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June 10, 2001

Final Updates to the Avalon Message Boards and Web Site

Recently, Baja’s player-city of Avalon, in the wake of SitePowerUp's closing, began exploring the option of hosting it's own message forums. Although a certain amount of success was achieved, difficulties with the site’s hosing server(s) forced the Avalon Web site and forums down for nearly a week.

Avalon’s new Open Forum is now part of the new Ultima Online message forums at UO Stratics. These “guild forums” there are collected together, so one registration conveniently applies to all of these guild forums. Avalon’ new Open Forum resides, of course, in the Baja grouping, and can specifically found here.

Wonderously, Avalon’s web site is enjoying a week-long time warp, and is comepletely reverted to its fully functional self based on Saturday, June 2nd. Avalon’s Emergency Forums will remain in place as a supplement to the forum(s) at UO Stratics.

Thank you everyone for your patience in these matters.

Posted by Keith at June 10, 2001 12:00 PM

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