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June 18, 2000

Avalon Web Site’s News Options Updated

If you'll look to the navigation area on the left, you'll see the "News" section has become "Local News", the "Local Archives" is now an active link, and that "Freeborn Press" has been included.

The "Local News" section involves Avalon-only information (which, from me, is often information on the Avalon Web site updates), and incorporates NewsPro. NewsPro is a cgi script that, if all goes well, will allow the Ministers and similar event managers involved in Avalon the ability to post their own news articles.

The "Local Archive" includes all the news in this iteration of the Avalon Web site up to just prior to the usage of NewsPro.

The "Freeborn Press" link will bring that Baja news site into the main frame, that those readers interested in Avalon may also gain convenient insight into other news of the Baja Shard.

Posted by Keith at June 18, 2000 12:00 PM

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