by the wandering brigands who frequent the area. We hired Herbert the Stablemaster to replace him although he quickly made off with the gypsies who also frequent the area. Dionne the Stablemaster is our newest hiring, and we hope she will be around longer than the others.
- The Dark Tower moved to Fire Island in Felucca, although a recent expedition in December to find the tower found naught but crumbled ruins amidst the jungle.
- With several pulls of his bow, Taylor finally clenches not one... but two 'Best Shot in the Realm' archery competitions at the Skara Brae fairgrounds! After these epic accomplishments in April and June, Taylor will try his hand at the BSR 'Tournament of Champions' held on December 18th at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds in Trammel. Congratulations Taylor!!!
- New advancements in wood collecting allow for the discovery of the precious wood 'Frostwood' in Avalon. A sawmill is quickly built in order to process this hard to cut material.
- On a sad note, Klatuu's two-story wood and plaster dwelling was swept away by the unforgiving sea, earlier last month in November. Klatuu had one of the first homes on the peninsula and had been living in the area for about eight years.
- After a year of giving birth to several healthy purple llamas, Arion submits a poem entitled 'Ode to a Purple Llama' to playerpoems.com in November under his penname 'Felix the Green'. The poem is a uber-hit and is published in-game (now located at the Avalon Guard Tower).
- The Gentlemen of Fortune, a guild of pirates lead by Chango Pelon, establish their headquarters just east of Avalon, past the Ice Dungeon. From here, they adeptly pillaged everything on the Sosarian seas but mysteriously faded away over the months.
- Longtime friends of Avalon, the Lumarians build a boat house at the TAA/tDw Marble Island Naval Base in Trammel, giving those remaining friends a place to go and reflect on Lumarian culture, or use one of the public ferryboats scattered across Trammel.
- A tavern and cross-purpose guard station has been built just south of the Rune Library along the coast in Avalon. Disdain just moved into the area and is currently fixing up the new structure.
- Several members of the horn-tooting, shard-touring 'Empire of the Fallen Lords' (EFL) came across from the shard of Pacific in order to help guard one of their treasure troves located just south of Avalon. A large battleground formed over the course of a few days, and we were there to help secure some of the Pacific funded treasure to line the wall of our own Baja vaults.
There you have it folks, the year in Review. If you have any additional information to add, please let me know over on the Avalon Forum and I'll put it in.
Posted by Hazard [EiC] at December 3, 2005 4:59 PM