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November 8, 2000

Opening of Baja Community Training Centre (Trammel)

Location: Baja CTC at 71o 58S 35o 43E Trammel
Date/Time: Nov 15 2000 -- 12am PDT-4:00pm PDT

The Baja Community Training Center will offer 9 'Majors' and about 60-65 total classes, all taught by instructors who are masters of their trade, art, or skill from various guilds within the Baja community. We will also be offering an IDP (Individual Development Plan) program for Newbies and Veterans alike for specific skill training. Come by and view the facility, meet with the instructors, ask questions, and pre-register for classes starting in January!

The Centre is located on the outskirts of the Swamp north of Trinsic. ICQ 19095172 if you need specific directions.

Jiro Settsuoshima

Posted by Thellaren at November 8, 2000 12:32 AM

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