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March 24, 2001

UOHoC posts log of 22nd UO Celebrity chat with Tugsoft

The Ultima Online House of Commons (UOHoC) has announced that the complete log of the Twenty-second UO Celebrity chat with Tug of Tugsoft has been posted, and is available here. The chat centers around UOAssist's features and suggestions for improving this "third-party" tool.

Some information on UOAssist: Tug/Tugsoft is the creator of the extremely useful multi-purpose UOAssist tool, one of the few applications for use with Ultima Online that enjoys UOPro status and the approval of OSI. UOAssist can be found at www.tugsoft.com. You can download & use it for a short time for evaluation purposes, and have the option of paying a registration fee of $14.95 U.S. (plus 6.25% sales tax for Utah residents) to remove the time limit. UOAssist is updated frequently,which is an important feature considering the frequent changes made to UO, itself.

Posted by Keith at March 24, 2001 8:49 AM

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