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June 4, 2001
TOL and MT's Tournament - This Saturday!
The following announcement was posted by the Baja Mage Tower:TOL and MT's Tournament - This Saturday!
The Order of Leonine and The Mage Tower will be holding a PvP Tourney on June 9, 2001 from 6:00 PM Pst to 8:00 PM PST.
The Mage Tower is located in Felucca near Moonglow.
Here is a map to the Feluccia Mage Tower

The following rules apply to the tournament
Sign up is one hour before start time (5pm PST
No Looting
No Stealing
No Area Spells or Explotion Potions
No one enters the arena if they are not called upon
No fighting outside the arena
No pets (exept non-agressive mounts)
All are welcome to attend! Hope to see you there!
Nitram - The Order of Leonine
Nekkar - The Mage Tower
Posted by Keith at June 4, 2001 6:46 PM