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November 29, 2000
Auditions Announcement!
I read the following post from Kita Talith on the
Golden Brew message board:
Auditions Announcement!

The Golden Brew Players announce auditions for the winter production of. . . The Grinch Who Stole Christmas | Sunday, December 3, 2000. |  | One O'Clock, PST. |  | Golden Globe Theatre, Golden, Baja, Trammel. |  | You do not need to prepare any readings in advance of the auditions. |  | Instructions in line delivery, and selected readings will be provided by the Director. |
Contact Kita Talith, our Director, for more details. We're looking forward to seeing you at the audition!
Content © 2000 Kita Talith Golden Brew Players logo courtesy of Thorin Ironbeard Ultima Online is a registered trademark of Origin Systems, Inc |
Posted by Keith at November 29, 2000 11:29 AM