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March 9, 2001

Golden's Great Date Auction


Proceeds to benefit the fund for renovating the Golden Globe Theatre

Date: Friday, March 16, 2001
Time: 7:30 pm PST
Location: The Golden Globe Theatre, Town of Golden, Trammel Facet, Baja Shard
Why: The Golden Globe Theatre is planning to renovate in the near future, adding a stage and other features that will make it even better as a location for our theatrical productions and events. Your support and donations will help us to achieve our goals, and everyone will benefit!
How: Easy! Come to the Golden Globe Theatre and bid on one of many "Dates". The persons who have volunteered to be auctioned are all your friends and many are well-known figures within their communities and other communities, and many have been in the world of Baja for a long time! Watch this spot for the final listing of who will be auctioned!

Once you have chosen the person you'd like to bid on, simply place your bids that night! If yours is the highest bid (donation), you are the lucky winner of that person's company for the evening at the party to follow the auction, or at a future date on a day and time the two of you agree upon.

That's all there is to it! Hope we see you there! Your support will help us to make the Golden Globe an even more enjoyable resource for everyone.

Posted by Ursula at March 9, 2001 9:30 AM

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