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January 24, 2001
Warning: Origin Systems Security Scam Alert!
The following warning was posted to UOSS:Origin Systems Security Scam Alert!
Yet another scam is getting passed around. The following letter is being sent out by someone claiming to work at OSI using an @uomail.com e-mail:Greetings,As a reminder, DO NOT EVER GIVE OUT YOUR ACCOUNT NAME AND PASSWORD TO SOMEONE VIA E-MAIL!!! Official OSI representatives will never ever ask you to do this. EVER! Also note that if it is from someone at OSI contacting you, they will have an @uo.com e-mail extension.
At this time your account with Orgin Systems is in suspicion of being hacked by one or more unknown persons. Although we regret the delay of one's gaming experience, we feel that a password change of your account is in the best interest of the game service as a whole and the parties involved. The hacking suspicion aroused by the following conditions:
Multiple users at different IPs
Multiple logins at one time
Service accessed by separate individuals at multiple times Under Section 3: Subsection C is states:
(c) Multiple access. Members whose Accounts have been accessed by multiple persons at one time must follow security instructions given by Orgin Administration to ensure the safety of the account involved. Orgin Systems may not access the Service in any manner or for any reason without the express written permission of Account Administration. Active Members may not knowingly allow former Members whose Accounts have been terminated to use the active Members' Accounts or User IDs.
To remedy this we here at Orgin Account Security request an immediate email response with a password change and proof of account ownership. Please reply to this mail with your current account name, registration number, names of all owned accounts, current password and new password that we will change to. Do not contact the Official website as the supposed hacking may be of an HTML nature. Please respond to this email within 32 hours or we must suspend the account due to security protection. Your account is now being currently monitored so we ask that you not log on until we give you written permission so as to record the doings of the hacker or hackers.
If you feel this matter has been handled inappropriately, you have the Right to reply to this email. However, our Account/Billing, Tech Support, and In-game Support departments have no interaction in this process, and do not have access to your account record in this matter. Calling these support personnel will have no impact on the future of your account in any way, and will only hinder the support process for other customers in need of assistance.We are sorry that this action has been deemed necessary, but feel that it Is appropriate in this instance. We feel that all appropriate investigations have been made regarding this matter, and this decision is not subject to appeal at this point. Account Administration and Security considers this letter sufficient notification of your account warning, and considers any relationship with you suspended at this point.
Orgin Administration Account Security
Posted by Keith at January 24, 2001 5:44 PM