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March 5, 2001

The Last Man Standing Event

I read the following article at UOSS:

The Last Man Standing Event

The Last Man Standing Event was watched tonight by crowds from all over Brittania. The Abomination and it's guardian made another appearance along with ice fiends, ice wyrms, snow elementals, poison elementals, lich lords, chickens, mongbats and other fearsome beasts!

Of the many valiant combatants in the event the sole survivor was gandelf who won a silk sash embellished with the words "to gandelf, the last man standing" 10,000 gold, a bag of regeants, a treasure map and a fireworks wand. The two runners up were Lord Dragon Spirit, second place, and Lord Washburn third place.
The Last Man Standing contest is a Seer-sponsored player-versus-monster (PvM) tournament. It takes place in the Skara Brae Fairegrounds in Trammel — located on the mainland several screen northeast from the Skara Brae docks, in what will appear on your radar-screen map as farmlands.

Posted by Keith at March 5, 2001 6:29 PM

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