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June 5, 2001

UODisney Sign Up Extension

AngelStorm over at UOC Chesapeake posted the following note:
UODisney Sign Up Extension

I am pleased to announce that Walt Disney World has given us an extension for signing up more attendees for our event! Anyone who is interested in attending and missed the original deadline can still register and attend as long as payment is received by June 15th. Please visit our site to join us!

As many of you know, we had initially announced that Runesabre would be attending as the OSI representative. However, with his recent departure from OSI we have had a change and are pleased to announce that UO's new lead designer, Evocare, will be filling that vacancy.

To those of you already attending, please don't forget to order your shirts soon, as it has been my experience that it takes 10-14 days for delivery.

We can't wait to meet everyone!

Posted by Keith at June 5, 2001 4:44 PM

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