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January 27, 2001

Treasure Hunting Clinic on Feb. 4th

Magellen sent the following announcement to UOSS regarding an upcoming Treasure Hunting Clinic sponsored by the Treasure Hunters of Britannia:
Treasure Hunting Clinic on Feb. 4th

Are you interested in making a treasure hunter, or are you already an established 'hunter looking for a few tips from the pros? On Sunday, February 4th, the Treasure Hunters of Britannia will be holding a treasure hunting clinic. It will be held on Baja, in the Lycaeum at Moonglow (in Trammel), at 1:00pm Central time. Treasure hunters from all shards are invited. Simply create a character on Baja in Moonglow and follow the directions in the picture to reach the Lycaeum. The speakers and topics will be:
  • How to raise cartography - Xavier(Win), who attained Grandmastery in the skill in the post-UO:R world
  • How to raise lockpicking - Cypress, the THB Shardmaster of Baja, who has achieved Grandmaster in this skill post-UO:R as well
  • How to raise detect hidden and remove trap - Reklos, of the THB-Great Lakes, who is our resident expert on both
  • How to reach and open the lucrative Khaldun puzzle chests - Ahab Alamin, also of the THB-Great Lakes
  • Hiring out as a treasure hunter, and building a client base -Blackheath, the co-founder of the THB and Shardmaster of Great Lakes
After each speech, you will have the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker.

Finally, all in attendance will be able to participate in an open forum...the topic: what could be done to improve treasure hunting? I will compile everything we come up with and send it to OSI.

After the treasure hunting clinic, everyone is invited to a party at the Yew Winery, gates to be provided from the Lycaeum.

I hope to see you all there!

Guildmaster, Treasure Hunters of Britannia

Posted by Keith at January 27, 2001 11:20 PM

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