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March 24, 2001

Golden Town Guard Formed

Washburn has been posting this message in various places, such as on the Heaven's Forge message board, here:

Hear ye, hear ye...

Hail all citizens of Heaven's Forge!

Some of ye may know me and others may not. For those who don't, allow me to introduce myself. I am Washburn, born of Trinsic, Knight of Justice, retired soldier of Lord British's army, and citizen of the Town of Golden.

For over a year now, it has been that those who wished to dwell in Trammel have lived in peace and tranquility. Yet recently, it has come to the attention of the Town of Golden that several of our neighbors and allies have become plagued with a nemesis that could only have followed us from Minax's wasted land of Felucca: The orcs and the drow.

Let it now be known that the Golden township has recognized this threat and we have organized a town guard as an effort to stave off this... our... new enemy. Also, let it be known that the Golden Town Guard will not be limiting its services to Golden alone. Our allies in Trammel and our friends in Felucca may call upon us in times of need. Together shall we all forge a unity of light that no wave of darkness shall ever extinguish.

To contact the guard, you may send a pigeon to Ursula or to myself at pigeon hole #1921072 or leave a message for either of us at the Golden Brew Message Board.

Thank you one and all. May the light of our virtue brighten our future.
Washburn, Captain of the Golden Town Guard.

Golden Brew Message Board

Posted by Keith at March 24, 2001 5:18 PM

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