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December 7, 2000

Tale Spinners Publik Ale Haus Grand Opening

Greetings to All,

Tale Spinners Publick Ale Haus Grand Opening!!! **See story bottom for more details**

Well folks I am pleased to Announce that as of Today December 7th 2000, Just 2 years after it's Original Opening, The Tale Spinners Publik Ale Haus of Avalon" is Back in Business.

The History of Tale Sipnners is rather shrouded in mystery, Much like is Avalon Herself, but a bit of it I can relate here.

Original Tale~Spinners Publick Ale House: Opened December 7th 1998
Owned by: Odin the Grey CoA
Original Purpose: A Place to come and Relax awhile, Spin a Tale and have a Cookie
Original Tales: 32
Second Tale~Spinners Publick Ale House: Opened July 17th 2000
Owned by: Blind Hawk Son of Avalon CoA
Original Purpose: To recapture the Mystery and Majesty of Avalon and Her People in the Tales and Writings of Her Citizens
Board Closed Due to Some Malfunction October 22nd 2000
Tale Spinners Publick Ale Haus of Avalon: Opened December 7th 2000
Owned by: Blind Hawk Son of Avalon CoA
Original Purpose: To Recapture the Tales of the Land, of Avalon and Her People, Friends and Others. To Create a Warm and Relaxing Atmosphere where People can come and Spin a Tale, relate an adventure, Sing a Song, Tell a Peom, or just have a chat and Some Milk and Cookies.
Literary Location: Tale Spinners Publik Ale Haus of Avalon Physical Location: (Temporarily on Trammel) Hodur has Donated the Bottom Floor of his Cabin Southwest of Yew for the Purpose of Housing the Archives and so people can come and Share their Tales.
Grand opening Trammel: Saturday December 9th, 2000 7:00 P.M. Check back later as a Map will be Provided, Also there will be Door Prizes, Refreshments and Tales will be Told.

Posted by Blind Hawk at December 7, 2000 12:00 PM

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