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January 29, 2001
Trinity's Tavern Grand Opening (Trammel)
The following announcement was made earlier today on the UO Stratics Baja Forum:The event will take place on Saturday Feb 3 at 1 PM Pacific Standard Time. The Tavern is located just North of the Britain Pass on the Tram facet. (I've provided a map) at the coordinates 28o 18'S 34o 14'W.
I will be providing free ale and fish steaks to all who show and we might have some doorprizes and/or contests of some sort. I'm guessing I'll be giving out around 60k in cash prizes.So everyone come on out and eat and tell stories and maybe win some gold. The menu is below, and I should have some vendors stocked with other things you might need (recall scrolls, GM armor and weps, etc.). Also I'm gonna try and have "Happy Hour" on a weekly basis...free fish steaks and all liquor half price. I'll have a bard available to tell stories and gives everyone a chance to just relax and chat with some others. I'll post the times when I'll have Happy Hour!
If you plan on coming please reply to this message so I know how much stuff I need for the event, my guild should be in attendence as well. Also invite all your friends and guild members as well!
Thanks guys!
Posted by Thellaren at January 29, 2001 9:33 PM