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January 6, 2001

Avalon Public Library - Management Changes

Be it known that our dear Sire BlindHawk is the new caretaker of, and Librarian at, the Avalon Public Library. I'm very happy to leave the library in such good hands, and I rest asured he will take the library to unforseen hights of repute and glory!

As far as I know, it is the oldest standing player run library in the world, counting all shards. Many a library have I seen founded and dacayed, and one can wonder why the APL has lasted so long. Well, you can wonder, because I know why. Setting up a library and collecting the 28+ ingame book titles isn't all that difficult, and then what? Had it not been for the keen interest of you, my dear avalonians, and for your treasured contributions of fiction and memories, diaries and fantasies, the APL would prolly not be today. Among a number of player written titels, the library today hosts the two longest epic tales on the shard; Jack the Fool's story 'The Day Began With a Dream', and BlindHawk's 'Phoenix Rising - The return of a Son'. Both of star quality!

I never seem to remember the name of the founder of the libary, back in the misty times of creation, but I think a man called Elminster was involved. Always when I ask about this, Hazard knows the answer :-)

Honestly if feels a bit strange not being librarian any longer. I'v held the position for the city since early fall of '98, and it has come to define me in so many ways. I feel that being a very good reason in it self to step down, and try redefine myself, don't you? So what am I to do now? Well, after my housewarming, I will dig out my wandering staff, and take to the roads for a while, to see what has happened to the lands while I'v been busy in Avalon. I have not yet discovered the Trammel aspect of life, so maybe I go visit Lorcan Riain over there. meanwhile, leonardo and Ultan will still be busy in and about Avalon, and Celest will keep an eye out for evildoers from the GoA hut. Maybe even Antonio will manage to chop some lumer, who knows?

It has been an honour and a privilege to serve our fair city!


Jerk, Former Librarian at the Avalon Public Library, CoA

Posted by Jerk at January 6, 2001 12:00 PM

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